"Wow! "The Return of the Prodigal Son", I finally saw this famous top artwork."

Ye Tian sighed, and then walked towards the display wall facing the entrance of the exhibition hall, his steps were a little hurried, just like his eager and excited mood.

Behind him, David and the others followed immediately, and everyone was full of expectations.

In addition to them, there are also some tourists who have been following Ye Tian and the others.

At the same time, many visitors in the Rembrandt Hall also saw Ye Tian and his group, and there was a small commotion at the scene.

"Look, it's Steven, I didn't expect him to come to the Rembrandt Hall"

"It's really this guy. It seems that we are lucky. Maybe we can hear the professional explanation of this guy, Steven. It must be very exciting."

Amidst a burst of discussion, Ye Tian had come to the display wall where "The Prodigal Son Turns Back" was hung.

The many visitors who gathered here and were admiring this world-famous painting all flashed to the two sides at the same time, and immediately gave way to a passage directly in front of the display wall.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Steven, it's a pleasure to meet you here, and thank you very much for your kindness, I hope you all have a wonderful day"

Ye Tian said politely with a smile on his face, and nodded to the many visitors at the scene, saying hello.

In terms of actions, he was not polite at all, and walked straight forward along this passage, towards the display wall at the end of the passage.

"Good afternoon, Steven, welcome to Russia, welcome to the Hermitage, thank you for bringing back the Amber Room and bringing this priceless treasure back to Russia"

"Steven, we are also very happy to meet you here. You are a world-class expert in antique art appraisal. Can you explain this Rembrandt painting to everyone?"

On the way, visitors on both sides greeted Ye Tian one after another and made some demands.

Ye Tian looked at these visitors from Russia and all over the world, nodded with a smile and said:

"Since everyone wants to hear it, respect is worse than obedience. I will explain to you this piece of art master Rembrandt's "The Prodigal Son". I have been admiring this world-famous painting for a long time, and I really want to appreciate it."

During the talk,

Ye Tian had come to the display wall where "The Prodigal Son Turns Back" was hanging, and then stopped in his tracks.

However, he did not immediately appreciate the world-famous painting hanging on the display wall, but looked at the two painters sitting in front of the display wall and the paintings they were copying.

The two painters, a man and a woman, both white, occupy the two best positions in front of the display wall.

The male painter is about fifty or sixty years old, with a thin body, long gray hair, and a ponytail. He is wearing a dark jacket, which is dotted with oil paint, and looks a bit of an artist.

The female painter is about twenty years old, young and beautiful, looking a little immature, with long golden hair tied behind her head, wearing a black sweater and jeans, casual and fashionable, full of vitality.

In front of the two painters, there is an easel on each side, and a paint box and a box full of various oil painting tools are placed on the ground next to the easel.

Needless to say, these two painters are copying Rembrandt's "The Prodigal Son".

It's just that compared to Rembrandt's huge paintings, the size of their paintings is much smaller, less than one-third of the original painting.

The oil paintings placed on the two easels are basically completed, and only the last bit of finishing work is left.

Judging from the two basically completed "The Return of the Prodigal Son", the level of these two painters is very good. At first glance, there is not much difference between their copied works and Rembrandt's original works.

Of course, there is a big difference in scale, these are two pocket versions of "The Prodigal Son Returns".

When Ye Tian looked at the two painters and the two paintings on the easel, the two painters also stood up, looked at him curiously, and nodded with a smile.

David, Mikhail and the others who followed Ye Tian also looked at the two copies.

Mikhail obviously knew the male painter. As soon as he came here, he greeted and shook hands with the male painter named Maxim.

Pretending to appreciate it seriously for a while, Ye Tian then raised his head, pointed to the copy of "The Prodigal Son" copied by the young female artist and said:

"Miss, I'm Steven. Excuse me, is this copy of "The Prodigal Son Returning" you copied for sale? If it is for sale, I intend to accept this painting as a souvenir of my trip to St. Petersburg!"

