Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2114 Three Giants of Ancient Greek Philosophy

After roughly introducing the statue of "Hercules Killing the Nemean Lion", Ye Tian said confidently:

"Witers, you manipulate the submarine's own robotic arm to cut open the coral attached to the statue to see if my judgment is correct. The location is at the lion's head.

Care must be taken during the cleaning process, this is likely to be a famous sculpture from the Hellenistic period, or ancient Greece, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is priceless.

Most of the surviving ancient Greek and Hellenistic sculptures are in dilapidated condition, and most of them are Roman replicas, which shows the preciousness of this statue.”

"Understood, Steven, don't worry, leave it to me, I will be extremely careful, and will never cause any damage to this precious statue"

Waiters nodded in response, his tone was very firm and quite excited.

This was a major discovery that shocked the world and a historic moment. Could he not be excited to participate in it personally?

Next, the two robotic arms slowly protruded out, and the small Aurora submarine also moved forward a little, approaching the beautiful coral reef.

Where it finally came to rest was directly above the head of the Nemean lion.

Waiting for the submarine to stop in the sea, Waiters immediately manipulated the two robotic arms and started cutting.

On the other side, Matisse and the others also made new discoveries.

"Steven, we found two metal heads side by side. Based on the analysis of this situation, they should have been packed in the same wooden box, sank into the sea together, and landed on this sea ridge.

The two heads are not big, and the profile of one of them looks familiar. I seem to have seen it somewhere, but I can’t remember it for a while. If you see their 3D scanning images, you may be able to recognize them.”

Matisse's voice came over the intercom, announcing the latest discovery.

Hearing this, Ye Tian chuckled suddenly, and the eyes of the rest of the people were also brightened, everyone's eyes were full of anticipation.

"Good job, Matisse, you send over the 3D scan images of those two metal heads, I'll see what the statues are, but I'm not sure I can recognize them"


Steven, I'm sending the scan right now"

While talking, the three-dimensional scans of the two metal head portraits were sent over, from all angles, and they looked not much bigger than ordinary people's heads.

Ye Tian quickly glanced at the outlines of the two heads, was stunned for a moment, and then pretended to be excited and said:

"You may have found two priceless treasures, Matisse, I know which one you are familiar with. If you guessed correctly, it should be the one with the bigger head and the back hairline, right?"

"That's right, Steven, the outline of that head looks familiar to me, but I just can't remember where I saw it. Whose head is that, and which master sculptor made it?"

"Hahaha, it's normal for you to look familiar with the outline of that head. There are countless people like you, because you have seen a Roman copy of that head in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.

This is the head portrait of Socrates, one of the three giants of ancient Greek philosophy. This philosopher has a huge head, hairline in the middle of the head, and a thick beard like a lion. His outline is very recognizable.

I can’t tell who the other head is carved, but it must be extraordinary if it can be placed with the statue of the philosopher Socrates, maybe it’s Aristotle or Plato.”

"That's right, it's the head of Socrates! Come to think of it, when I was visiting the Louvre, I saw the head of Socrates in the Ancient Greek Pavilion. No wonder the profile looks familiar!"

Unsurprisingly, the conversation between Ye Tian and Mathis once again caused quite a stir in the outside world.

"What? That is actually the head of Socrates, the giant of ancient Greek philosophy, and the other one may be the head of Aristotle or Plato, am I right? How is this possible?"

"My God! What kind of shipwreck treasure is this? Could it be that the famous ancient Greek sculptures that have long been famous but disappeared mysteriously are all sleeping on this seabed?"

While people were exclaiming, the experts and scholars who followed the exploration fleet all stood up as if electrocuted, their eyes fixed on the live broadcast, and they couldn't even blink their eyelids.

It can be seen that each of them is extremely excited, and many of them have bloodshot eyes and shortness of breath, like a speeding train.

In Greece, in Italy, in France and the United States, and almost every country in the Western world, many people behaved like them, and their eyes were so red that they were about to bleed!

Ye Tian, ​​who was at the bottom of the Mediterranean sea, still continued his performance and continued to create even greater sensational effects.

