Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2218 Suspicious case by the Neva River

Early the next morning, when the Hermitage Museum officially opened, Ye Tian and his group arrived here.

Just like yesterday, under the guidance of the museum staff, the convoy drove directly into the parking lot inside the museum, saving the need to compete with others for parking spaces in the public parking lot outside.

As soon as he got out of the car, Ye Tian raised his eyes and saw Mikhail, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Russia, Sergey, and Vasily, the presidential aide from the Kremlin, who were coming to this side.

In addition to these three heavyweights, there are two Russians with unfamiliar faces, who are probably also senior officials from the Russian government.

Near the staff passage of the museum, there are also several high-level museum officials and several experts in the identification of antique works of art. Some of them have met yesterday, and some are unfamiliar faces.

In addition, around the parking lot and near the museum, high-alert security personnel can be seen everywhere, and the atmosphere at the scene is somewhat tense.

Seeing this scene, David who walked side by side with Ye Tian immediately whispered:

"Wow! The scene put on by the Russians is really big enough. It seems that we attach great importance to our visit itinerary today."

Ye Tian smiled lightly, then lowered his voice and said:

"Of course, we are going to visit the Ministry of Culture of the Oriental Peoples today, and choose Chinese antiques to exchange for the Amber Room. The Russians know very well that I will never show mercy. Can you not take it seriously?"

"That's right, I guess the Russians are already mentally prepared, knowing that they will be ruthlessly slaughtered by you."

David whispered jokingly, gloating.

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had joined Mikhail and the others.

Next, it is natural to have some polite greetings, shaking hands with each other and so on.

As Ye Tian expected, the two strangers with Mikhail and the others were senior officials of the Russian government. One was the deputy mayor of St. Petersburg in charge of culture and tourism, and the other was from the Russian Ministry of Culture.

After greeting each other, Mikhail raised his hand as a gesture of invitation, ready to lead Ye Tian and the others into the museum and start today's tour.

At this moment, a voice with hidden anger suddenly came from behind everyone.

"Mr. Steven, please wait a moment, I need to ask you something"

This voice comes from Petja,

A mouthful of pure Russian-style English, chattering, Ye Tian recognized it immediately.

He stopped immediately, turned around, and looked back curiously.

Seven or eight meters away, Bijia, who had anger in his eyes and a gloomy face, was striding towards this side, looking like he was asking questions.

Seeing Biejia's appearance, everyone at the scene except Ye Tian was very surprised and didn't understand why this guy came.

Several armed security personnel under Ye Tian directly crossed the middle of the road, blocking Bie Jia's way, and became vigilant.

As soon as they made a move, Ye Tian's voice came over and reached their ears.

"Guys, let Petya come over, I'm very curious, what does he need to ask me for advice"

As soon as the voice fell, the security personnel immediately stepped aside, and Pija was able to continue walking forward.

In two or three steps, this senior agent from the Russian Federal Security Service came to Ye Tian.

Before he could stand firm, Petya said in a low voice with his face sinking like water:

"Steven, I just received news that more than an hour ago, someone found five bodies on a boat by the Neva River. They were either shot in the head or their throats were cut. They were all dead. up.

Judging from the way those guys died and the posture of their bodies, they were all killed silently without any precautions, and it could even be said that they died in their sleep.

According to the St. Petersburg police investigation, those unlucky guys are all Xinnacui scum from Germany. Everyone has committed many crimes and has many criminal records. It is not difficult to find out their identities."

Hearing this, David and Cole standing beside them suddenly understood why Petya came.

Obviously, the senior Russian agent in front of him believed that it was his group, or Steven, who killed those German scumbags last night.

Thinking of this, deep in the eyes of David and the others, a smile flashed at the same time.

They understood in an instant, who was the one who killed those German scumbags in the dark last night, except for Steven, an omnipotent guy, who else could it be?

Although they were very sure in their hearts, David and the others couldn't figure it out. How did Steven escape from the hotel last night, avoiding the eyes of everyone and the eyes of many Russian agents?

How did he get back to the hotel? When did you come back? Is it possible that everyone is blind and no one notices at all? Or is this guy good at invisibility?

As for the method of killing those Xinnacui scumbags silently and letting those scumbags die in their sleep, David didn't have the slightest doubt.

Stuff like this, does this amazing guy, Steven, do less? There are too many to count, but no one has caught any substantial evidence.

Americans can't, British, French, and Italians can't, and Russians are no exception!

"Five German scumbags from Xinnacui? These guys are really lingering, no need to ask, these scumbags from Xinnacui must have come for me, for revenge!

It's a pity that they died in the hands of others and didn't touch me, otherwise I would make those Xinnacui scumbags worse than death and send them to hell with my own hands."

As soon as Ye Tian pushed 625, he picked himself up in a few words, and expressed his indignation by the way, which seemed to be true.

Hearing his words, the faces of many Russians at the scene changed, and everyone's eyes flashed with fear.

At this moment, they all thought of the bloody massacre that happened on the Berlin Airport Expressway not long ago, which caused a sensation all over the world, and Ye Tian's brilliant achievements in the past!

Without exception, Russians like Mikhail couldn't help but shudder, secretly terrified!

At the same time, they were basically sure that the bloody massacre on the Neva River last night was most likely caused by the bastard Steven.

Who doesn't know, this guy Steven is notoriously cruel, and extremely cunning, revenge never happens overnight!

Unlike the Russians like Mikhail, David and Cole almost laughed out loud when they heard Ye Tian's words, and it was very hard to hold back.

Petya was stunned for a moment, then gritted his molars and continued:

"Those guys entered Russia by plane yesterday morning. As soon as they entered the country, they fell into the sight of the St. Petersburg police and our Federal Security Service. We have been keeping an eye on those guys since then.

After arriving in St. Petersburg, those guys first came to the Hermitage Museum and stayed outside the museum for a long time, perhaps because they were worried about the security check, those guys did not enter the museum.

In the afternoon, those new nacui scumbags left the Hermitage Museum, went to the hotel where you were staying, and stayed near the hotel until the night until you returned to that hotel.

Next, those Xinnacui scumbags ran away under the cover of night, and temporarily jumped out of our sight. When the St. Petersburg police found them again this morning, they had turned into five cold corpses!

Since those German Xinnai scumbags are your enemies and followed you all the way to St. Petersburg in an attempt to take revenge, then we must investigate your whereabouts last night, Steven, please cooperate.

The reason is very simple, according to common sense, you are the ones who are most likely to kill those scumbags in Xinna, and you also have the strength to kill those scumbags silently."

Before the words fell, David had already stepped forward, ready to reveal his identity as a lawyer and take over the matter.

However, Ye Tian raised his hand to stop him, and then said to Bi Jia with a smile:

"Bie Jia, you suspect that it was me or my security personnel who secretly killed those German scumbags, this kind of suspicion is perfectly normal, and it is not difficult to understand, our suspicion is indeed the biggest.

One thing is undeniable, those Xinnacui scum all deserve to die, everyone deserves to go to hell! As much as I'd love to kill those scum and clean up the world with my own hands, I wasn't the one who did it last night.

After we returned to the hotel last night, we never left again until this morning. Regarding this point, the surveillance system in the hotel, as well as the police and secret agents inside and outside the hotel, can all prove it.

Beja, please don't tell me that your Russian Federal Security Service didn't take over the monitoring system of that five-star hotel and didn't keep an eye on us. If that's the case, I won't believe it! "

Hearing this, Petia was stunned immediately, his expression was rather awkward, and he didn't know how to respond for a moment.

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