Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2166 Hitler's Treasure

"Pedal, pedal"

Accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, Ye Tian walked step by step, along the steps on the right side of the stone gate, and walked unswervingly to the ground of this underground palace.

Every time he went down a step, he would pick up the heavy police shield in his hand and slam it heavily on the next step to see if there were any traps for safety.

The heavy police shield hit the granite steps, and the sound it made was like thunder, resounding through the entire underground palace and all the live broadcast terminals.

Not far behind him, Walker followed step by step, holding a strong light in his hand, and bit by bit dispelled the darkness that had shrouded the underground palace for decades.

There is no mechanism trap on this granite staircase that is close to the wall and slopes downwards, but it is covered with dust, covered with a layer of moss, and slightly slippery.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had already walked down the last step and stood on the ground of this gothic underground palace.

At the same time, Derek, with several company employees and various equipment, has also descended to the bottom of the big pit in the basement of the Temple Palace.

Immediately afterwards, the few of them filed in and entered the secret passage leading to the deep underground.

As they entered and began to arrange wires and lighting fixtures, the secret passage that was no longer dangerous suddenly lit up, and wherever they went, it seemed like daylight.

Deeper underground, Walker had also come down, landed and stood beside Ye Tian, ​​staring dumbfounded at the huge underground palace and the crates piled up in front of him.

For a moment, this guy even lost the ability to speak, his eyes were wide open, and the eyeballs were about to fly out.

He is not the only one in this state!

In front of countless live broadcast terminals, many people looked like this, with eyes full of madness and incredible.

At this moment, Ye Tian's attention was not on those crates piled up like a mountain, no matter what was in those boxes, half of them must belong to him, and no one should covet anything!

He is checking the ground under his feet to see if there are traps and potential dangers.

Of course, this is just a performance, and it's for others to see. Only in this way, everything looks reasonable, doesn't it?

Just like the stairs that just came down, the floor of this Gothic palace is covered with granite, and there are no traps, at least not on the ground in front of you, so you can walk with confidence.

After confirming this point, Ye Tian immediately said with a smile:

"Let's go, Walker, let's go over and have a look. What are those crates with the Nacui swastikas printed on them? Is it gold and silver treasures or weapons and ammunition? I hope to get a surprise."

Following his words, that kid Walker finally woke up.

The next moment, the kid nodded excitedly and said:

"Okay Steven, I can't wait to open these crates"

Ye Tian immediately nodded, and took the lead to step out, walking towards the nearest pile of crates.

In three or two steps, the two of them came to the pile of crates and began to examine the dusty and mossy crates.

These boxes are small in size, no more than 60 to 70 centimeters long, a little over 40 centimeters wide, and about 30 centimeters high. Although they have been hidden deep underground for decades, they still look very solid.

Moreover, the shape of these crates looks a lot like ammunition boxes, so they should be military supplies.

On the top and sides of these boxes, you can vaguely see the German swastika and the double lightning logo of the SS.

There are also some German and Arabic numerals, which should be information such as serial numbers and years.

Because of the dust and moss on the box, the marks and words and numbers were not clearly visible, but it was enough to make a judgment.

Obviously, the people who hid these crates in this underground palace were the Nazis and the notorious SS.

It can be deduced from this that the things contained in these crates must be very important.

If not, the SS would not have personally carried out this mission, and the reason why these crates were hidden here may have been at Hitler's behest.

After taking a general look at these crates, Ye Tian took out a soft cloth, and carefully wiped off the dust and moss on a crate with this soft cloth.

This crate was placed in front of him, stacked on top of several other crates, about 1.5 meters above the ground, within reach.

Following his movements, the black crate finally revealed its true face, and the marks, words and numbers printed on the box finally appeared.

On the top of this crate, not only the swastika of the German Nacui and the double lightning SS logo of the SS, but also a string of German characters and the year number 1945 are printed.

Although Ye Tian didn't understand German, he could recognize the line in front of him, and he was very familiar with it.

This string of German is 'SS-Standarte Der Führer'. Anyone who is familiar with the history of Germany during World War II and has studied the German military and political institutions in Nacui should know this line of German.

