Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2181 The Eighth Wonder of the World

Rudy and the others moved very cautiously and uniformly.

After they uncovered two layers of moisture-proof tarpaulins one after another, the things covered under the tarpaulins finally reappeared in the world after a lapse of more than 70 years.

The moment the second layer of tarpaulin was lifted, a dazzling golden light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, making everyone involuntarily close their eyes.

Under the strong lighting, the things packed in the five dark green boxes reflected an incomparably bright light, making this Gothic underground palace look like a golden palace.

Rudy and the others who opened their eyes again were all stunned.

They stared dumbfounded at the contents of the five boxes in front of them, their eyes widened and their eyeballs almost flew out of their sockets.

Walker and the others standing a little later, as well as the people inside and outside the temple on the ground, and the countless audiences in front of the live broadcast, all behaved almost exactly the same, and everyone had a dumbfounded expression.

Only Ye Tian behaved fairly normally, but he couldn't hide his ecstasy, his eyes full of fascination.

The things contained in the five boxes are thick golden boards, which are inserted vertically in the boxes. avoid collision.

Those golden boards, to be precise, should be golden amber wall boards. Although they are inserted vertically in the box, the sides of all the wall boards are joined together to form a golden panel that reflects golden light.

Rudy and the others were still in a state of sluggishness, and Walker and almost everyone on the live broadcast end were also sluggish. Everyone was completely shocked by the five boxes of golden amber panels in front of them.

At this time, Ye Tian stretched out his hands, carefully grasped the two ends of a piece of golden amber wall, and slowly pulled it out of the box in front of him.

The next moment, the diamonds inlaid on the front of this golden amber wallboard, as well as various gemstones, and the gold foil covering the entire wallboard were immediately presented in front of everyone and on the live broadcast screen.

The light reflected by this piece of golden amber wall panel has also become more dazzling and brighter. It is so dazzling that it is simply suffocating!

As the golden amber panel gradually revealed its full view, people finally woke up, or it should be said that everyone was awakened by the golden and beautiful light.

The next moment, this gothic palace deep underground and the outside world on the ground completely boiled like a volcanic eruption.

"My God! What the hell are these things? They are so beautiful. I don't know the golden boards that make people crazy, but I'm sure they are absolutely priceless!"

"Wow! This translucent golden plate is so beautiful and brilliant, and the diamonds and gemstones inlaid on it are even more beautiful and fascinating!"

Just when people were exclaiming, Rudy and the others couldn't wait to stretch out their hands, and gently touched the golden amber wall panels with slightly trembling fingers.

Without exception, these German experts and scholars all had expressions of ecstasy, and some guys even burst into tears with excitement.

"My God! What did I see? It's definitely the golden wainscoting of the Amber Room, truly priceless, the eighth wonder of the world, without a doubt, what a perfect day!"

Lu Di was stroking the golden amber wallboard in Ye Tian's hand while muttering to himself, even choked up a little with excitement.

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Your eyesight is very good, Rudy, this is the golden siding of the so-called eighth wonder of the world, the 'Amber Room',

Only the golden amber panels of the Amber Room can be so luxurious and dazzling.

My previous guess was correct, the things contained in these wooden crates are indeed priceless treasures, but I never thought that the things contained in these boxes were actually the golden siding of the Amber Room"

When he said these words, his words were full of complacency, without any concealment.

It's a pity that he is wearing a full set of protective clothing now, and people can't see his expression, otherwise they will definitely see a very bright smiling face.

"These golden amber sidings are more than priceless treasures, they are also top-notch works of art, the most perfect embodiment of German artistic talent and talent, the crystallization of wisdom, and an integral part of an unrivaled treasure.

These boxes that have been opened are filled with golden amber panels from the 'Amber Room', and the other boxes should be the remaining golden amber panels. That is to say, the Amber Room is in this underground palace! "

Rudy spoke quickly, still very excited, and the whole person has fallen into a state of almost madness.

He was not the only one who fell into a state of madness!

Several other experts and scholars nearby, everyone inside and outside the temple on the ground, and countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, everyone who knows something about the Amber Room counts as one, and they are all crazy at this time!

In the temporary meeting room in the hall of the Temple Palace, everyone has stood up, staring at the live broadcast, the golden amber panel in Ye Tian's hand, and the golden panel in the five boxes. obsessed.

Especially those German guys, they are reluctant to blink their eyelids, everyone's eyes are flashing with crazy colors, even greedy light.

The eyes of the always elegant German Chancellor are red.

She leaned forward, propped her hands on the tabletop of the conference table, and stretched her neck to stare at the golden amber wallboard in Ye Tian's hand.

As soon as Rudy's words fell, the German Chancellor couldn't wait and said firmly:

"We have to take down those golden amber sidings, take down the Amber Room no matter what, it is a national treasure of Germany, it is the most perfect work of art, and it must not be allowed to leave Germany"

Hearing her words, the rest of the German guys at the scene nodded together, and everyone's expressions were extremely firm.

In the cold Moscow, in the office of the Russian president in the Kremlin, the Russian president, who has always shown himself as a tough guy, is standing behind his desk, staring at the live broadcast with bright eyes.

Almost at the same time as the German chancellor was speaking, the tough Russian president also categorically said to his staff and staff:

"Contact the German Chancellor's Office and the Foreign Ministry immediately, and immediately contact Steven, the extremely lucky guy. We must get back the Amber Room no matter what. This is a national treasure belonging to Russia.

In 1941, the Nazi army snatched the "Amber Room" from St. Petersburg, removed all the golden panels of the "Amber Room", packed them and shipped them to Germany. After more than 70 years, the Amber Room disappeared without a trace.

In order to find the Amber Room, we spent a lot of manpower, material resources, and a lot of money, but who would have thought that the Amber Room is hidden deep underground in the Berlin Temple Palace, which is too surprising.

If it wasn't for Steven, God knows when the Amber Room will be seen again. Now that the Amber Room has appeared, we must welcome it back to Russia and St. Petersburg! "

"Understood, Mr. President, we will immediately contact the German side, contact Steven's personal lawyer"

Several staff members of the President's Office responded in unison, and then took action.

Not only Germany and Russia, but also the person in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, who was also staring at the golden amber panel in Ye Tian's hands, with a greedy gleam in his eyes, and both eyeballs were almost red.

Apart from these top politicians, there are countless people who are also staring at the golden amber panel in Ye Tian's hands, dreaming of taking the eighth wonder of the world 'Amber Room' for themselves, even if they can get a piece of panel!

There are curators of the world's famous museums, experts in antique art appraisal, top collectors, super rich people from all over the world, and other people of all kinds.

Of course, it also includes gangsters from all walks of life, such as Neo-Nacuis, Russian Mafia, and those enemies who hate Ye Tian's immortality, etc. Everyone's eyes are full of greed.

But obviously, they have no chance at all. In the face of national power, they are not even qualified to compete for the 'Amber Room'.

Deep in the underground palace, after some exclamations, Rudy and the others calmed down somewhat. Although they were still very excited, at least they no longer trembled or had tears in their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the Germans stretched out their hands cautiously, took out a piece of golden amber panel from each of the five opened boxes, and admired it intoxicated.

Following their movements, the Gothic underground palace suddenly became more resplendent, and the dazzling golden light made it hard for everyone to keep their eyes open.

At this time, Ye Tian had already handed over the golden amber panel to Derek, and began to introduce the relevant stories about the eighth wonder of the world, the 'Amber Room'.

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