Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2156 Treasure Gate

Standing on the edge of the pit and observing for a while, the deputy minister from the German Ministry of Culture turned his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​and then said in a deep voice:

"Steven, according to what you just said, this secret passage was destroyed and refilled within nearly a hundred years. Those who destroyed this secret passage should be hiding some important secret .

Since it happened within a hundred years, it means that this secret is not the treasure of the Knights Templar you are looking for. In this way, the agreement we reached before will have to be rediscussed! ..."

Speaking of this, Ye Tian suddenly interrupted the other party, smiled and shook his head and said:

"Mr. Minister, there are some things I didn't make clear just now, so I would like to add them now to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. Yes, this secret passage was indeed destroyed and refilled in the past 100 years.

However, it must be emphasized that this secret passage has existed for far more than a hundred years. According to my judgment, this secret passage already existed when the Temple Palace was established, but it was not known to the public. .

The people who destroyed this secret passage before should have discovered this very secret secret passage by chance. It happened that they needed to hide some secret, so they used this secret passage and then destroyed it.

This secret passage has existed for more than 700 years. Obviously, it cannot be said arbitrarily that this secret passage has nothing to do with the treasure of the Knights Templar we are looking for. From this we can see that this does not affect the agreement we have reached.

At the end of this secret passage, what secret is hidden, whether it is the treasure of the Knights Templar or other treasures, or just a merry-go-round, is still unknown. Only by digging through this secret passage can the result be known.

Even if the hidden treasure at the end of this secret passage is not the treasure of the Knights Templar, but some other treasure, according to our previous exploration license agreement and industry practice, we still have half the rights to this treasure.

The other half of the rights belong to the owner of the Temple Palace, the Berlin Catholic Church. Our company will never covet this part of the rights, and there are videos of the whole process of the exploration operation. You are welcome to supervise.

The Catholic Church in Berlin is a religious organization, and our Daredevil Exploration Company is a professional treasure hunting company. Of course, such things as exploring treasures must be left to us professionals, and you just wait for the results.”

Hearing his words, the four German guys standing on the edge of the pit rolled their eyes angrily, and complained secretly one by one.

Steven, an extremely greedy and cunning bastard, is so hateful.


No matter what is hidden at the end of this secret passage, treasure or anything else, even if there are only two gold coins, this bastard will take one of them!

Thinking of this, the four Germans couldn't help but feel a pain in the flesh, but they were helpless, and for a while, they couldn't think of how to refute.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound from the bottom of the pit, interrupting their thoughts.

Everyone standing on the edge of the pit mouth looked towards the bottom of the pit one after another, and everyone's eyes lit up.

At the same time, Derek's excited voice came from the bottom of the pit.

"Steven, we have dug the vault and wall of this secret passage, which is also made of granite, very strong, still leading to the direction of the Spree River"

As he said that, Derek scraped the ground at the bottom of the pit with the engineer shovel in his hand, then took two steps to the side, and pointed to the position where he was standing just now with his finger.

Following the direction of his fingers, Ye Tian and the others saw the granite vault of the secret passage at the bottom of the pit at a glance. Although only a little bit was exposed, the outline was very clear.

The granite steps that Derek and the others were standing on were extending to the bottom of the granite vault. The distance from the vault to the steps was about 1.5 meters by visual inspection.

And this secret passage extends downward at a slant, and the angle is not small. At this height, even if a person who is more than 1.8 meters tall enters this secret passage, there is no need to bend down, and the space is completely sufficient.

"Wow! The specification of this secret passage is not low, and it is hidden at a depth of four or five meters underground. I don't know what secrets are hidden at the end of the secret passage. It takes so much trouble?"

"Just judging from the specifications of this secret passage, there must be a large space at the end of the secret passage. Who would have thought that there is an unknown palace hidden deep in the underground of the Temple Palace?"

There was a lot of discussion in the basement, every voice was excited, and everyone's eyes were full of expectations.

Compared to the rest of the scene, Ye Tian was much calmer.

He carefully observed the situation at the bottom of the pit, and then said to the two company employees at the bottom of the pit:

"Derek, you guys come up here to rest for a while, recover your energy and strength, and change to two guys to continue digging. I have a hunch that we are not far from the treasure gate."

The two guys standing at the bottom of the pit did not refuse, and nodded in unison:

"Okay, Steven, we're a bit tired too"

Next, the two guys were pulled up and went to rest. The two company employees who replaced them immediately went down to the bottom of the pit, ready to continue digging.

When they reached the bottom of the pit, Ye Tian immediately said to them:

"You continue to dig down the steps, be careful, and use a pulse metal detector to scan the secret passage thoroughly every time you step down, just in case.

If the expectations are good, you can dig along the secret passage for a while, and you will be able to dig out the granite slab that blocks the secret passage. Once you dig the stone slab, stop immediately and leave the next thing to me.

No one knows exactly what is going on behind that stone slab. There may be traps, or even explosives buried in it. It must be carefully explored and confirmed to be safe before it can be opened.”

"Understood, Steven, but don't worry, we will be careful"

The two company employees who had just descended to the bottom of the pit nodded and said in a more serious tone.

Next, the two guys picked up the two engineering shovels at the bottom of the pit and continued to dig, but at a much slower speed than before, and more cautiously.

As they kept waving their arms, the secret passage hidden deep underground gradually appeared in front of everyone.

Buckets of gravel and soil were continuously hoisted up to the basement, and then moved to another basement next to it by the company employees above, just like ants moving house.

After a while, the two company employees who were waving their arms to dig at the bottom of the pit disappeared from everyone's field of vision. They entered the deeper part of the secret passage along the sloping downward secret passage.

Fortunately, they are all wearing pinhole cameras, and their every move in the secret tunnel is clearly displayed on the hand-held monitor and presented to everyone.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

The two guys who were digging at the bottom of the pit had already dug two or three meters inward along the secret passage, approaching the hidden secret deep underground step by step.

The more they dug down, the smaller the inclination of the secret passage, and the larger the space inside the secret passage.

Naturally, the workload of excavation has increased a lot, and the speed of advancement has dropped.

At this moment, one of the guys waved the engineering shovel in his hand again and inserted it into the soil in front of him.


Suddenly there was a muffled sound in the secret passage, which reached everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards, an excited voice came up from the depths of the secret passage.

"Steven, I think I should have dug up the stone slabs used to block this secret passage!"

Before the words fell, there was already a sound of cheers in the basement.

"Great! I finally dug the treasure door, but I don't know what secrets are hidden behind the stone door. Is it the treasure of the Knights Templar?"

"Wow! Looks like we're going to find another treasure and rock the world again, what a perfect day"

When the cheers subsided, Ye Tian immediately said to the bottom of the pit:

"Come up, leave the next thing to me, and I will dig it myself. If there is something tricky about the stone slab used to seal the secret passage, it will definitely not escape my eyes."

"Okay, Steven, we're coming up"

Saying that, the two guys who were working deep in the secret passage retreated from the secret passage and appeared at the bottom of the pit.

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