Its specific meaning is the Führer Guard of the SS. As the name suggests, the mission of this special SS unit is to protect the Führer of Germany, Adolf Hitler!

The predecessor of the Führer Guard of the SS was the SS Headquarters Guard established under the order of Hitler himself. It was commanded by Dietrich, the number two figure in the SS, and was an armed force directly under Hitler himself.

In September 1933, at the National Congress of the Nacui Party, this unit was officially named the Adolf Hitler Guard Squadron, abbreviated as LSSAH.

The predecessor of the famous 1st Armored Division of the SS in the future was this special guard, which was developed on the basis of this guard.

The 1st Armored Division is one of the earliest armed units of the SS. It has participated in countless major battles, and it can be called the iron fist of Hitler and the Nazis, and has committed numerous crimes.

By 1938, in Vienna, the SS established a new SS-Standarte Der Führer on the basis of the Führer Guard.

In the following years, until the defeat in 1945 and Hitler's suicide, this SS Führer detachment has always been the backbone of Hitler's defense, staying around.

Seeing the familiar German and the year number 1945, Ye Tian paused for a moment, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face, and he shook his fist vigorously with excitement.

"Wow! It's great! There is no doubt that this is Hitler's treasure, and it was hidden by the Führer Guard of the SS. The time should be on the eve of Germany's defeat!"

Hearing his words, the kid Walker was dumbfounded, he could swallow a fist with his mouth open, and stared dumbfounded at the crates in front of him.

At this time, the square in front of the Temple Palace and its surroundings, as well as the countless live broadcast terminals, were completely blown up, and exclamations began to sound crazily.

"I'm going! These crates were actually hidden by Hitler's order. There is no doubt that the things contained in the crates are definitely not weapons and ammunition, but countless gold and silver treasures and antique works of art!

If it is gold and silver treasures, it may be the capital of the Nazis trying to make a comeback; if it is an antique work of art, it should be the top goods that Hitler plundered from European countries! "

"My God! This is really a great discovery, enough to cause a sensation in the world, and even rewrite part of the history of World War II. This guy, Steven, is extremely lucky. God has favored this guy again."

Amidst the exclamation one after another, those senior officials of the German government, as well as many experts and scholars in the square in front of the Temple Palace, how could they stay still!

Each of them's excited eyes lit up, wishing they could fly directly into the palace, participate in the ongoing exploration, and even take Ye Tian's place.

Before the exclamation fell, the Germans could not wait to step out, went straight through the cordon set up by the Berlin police, and walked quickly to the gate of the Temple Palace. They were so fast that they almost flew away!

However, at the gate of the Temple Palace, Leonardo led many members of the Swiss Guards to wait in full force, and would never let these Germans break into the Temple Palace easily.

Although what was discovered was not the treasure of the Knights Templar, but the treasure hidden by Hitler, but as partners, according to the joint exploration agreement, they are obliged to ensure the smooth progress of this exploration operation.

The more important reason is that the Vatican still relies on Ye Tian to find the treasures of the Knights Templar and those long-lost Christian relics. Even if they want to cross the river and demolish the bridge, now is not the time.

And the armed security personnel under Ye Tian who guarded the temple palace have also received the news and have entered the highest state of alert.

In the underground palace, the exploration is still going on.

After carefully inspecting the crate that had been cleaned of dust and moss, and making sure that there were no traps, Ye Tian reached out to pick up the crate and gently placed it on the floor.


Even though Ye Tian's movements were very light and very cautious, when the crate fell to the ground, there was still a muffled sound, which shows its weight.

After putting the box away, Ye Tian immediately reached out and took out a small crowbar from the tool bag beside him, and inserted the flat end of the crowbar into the gap between the box cover and the box body.

Immediately afterwards, he pressed down with his right hand holding the other end of the crowbar, directly prying open the black crate.

The next moment, a golden light suddenly flashed in this gothic underground palace, instantly turning it into a golden palace, sweeping away the eerie and mysterious atmosphere.

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