Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2112 Ancient Greek War Dolphin

Compared with the two previously explored sea ridges, the third sea ridge is larger in scale, more majestic, and closer to the sea surface. The highest point is only more than 150 meters away from the sea surface.

But at its lowest point, it is more than 3,000 meters deep, and the sea ridges have a huge drop. You can see sharp cliffs everywhere, and there are many bottomless cracks and sea caves, which can be described as dangerous.

Fortunately, the terrain at the top of this huge sea ridge running from northeast to southwest is relatively flat.

If you stand on the top of this ridge and look around, as far as the light can shine, it looks more like a hilly area on the seabed.

Of course, the premise is that the observer should not be on the edge of the cliff, otherwise what he will see will be an abyss and endless darkness.

Ye Tian and the others drove two small Aurora submarines and had been exploring the top of this ridge for nearly 20 minutes, but they haven't found anything surprising yet.

However, they didn't get nothing.

The scenery of this seabed is also very charming. The beautiful colorful corals, various seaweeds, and all kinds of strange marine life make each of them a feast for the eyes.

What's more, there is a group of top killers in the ocean, a group of killer whales, who are accompanying them to explore the treasure of the sunken ship. This cowhide is enough for everyone to brag about for a lifetime.

"Steven, this coral reef is obviously not the ancient Roman shipwreck we were looking for. There are ordinary rocks behind the coral"

Waiters turned his head and said to Ye Tian, ​​and stopped what he was doing.

Outside the seven-seat Aurora mini-submarine, the two protruding robotic arms have stopped working, and their front ends are still resting on a colorful coral reef.

It is a pity that part of the beautiful coral reef that has been growing for hundreds of thousands of years has been cut open, exposing the rock under the coral cover, which is just a very ordinary rock.

Ye Tian, ​​who was in the fully transparent glass cockpit, looked up at the sliced ​​coral reef outside, and then said with a smile:

"Since it's not the ancient Roman shipwreck we're looking for, let's continue to explore. As long as the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck is on this ridge, we will definitely be able to find it."

"Understood, Steven"

With that said, Waiters was about to retract the two robotic arms.

At this moment, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the underwater wireless communication device, sounding very excited.

"Steven, we scanned a metal object covered with beautiful corals, judging from the size and color of those corals, this metal object has sunk to the bottom of the sea for at least a thousand years.

Judging from the 3D scanning image, this metal object is not large in size, but its shape is very special. It looks like a huge teardrop-shaped pendant. There seems to be a hanging ring on the top, but it is rusted to death.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian and the others immediately turned their heads to look to the right.

The other five-seat Aurora mini-submarine was just 30 meters away to the right of the seven-seat Aurora submarine, just within sight, like a huge pearl radiating bright light, very eye-catching.

And the guys in that submarine were waving their hands non-stop, all of them excited, and cheers kept coming from the underwater wireless communication equipment.

In previous exploration operations, we also found some metal objects and shipwrecks sunken on the seabed.

After analyzing one by one, those metal objects and shipwrecks have sunk to the bottom of the sea in the past few hundred years, and they are not of much value, and it is not worth the effort to salvage them.

Isn't it exciting to discover a metal object that has been sunk in the sea for more than a thousand years? This is the first time since the beginning of the exploration operation.

"Matisse, send me the 3D scan image of that metal object, let me see what it is, maybe it will be a huge surprise"

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, but a look of ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

"Understood, Steven, I will send you the 3D scan image right away"

Mattis responded, and immediately acted.

In the blink of an eye, the 3D scanned image was transmitted and displayed on an LCD screen in front of Ye Tian.

As Matisse said just now, it is a huge teardrop-shaped pendant with a diameter of sixty to seventy centimeters at the bottom and a hanging ring at the top.

Of course, this cannot be a pendant, and no one can hang such a huge and heavy pendant around his neck, unless it is the ancient Greek gods.

The moment he saw this pendant, Ye Tian was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a look of ecstasy flashed across his face, and an incomparably bright smile burst out.

"Wow! War dolphin! This is an ancient Greek war dolphin, where is the pendant!"

Ye Tian said loudly excitedly, and waved his fist vigorously, which was quite exaggerated.

There is no doubt that this is a series of very good performances, definitely worthy of an Oscar statuette.

"What? Did I hear you right? Ancient Greek war dolphins!"

Accompanied by exclamations, the experts and scholars who followed the exploration fleet jumped up from their seats one after another, as if getting an electric shock.

