Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2141 The Old Man in the Mountain

Back in the hotel room, Ye Tian and the others immediately started inventory work, inventorying the antique artworks swept from the flea market on the Berlin Wall, and performing simple classification.

As for the pre-evaluation of the second appraisal, there is no need for that at all. Ye Tian never had the slightest doubt about his own vision.

It didn't take long for the inventory work to be completed.

Next, under the leadership of Ye Tian, ​​everyone took these antique artworks upstairs to a luxurious banquet hall on the top floor of the hotel, and quickly set up the exhibition.

Later, a small exhibition will be held here, displaying those antique artworks that Ye Tian just swept from the flea market on the Berlin Wall.

After the exhibition, there will be a private auction.

Those who are qualified to enter this banquet hall, admire and bid for these antique artworks are the professionals and many top collectors gathered in the hotel lobby.

In addition, several well-known antique dealers and collectors, as well as representatives of major auction houses, are on their way to this five-star hotel.

Ye Tian planned to dispose of the batch of antique artworks that he got today, instead of transporting them away.

These antique works of art are either sold to major German museums, many top collectors and antique dealers, or entrusted to major auction houses to be auctioned off one after another in the future.

In the next two days, he also plans to visit several other famous antique flea markets in Berlin, visit the major museums on Museum Island, and launch a joint exploration operation, so that these antique works of art cannot be tied up.

Of course, if he encounters an antique artwork that fascinates him and has a special meaning, he doesn't mind collecting it or shipping it back to Beijing or New York directly.

It didn't take long for the exhibition work to be completed.

At this time, this huge banquet hall has been divided into two parts.

The place near the door was empty, without a single table. About seven or eight meters into the door, there was a temporary cordon.

Inside this cordon, there are four rows with a total of thirty-two dining tables, all the way to the edge of the stage in front of the banquet hall.

There are more or less antique artworks on these dining tables, including paintings, sculptures, and other antique relics, each of which is of great value.

Extending the line of sight further inwards is a beautifully arranged stage, Ye Tianzheng is standing in the center of the stage.

He quickly scanned the temporarily arranged exhibition hall, and then said to his subordinates:

"Guys, you did a great job. Let's work hard for a while. Next, we should reap the fruits of victory, rob those Germans in the hotel lobby, and sell all these antique works of art to them"


There was a burst of laughter in the banquet hall, everyone laughed out loud, and everyone was extremely excited.

After the laughter subsided, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Derek, take a few guys down to the hotel lobby, and invite those museum directors, antique art appraisal experts, and those top collectors to come up and verify their identities one by one.

Cole, you lead the guys in charge of security, controlling the elevator and stairwell, as well as inside and outside this temporary exhibition hall. Anyone who wants to enter here must undergo a body search.

The rest of the company's employees stay in this exhibition hall and are responsible for receiving those Germans who enter the exhibition hall, and keep an eye on those guys, don't be led by others, I am responsible for introducing these antique artworks”

"Understood, Steven"

Everyone at the scene responded in unison and took action individually.

About ten minutes later, the first wave of visitors walked into this resplendent banquet hall.

These are all old friends of Ye Tian, ​​including the top German collector Christine, the curator of the Berlin State Gallery, the curator of the Berlin Museum, and others.

As soon as they entered the banquet hall, these German guys were completely stunned by the scene before them, and they all exclaimed.

"Wow! Don't tell me that the antique artworks on those dining tables were all bought by Steven from the flea market on the Berlin Wall. This amount is too exaggerated!"

"I'm afraid that's true! Seeing the scene in front of me, I can imagine what kind of catastrophe the Berlin Wall flea market has gone through today. The bastard Steven is so crazy!"

Just when these old friends were exclaiming, Ye Tian brought people up to greet them, and greeted these old friends enthusiastically.

"Gentlemen, please, let me take you to appreciate these long-neglected but valuable antique artworks. Every treasure here comes from the Berlin Wall flea market"

As he said that, Ye Tian made a gesture of invitation, and his satisfaction was beyond words.

Following his words, the scene was filled with exclamations again.

"Oh my God, Steven, you are so crazy to the extreme. It seems that many people have become the ghosts of you today!"

"If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have let you enter Berlin. This is over. The Berlin antique art market will experience a huge catastrophe. God knows when it will recover!"

Before the words were finished, the second batch of visitors had entered the banquet hall, and the same scene was immediately repeated.


In the blink of an eye, it was already the next morning.

Before the night completely receded, another wave of new visitors came to this five-star hotel, preparing to meet Ye Tian.

The elevator door opened, and under the leadership of Cole and two other armed security personnel, the two visitors walked out of the elevator one after the other, and walked straight to the presidential suite where Ye Tian lived.

These are two Arab men, one is about sixty or seventy years old, with a thin figure and a long beard, with a calm and restrained expression, and a sharp light flashes in his eyes from time to time.

The other one was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was tall and sturdy, with a full beard and a sharp aura.

While speaking, they had come to the door of the presidential suite where Ye Tian lived.

Just as they stopped, the door of the presidential suite opened, and Ye Tian came out from the room with a smile on his face and curiosity in his eyes.

Walking out of the presidential suite with him were David and the Bishop of Kent, who were also full of curiosity.

"Good morning, Mr. Hassan, I'm Steven, nice to meet you"

Ye Tian smiled and said hello to the Arab elder.

This Mr. Hassan is none other than the mysterious elder of the Assassin sect, or should be said to be the head of the Assassin sect, the contemporary old man in the mountains.

The so-called Assassin faction is a legendary assassin organization in history with a very long history. The English word Assassin (Assassin) comes from this organization.

The old man in the mountain is a real historical figure and the founder of the Assassin faction. He used strict terrorist activities, mainly assassination, to deal with his political opponents.

After the death of the first generation of the old man in the mountain, the successive heads of the Assassin faction were collectively referred to as the old man in the mountain.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven. I'm Hassan. I'm glad to meet you too. I've known you for a long time. It's a bit presumptuous to disturb you so early. Please forgive me!"

The old man in the mountain shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​and took a deep look at him.

"You're welcome, Mr. Hassan. I'm very curious about the purpose of your Assassins' visit. It's the most suitable time for us to meet, so as not to attract too much attention."

"That's true, and we don't want to attract too much attention"

After a few polite words, Ye Tian introduced David and the Bishop of Kent, and Hassan also introduced his entourage, who was one of his confidantes.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian led the two big Assassins into the presidential suite and started a meeting.

The door of the presidential suite was closed again, keeping some prying eyes out.

While the two sides were talking, the same scene was happening in Berlin, Brussels, and many places in Europe and the Middle East, as well as the CIA headquarters in Langley, USA.

"Investigate immediately! Why did the Assassin faction find Steven? Could it be that they came to negotiate a deal? Let me keep an eye on Hassan and his men, this legendary ghost finally appeared!"

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