Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2202 Russian Antique Dealer

This is the second day after arriving in St. Petersburg, the sun is shining outside the window, and the weather is very good.

At around 9:30 in the morning, Ye Tian and David were sitting in the living room chatting and discussing today's itinerary.

At this moment, Cole knocked on the door and entered the presidential suite, came to the living room and said to Ye Tian:

"Steven, the convoy has been inspected and is ready, we can go to the Hermitage Museum, Mikhail and those Russian experts and scholars have already arrived at the hotel lobby downstairs.

To secure the golden amber panels of the Amber Room, Petya dispatched a team of agents from the Russian Federal Security Service and several bulletproof SUVs to escort us to the Hermitage.

One more thing, the St. Petersburg Udernaya Antique Flea Market you asked me to inquire about is not open today. It is said that there is a problem with the heating pipe there, the pipe burst, and it is being repaired.

Not only the Udrnaya antique flea market, but also several famous antique shops in St. Petersburg are not open for business today, and the reasons given are different, some sons are married, and some are unwell."


There was laughter in the living room, and Ye Tian and the others all laughed.

After the laughter subsided, David immediately said with a smile:

"Steven, the Russians are treating you like a scourge lest you bloody St Petersburg antiques markets like you did in London, Paris, Berlin, etc.

You want to loot the antique flea market in St. Petersburg, it seems that you can only find another opportunity, and you have to disguise yourself, and only then can you deceive many Russian antique dealers."

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, pretending to be helpless and said:

"I didn't expect this kind of result, what a pity! Anyway, our time in St. Petersburg is limited this time, and the main purpose is to negotiate a deal, so let's temporarily let go of those antique dealers who are in a hurry.

When I have a chance in the future, I must come to St. Petersburg again in disguise. This is a famous historical and cultural city, and the antique flea market is also somewhat famous. There are many good things, so naturally you can't miss it.

Well, let’s not talk about it, let’s go, go to the Hermitage Museum, which is one of the four major museums in the world, and it has a lot of priceless top antique works of art, it’s worth visiting.”

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian stood up, pushed a metal suitcase beside the sofa, and walked towards the door of the suite with David and the others.

The things contained in that metal suitcase are the priceless golden panels of the Amber Room. Ye Tian plans to send these priceless treasures to the Hermitage Museum and temporarily put them in the museum vault.

When an agreement is reached and he leaves St. Petersburg, he will take out these priceless treasures and bring them back to Berlin, where he will trade with the Russians.

These few pieces of golden amber panels are so precious, each one is priceless, and putting them in this five-star hotel is obviously not as safe as storing them in the vault of the Hermitage Museum.

What's more, Ye Tian and the others still have a lot of things to do in the future, they can't be bound by these golden amber panels, and carry these priceless treasures with them wherever they go.

Store these golden amber sidings in the Hermitage Museum. If the deal falls through, will the Russians withhold these priceless treasures?

Ye Tian was not worried about this.

He is full of confidence in this heavyweight art transaction that has attracted the attention of countless people. It is almost a certainty that the two parties will reach an agreement!

Just because these golden amber sidings were to be sent to the Hermitage Museum, Mikhail and other Russian experts and scholars came here early in the morning.

Waiting to see through in the hotel lobby downstairs.

Only then, as if he was facing a big enemy, Petia called in a group of agents from the Federal Security Service to strengthen the security force.

After a while, Ye Tian and David went down to the first floor, and they walked into the hotel lobby under the guard of Cole and the others.

As soon as they appeared, Mikhail and others quickly rushed up, and everyone was staring at the metal trolley case in Ye Tian's hand, their eyes were extremely hot, and they wished to replace Ye Tian immediately.

The Russian agents led by Beja reacted faster, they quickly spread out, occupied various positions, and protected Ye Tian and the others.

Many media reporters who heard the news and had been waiting for a long time in the hotel lobby were left behind and could only ask questions loudly through the cordon.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I am a reporter from "Russia Gazette". According to reliable sources, you came to St. Petersburg this time and brought a box of golden amber panels from the Amber Room.

Are those priceless golden amber sidings packed in that suitcase you're pushing? Can you show it off? I believe everyone here wants to see it”

"Good morning, Mr. Steven. I'm a reporter from Russian TV. Can you tell me about your itinerary? When will you meet with the Hermitage Museum? When will the Amber Room return to Russia?"

Hearing these questions, Ye Tian stopped immediately and turned to look at the media reporters and the many onlookers at the scene.

He quickly glanced at the scene, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, I'm Steven, I'm glad to see you here, the weather is very nice today, I hope you have a good day.

The reporter friend of the "Russia Gazette" guessed correctly. The metal suitcase I was pushing in my hand contained the golden amber panels of the Amber Room, and each piece was a priceless treasure.

However, until we reach an agreement with the Hermitage Museum and complete the art transaction, these priceless treasures are not suitable for public display at the moment. I hope everyone understands.

I believe that the Hermitage Museum does not want me to publicly display these golden amber panels now. They would rather take the entire Amber Room and put it back together themselves.

When the Amber Room is assembled, restored to its former style, and shines brightly again, it will be the time for the Amber Room to meet the Russian people again, instead of appearing in pieces.

So, please be patient and wait for a while. It won’t be long before the Russian people will be able to see and appreciate the famous Amber Palace in the Hermitage Museum.

The meeting between our company and the Hermitage Museum will be held soon, and I believe that both of us will be able to reach an agreement to complete this much-anticipated art transaction.

As for the time and place of the meeting, from a security point of view, we still need to keep it secret for the time being, so please wait patiently, the result will be announced soon, and I believe it will be a happy result.”

Next, Ye Tian answered a few more questions, and then ended the interview.

Afterwards, he took David and the others, surrounded by Mikhail and many other Russian experts, to the hotel entrance.

As soon as the group of them walked out of the hotel, many protesters who had been guarding the door of the hotel since the morning and kept an eye on the movement inside the hotel, immediately shouted at the top of their voices.

A few of them who were clearly over-energy, or in a hurry to show off, even wanted to cross the cordon and rush to Ye Tian to protest and demonstrate.

At this moment, Petya suddenly reached out and pointed at the protesters, and whispered something in Russian to several of his agents.

Immediately afterwards, four or five agents of the Russian Federal Security Service with sullen faces strode towards the protesters.

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