"Ah! You want to buy the "The Prodigal Son" I copied? Mr. Steven, did I hear correctly?"

The young female artist exclaimed directly, as if she couldn't believe what she just heard, and stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded.

In an instant, ecstasy flashed in her eyes, and she almost danced.

Not only her, but everyone else at the scene, including Mikhail and the male painter, were shocked by Ye Tian's words, and all of them stared at him with wide eyes, full of disbelief.

Before the young female painter gave a response, Mikhail said first:

"Steven, this is Maxim, from the Repin Academy of Fine Arts, an associate professor of the Oil Painting Department of the Repin Academy of Fine Arts, and a famous Russian painter"

Before the words fell, Ye Tian stretched out his right hand to Maxim, and said with a smile:

"Hi, Professor Maxim, I'm Steven, nice to meet you, I've heard of your name a long time ago, but I've never met you in person, and I've seen your works in New York, very good"

Maxim shook hands with him, and said politely:

"Hello, Mr. Steven, I am also very glad to meet you. Welcome to St. Petersburg. This is my daughter Natasha. She has been learning oil painting from me since she was a child."

Following Maxim's introduction, Ye Tian also shook hands with the young Russian beauty painter, and they knew each other.

Then Mikhail interjected:

"Steven, can you tell everyone why you want to buy "The Prodigal Son" copied by Natasha? What is the reason?"

"That's right, I would also like to know, Mr. Steven, why did you choose "The Prodigal Son" copied by Natasha instead of the one I copied?"

Maxim continued, obviously very curious about Ye Tian's choice.

Not only him, Natasha who was standing beside him, and everyone else at the scene wanted to know the answer to this question.

One is a well-known painter and the other is an unknown newcomer in the painting circle. Everyone knows that the artist's work should be chosen, even if it is just two pocket-sized copies!

But who would have imagined that this guy, Steven, did not take the usual path, and actually chose "The Prodigal Son" copied by Natasha instead of the work copied by Maxim.

This choice of his left everyone on the scene at a loss, not knowing why!

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then looked at Maxim and Natasha, and the two pocket editions of "The Prodigal Son" they copied.

The reason why my buddies did this is very simple. Natasha's copy is more valuable and has more potential for appreciation, even though it may not be as accurate as Maxim's copy in terms of local details.

To put it more clearly, Natasha's artistic achievements in the future are obviously higher than her father's, and the possibility of becoming a top artist is very high. Acquiring her paintings at this time is undoubtedly a worthwhile investment.

Although Maxim is a famous painter, his achievements only stop there, and the market value of his paintings is basically determined, and there is not much room for appreciation.

Under such circumstances, anyone who is not a fool knows how to make a choice!

Of course, these are the thoughts in Ye Tian's heart, and it is impossible to resort to them.

What came out of Ye Tian's mouth was another rhetoric.

"The reason why I bought Natasha's copy of "The Prodigal Son" is mainly due to two reasons. The first and main reason is because I like Rembrandt's "The Prodigal Son".

But since this painting is the treasure of the Hermitage Museum, I will never get it, so I will have to settle for a copy of The Prodigal Son.

It so happened that today I saw Maxim and Natasha's copy of "The Prodigal Son" here today, and it was almost finished. I was so moved that I wanted to accept Natasha's copy as a souvenir.

As for why it is Natasha's copy instead of Maxim's, the reasons are also very simple. One is from the perspective of cost, and the other is to support young painters and purchase a possibility.

Maxim is a well-known painter, and the price of his works is not low, even if they are copies; while Natasha is a newcomer in the painting circle, so the works are naturally not that expensive, but they are also very good.

Because of this, I plan to acquire this painting by Natasha, bring this copy of "The Prodigal Son" back to New York, and display it in my company, adding a bit of artistic atmosphere to the company."

Hearing his explanation, everyone at the scene suddenly realized that they understood Ye Tian's intentions.

Some guys with quick heads, quick reactions and sharp eyes at the scene, such as Mikhail and David, have already looked at the overjoyed Natasha, and their eyes are shining!

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