"The head sculptures of the three giants of ancient Greek philosophy in the Louvre Museum are all Roman replicas, and the objects they replicate are the works of one of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era, the master Leucippus.

It is a pity that the sculptures of the three giants of ancient Greek philosophy by Leucipos have long since disappeared, and most of them that have been handed down to the world are Roman replicas, and they are all based on the works of the master Leucipos.

Not only that, almost all the head sculptures of the three giants of ancient Greek philosophy in later generations, or the images of the three giants of ancient Greek philosophy, are more or less related to the sculptures of Master Leucipos.

The heads of the three giants of ancient Greek philosophy created by Leucippus are all bronze sculptures, while the later Roman replicas are carved from marble, while the two heads in front of us are made of metal.

Then I boldly speculate whether this bronze head sculpture of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates and the unknown bronze head next to it are the works of the master Leuciposus?

If this guess is correct, there is no doubt that this is a great discovery that shocked the world, and the value of these two bronze statues may not be lower than the "Venus de Milo" in the Louvre.

You must know that the sculptures of the three major sculptors in the Hellenistic era are very few that have been handed down to the present, and only a few of them are dilapidated, missing arms and legs. Such a complete bronze sculpture can be said to be unique.”

Before the words were finished, the outside world was completely boiling, like a violently erupting volcano.

"My God, the bronze head sculpture of the three giants of ancient Greek philosophy created by one of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era, Master Leucipos. This shipwreck treasure is too exaggerated!"

"If what Steven said is true, and the bronze head sculpture of "Socrates" was indeed made by Master Leucipos, then there is no doubt that this is definitely a great discovery!"

While people were clasping their heads in their hands and screaming wildly, the governments of Greece and Italy, as well as the governments of countries around the Mediterranean Sea, responded quickly and took action.

Of course, the US government, which is always paying attention to this operation of exploring the treasures of ancient Roman shipwrecks, is not far behind.

It didn't take long for many ships to set sail and head towards the Ionian Sea at full speed, and many planes also roared into the air, flying directly to this sea of ​​focus that has attracted much attention.

Just like the exploration fleet on the sea, cheers erupted in the two small Aurora submarines deep under the sea, and everyone was very excited.

After a short celebration, everyone put into intense work and continued to explore the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure, and all of them were full of fighting spirit and never tired.

At this time, everyone knew very well in their hearts that there would definitely be bigger surprises in the future.

As a large piece of beautiful coral was cut open and fell to the sea ridge below, the huge head of a male lion appeared in front of everyone and on the live broadcast screen.

Although there are many coral debris left on the lion's head carved from marble, the outline is clearly visible and there is no doubt about it.

Obviously, Ye Tian's previous speculation was very accurate.

The ancient sculpture covered under this beautiful coral reef is indeed carved with "Hercules Killing the Nemean Lion", a famous ancient Greek myth.

As for the work of which famous sculptor in ancient Greece or the Hellenistic period, it is still unknown for the time being, and more research is needed!

After the sculpture is salvaged and reappeared in the world, related research work can be carried out.

I believe that it will not take long to get an accurate answer, and once again give the world a huge surprise!

Of course, Ye Tian knew better than anyone the origin of the statue "Hercules Killing the Nemean Lion", but he couldn't explain it publicly.

"Okay, Waiters, we'll do the cleanup work later, our top priority now is to explore the overall situation of this shipwreck treasure as soon as possible, and then formulate the next salvage plan.

Don’t even think about it, the world above the sea is completely boiling at this moment, many people are probably rushing here, we have to explore this area thoroughly before more people rush here.”

Ye Tian said with a smile, stopping Waiters from continuing to clean up the coral reef.

"Okay, Steven, everything is up to you"

Waiters nodded in response, and then retracted the two protruding mechanical arms.

When the mechanical arm was fully retracted, Ye Tian immediately stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

"Guys, keep exploring, there must be even bigger surprises waiting for us"

The next moment, the small Aurora submarine drove forward.

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