Many professionals on the live broadcast end also behaved like them, and all exclaimed.

But more people are at a loss at this time, and do not understand what the so-called ancient Greek war dolphins are.

"Steven, what do you mean by the ancient Greek war dolphin? Tell everyone about it."

Chandler interjected that the dude was just as clueless.

Naturally, Ye Tian would not refuse this request.

"The so-called ancient Greek war dolphin is a teardrop-shaped sledgehammer, a defensive weapon used by the ancient Greeks to attack enemy ships during naval battles. There are metal sledgehammers and stone sledgehammers.

The ancient Greeks hung war dolphins on their warships. During naval battles, once an enemy ship approached, they urged the war dolphins to attack the hull of the enemy ship. The attack power of this thing is still very amazing.”

In a few words, Ye Tian explained clearly what the ancient Greek war dolphins were. .

Before everyone could react, he continued to say:

"The metal object that Matisse and the others found is an ancient Greek war dolphin. There is no doubt that this thing must have come from an ancient Greek warship, and it has been sleeping on this sea ridge for at least one or two thousand years.

If I'm not mistaken, it's likely to come from those ancient Roman shipwrecks we're looking for, maybe it's a group of ancient Greek shipwrecks, and the guy who found this ancient shipwreck treasure was wrong!

It is also possible that during a certain period of Hellenism, the ancient Greeks and the armies of the Roman Empire fought a fierce battle in this sea area, which is just between Italy and Greece. This possibility is very high.

But regardless of whether those ancient shipwrecks come from ancient Greece or ancient Rome, I can basically be sure that the treasures of ancient shipwrecks we are looking for are close at hand, and maybe those treasures are right in front of our eyes.

We searched three sea ridges, and took great risks to dive into the seabed again and again. Fortunately, our efforts were not in vain, and finally found this shipwreck treasure. Guys, we can celebrate in advance! "

Before the words were finished, the two small Aurora submarines deep in the seabed, as well as the ships of the exploration fleet on the sea surface, suddenly boiled.

"Great! Finally found this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure, maybe it should be an ancient Greek shipwreck treasure"

"I don't know what treasures are in this shipwreck treasure? Are they sculptures from ancient Greece or the Hellenistic period, or a large number of dazzling gold and silver treasures, or other antique works of art?"

While everyone was cheering, the 3D scanned image of the ancient Greek war dolphin appeared on the live broadcast screen and appeared in front of countless people.

The experts and scholars who followed the exploration fleet came to accurate appraisal conclusions in a blink of an eye.

"That's right, this is the ancient Greek war dolphin. It is exactly the same size as the war dolphin in the National Archaeological Museum of Greece! Steven's identification is very accurate."

"Wow! I have to say, this guy Steven is extremely lucky. He actually found this ancient shipwreck treasure. God has favored this lucky guy again!"

After discussing a few words excitedly, someone eagerly picked up the walkie-talkie, ready to contact Ye Tian in the depths of the ocean.

At this time, Ye Tian had arrived next to the ancient Greek war dolphin in seven small Aurora submarines, and was admiring this small coral reef through the fully transparent glass cockpit.

Suddenly, Jason's voice came from the radio communication device.

"Steven, Maria, the curator of the National Archaeological Museum of Greece, representatives of the Greek Ministry of Culture, and several other experts and scholars have made requests, hoping to participate in the next exploration.

At the same time, Maria and the others made a request, hoping that you can protect this underwater archaeological site and not destroy it easily. If possible, it is best to jointly explore with the Greek government.”

Hearing this, a sneer of disdain flashed across Ye Tian's eyes immediately.

"Jason, tell Maria and the others that only one ancient Greek war dolphin has been discovered, and no more have been discovered, so it's not time for them to participate in the exploration.

After we have searched this area, determined the exact location of the shipwreck treasure, and what is in the treasure, after completing the initial survey, we will find an opportunity to take them into the sea to have a look.

As for cooperating with the Greek government, it is impossible at all. We took huge risks and spent a lot of time to find the treasure. The Greeks want to pick peaches at this time. Are you dreaming? "

When he said these words, Ye Tian was not polite at all, and he didn't mean to hide anything. He said it in front of the camera lens of the live broadcast, and everyone in the world could hear it very clearly.

Before the words fell, the expressions of those Greek experts, scholars and senior government officials on the sea changed instantly, and they all became extremely ugly.

And in Greece, angry curses one after another suddenly sounded, almost resounding throughout Greece!

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