Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2215 confession of faith

More and more visitors gathered at the entrance of the exhibition hall, but the scene was relatively quiet, only Ye Tianqing's clear voice kept coming out, reaching everyone's ears.

Everyone here is listening to Ye Tian's professional and wonderful explanation, and admiring Rembrandt's masterpiece, "The Prodigal Son Returns".

"The youngest son in this painting is a portrayal of Rembrandt himself when he was young. Turning back means that he has gone away and wandered all over the world; the prodigal son is implying another identity in the past.

But now, the wandering wanderer has returned home, and his life has been complete since then. Rembrandt had smooth sailing in his early years, but in his middle age, he gradually began to fall.

However, for Rembrandt when he created this oil painting in his later years, his state of mind had undergone a completely opposite change. He regards his previous successes and failures as failures.

Maybe it's because he didn't remember his mother's teachings in his childhood in his creative career, he was far away from his own beliefs, and without the support of spiritual strength, he fell into emptiness.

When he finished the painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son", his state of mind has undergone a completely different change. He regained the faith he had lost, and his mentality began to become peaceful, but his life has also come to an end.

Gorky once said, "You can't lose your faith, and you can't destroy that great love because of doubt." Rembrandt's faith is not only the source of his rich themes, but also the pillar of his spiritual world.

"The Return of the Prodigal Son" presents his powerful inner world and soul beliefs, supporting him to create the pinnacle work in the history of human art in the second half of his life when he had nothing and suffered a lot."

Listening to Ye Tian's explanation, when many visitors looked at the "The Prodigal Son" again, they all gained a new harvest, and they had a deeper understanding of this masterpiece of Rembrandt.

At this time, Ye Tian, ​​while explaining, secretly looked at this world famous painting.

Under the perspective, everything in this world-famous painting, from the outside to the inside, is clearly presented in his eyes, without missing a single thing.

On this oil painting on canvas, he saw the countless traces left by the master artist Rembrandt, and even the whole process of creation, as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes.

More importantly, in the upper right corner of the oil painting, in a relatively dark corner, under the cover of surface paint, he found several hidden and extremely tiny Latin letters.

However, the specific meaning of those Latin letters, whether it is an abbreviation of a person's name or a place name, is temporarily unknown.

Now I can only keep it firmly in mind and study it carefully afterwards.

One thing is certain, it is not Rembrandt's personal signature, nor is it an abbreviation of the place where he lived in his later years.

Apart from these mysterious Latin letters, nothing else has been found on this world famous painting.

While seeing through the painting "The Prodigal Son's Return", Ye Tian had a thorough perspective on the display wall behind the painting, as well as the entire exhibition hall behind the display wall, not missing a single corner.

Along the way, there aren't many surprising discoveries, aside from some pleasing young female bodies.

This situation was already expected by Ye Tian, ​​and he didn't feel any surprise.

During World War II, during the tragic and unusual defense of Leningrad, the Winter Palace suffered serious damage, and some places were even bombed and collapsed.

After the war, the Soviets rebuilt the Winter Palace and restored it to its original appearance.

Even if there are any important secrets or even treasures hidden in the Winter Palace, they were already discovered by the Soviets during the reconstruction process, and it is absolutely impossible for Ye Tianlai to discover them until now.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian has thoroughly reviewed "The Prodigal Son" thoroughly, which is considered a small gain.

Next, he withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective.

At the same time, he is still introducing this masterpiece to many visitors at the scene.

"Let's talk about the "The Prodigal Son" itself, the whole picture is shrouded in warm red light, like a shining ruby, shining in the mirror to show everyone.

The color contrast in the painting is strong. In the part portrayed by the prodigal son, the yellow inner robe he wears and the stone bricks on which he kneels are all in bright colors, as is the father in the red robe in front of him to highlight the main line.

However, the servant and the eldest son behind the father are in the dark and dark tones. The color layers applied from dark to light are very transparent, and the colors are rarely used, almost only "red and black", but it can make vivid colors The contrast is stark.

The deeper fuzzy black shadows make the figures stand out in the brown-red space, especially the group of portraits of the father and the prodigal son. The use of color is extremely subtle, which looks like a sketch.

The father's red shawl appears extraordinarily pure in the picture. Rembrandt ingeniously focuses the light source on the visual focus of the picture, while blurring other details in the faint and dark light and shadow.

In this regard, he was obviously influenced by Caravaggio, the founder of Baroque art and the famous Italian swordsman painter. Caravaggio's artistic treatment of black shadows and strong lights is very good.

In this oil painting, the artist's oil paint echoes the overall spirit, and there is no repetition of strokes. The secondary characters are indifferent and expressionless, which easily reminds people of Rembrandt's wasted life in the second half of his life.

The long warm light in the picture and the thick and heavy steps are all at the bottom of the painting, which makes the picture have a deep sense of space along the square base, and the composition is very clever.

In the painting, Rembrandt used his own invented and very unique technique of thick piles of oil painting, and used strong brushstrokes to further intensify the thickness and sense of vicissitudes of the picture, making the effect of the picture more in-depth.

This seemingly unglamorous color and subtle expression of characters further reveal the inner beauty and noble spirit of this painting "The Prodigal Son", which can be regarded as Rembrandt's confession of faith! "

When explaining this, Ye Tian pointed to the details in this "The Prodigal Son" from time to time to prove his point of view.

At the same time, his whole body became more and more devoted, and his voice became more and more passionate, as if he was having a conversation with the art master Rembrandt across time and space.

Apart from his clear voice, there was no other sound at the scene, and it became more and more quiet.

Looking at the visitors who were listening attentively, everyone had a fascinated expression. They had been completely conquered by Ye Tian's wonderful explanation, and they had been brought into the artistic conception of this world famous painting.

Even Mikhail and many high-level figures in the Hermitage Museum, as well as experts in antique art appraisal, as well as Maxim and Natasha, were deeply attracted by Ye Tian's wonderful explanation!

The explanation continued, and the obsession in people's eyes became more intense.

"...In the story of the prodigal son in the Bible, the youngest son regains the wealth his father gave him, and everyone is happy in the end, but this is not the case in real life.

Rembrandt did not change his bleak old age with his astonishingly brilliant painting skills. When he died, he was particularly miserable, buried like a beggar.

It was not until more than a hundred years later that the Western art world and the entire Western society re-recognized his greatness and value, and gave this master of art the status he deserved,..."

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