As Guan Jun raised his placard to bid for the price, those real estate bosses who were interested in this golden land in Wangfujing, as well as other people from all walks of life, also left the field one after another and participated in the ranks of competing for this land.

Next, the process of the auction sped up a lot, and the atmosphere on the scene became even hotter.

The auctioneer's passionate voice continued to resound, resounding throughout the auction hall, and many buyers sitting in the auction seats below the stage kept raising their bidding numbers in their hands to respond!

Amidst the constant price response, the price of this piece of prime land located on Wangfujing Street was quickly pushed up by many competitors, and it exceeded 6 billion yuan in a blink of an eye.

However, buyer No. 26, who initially raised his placard to bid, suddenly died down after participating in several rounds of bidding, and there was no more sound.

Faced with this situation, the other competitors who are interested in this land can't help but feel angry and funny, but they have nothing to do!

Cooperating with you is here to cause chaos! He took the initiative to raise a placard to start a war, and waited for the other competitors to respond, but he immediately withdrew. What a grandson!

The reason why Guan Jun died down was naturally at the behest of Ye Tian.

The competition has only just begun, so there is no need to go head-to-head with the other buyers so early, and the temporary silence will also make the rest of the buyers relax their vigilance.

Next, when the auction reached a critical moment, Guan Jun would jump out again, taking a moment to catch the rest of the competitors by surprise.

This kind of operation three or four times will give the rest of the buyers the impression that this buyer No. 26 is not a trustee arranged by the auction house, right? Specially responsible for booing and racking the seedlings.

As long as many real estate companies and real estate bigwigs on the scene have this kind of thought and doubt in their hearts, the next thing will be easy to handle.

Unsurprisingly, when Guan Jun took the initiative to raise his placards and bid up prices again, the other competitors might not necessarily follow up, and they would probably remain silent, ready to watch a joke.

This situation is exactly what Ye Tian wants to see the most.

When the auctioneer knocks down the auction mallet in his hand and makes a final decision, everything will be fine!

This piece of golden land located on Wangfujing Street fell into Ye Tian's hands smoothly, and at a relatively low price.

As for the rest of the real estate companies and various real estate bosses, when they wake up and realize that they have been fooled, they will only regret it and beat their chests!

If it is an ordinary real estate company, even a well-known leading real estate company in the industry,

If you dare to play this kind of trick at the land auction, you will be attacked by groups afterwards, and it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the industry in the future.

But it is a pity that behind the buyer No. 26 is Jingyun Real Estate, a real estate company belonging to Ye Tian, ​​who is not afraid of anyone's attack at all.

In fact, the main purpose of Ye Tian's establishment of a real estate company is to build his own private museum, or to renovate and repair Lishi Hutong for convenience.

In terms of business, Jingyun Real Estate has basically no intersection with other real estate companies, so naturally there is no need to consider the ideas of other real estate companies and real estate bigwigs.

As for tricks outside the market, or even some shady tricks, Ye Tian doesn't care at all, just let him come!

During the conversation, the quotation for Plot No. 8 has reached RMB 6.2 billion.

Obviously, this quotation should exceed the psychological price of some real estate companies, and several real estate companies have withdrawn from the competition one after another.

After all, this is a land for cultural exhibitions, and it wears a lot of magic spells. Even if the geographical location is perfect, it will not see much profit. It is normal for these real estate companies to withdraw.

Several real estate companies that are still in the ranks of competition are not so straightforward in raising placards to bid. They are somewhat hesitant in their actions, and they are constantly discussing in low voices, and they will wait and see before raising placards every time.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian, ​​who was far away in Berlin, immediately said through the wireless invisible headset:

"Guan Jun, it's time for you to make a move. Directly bid 6.3 billion yuan. Let's see the reaction of other buyers and see if they will follow up."

At the same time, the auctioneer has loudly announced the latest offer.

"The buyer of No. 18 should pay 6.2 billion yuan, and the current price of land No. 8 is 6.22 billion yuan. Which buyer should bid?"

Before the words fell, Guan Jun, who was sitting under the stage, raised his bidding number plate and shouted loudly:

"6.3 billion yuan, we want the land in Wangfujing"

This quotation was like a bomb, directly blowing up the entire auction hall, and the scene immediately boiled.

"I'll go! The auctioneer's price has directly increased by 80 million yuan. What is the origin of this Jingyun Real Estate, and its strength is so strong? Could it be that their money was blown by the wind?"

"The boy on the 26th jumped out again. Can their newly established real estate company take over the land in Wangfujing? What are they planning to do with this land?

From my point of view, this buyer No. 26 came here on purpose to mess things up, maybe it was arranged by the auction house to be responsible for raising the price, and he has done a lot of things before to drive up the price."

Amidst the discussion, almost everyone at the auction turned their heads to look at Guan Jun. Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity, and the few buyers who were still in the competition were very annoyed.

At this time, Guan Jun looked at the auction platform and auctioneer in front of him without squinting, his expression was quite excited, and he also seemed a little nervous.

"Brother, it seems that your company is very powerful. Can you tell me what kind of building you Jingyun Real Estate plans to build on the land of Wangfujing?"

A guy sitting a few meters away from Guan Jun asked in a low voice, trying to find out the details of Jingyun Real Estate.

However, Guan Jun ignored this guy at all, as if he hadn't heard anything.

After a while, the passionate voice of the auctioneer came again, and it seemed to be even louder than before!

"The buyer on No. 26 quoted 6.3 billion yuan, which is very aggressive. The current quotation of the No. 8 plot is 6.32 billion yuan. Which buyer should bid?"

The new quotation was released, but the scene fell silent.

Those buyers who were still in the competition all showed a bit of hesitation on their faces, and looked back at Guan Jun again.

It wasn't until the auctioneer quoted the price for the second time and asked loudly that someone in the audience raised a placard to answer the price. It was a well-known real estate tycoon in China, and he was a little hesitant when he raised the placard.

Next, there was another competition between several real estate companies and several real estate tycoons, but the frequency of raising placards for asking prices was much reduced.

Guan Jun, who had just made a splash, fell silent. The old god sat on the ground in his seat, and did not raise his placard again, just like he did before.

Seeing this situation, almost everyone in the auction hall rolled their eyes angrily, and those buyers who were still competing for the No. 8 plot were itching with hatred.

After such an episode, many people at the scene believed that the No. 26 buyer who jumped out from time to time to disrupt the situation was just here to make a fuss, and it was probably a trick!

Another real estate company chose to withdraw, and the number of buyers competing for plot No. 8 became less, and the frequency of several buyers raising their placards to bid for the price became less, and every time they raised their placards, they had to think carefully!

In the back-and-forth competition, the quotation for Plot No. 8 has been pushed to a high level of RMB 6.46 billion.

For a piece of cultural exhibition land, this price is already very astonishing, even if this land is located in Wangfujing Street, where land is very expensive.

However, this is not the end, and even more amazing things are yet to come.

When the auctioneer gave a new price of RMB 6.48 billion, the scene suddenly fell silent.

Several real estate bosses who competed for the land in Wangfujing all showed hesitation on their faces. They did not immediately raise their placards to bid, but looked at each other and exchanged glances!

These real estate tycoons are all well-tested talents, and they have reached a tacit understanding with a simple eye contact.

But it was useless at all, these real estate tycoons seemed to have forgotten that there was a No. 26 buyer behind them!

"6.6 billion RMB!"

Guan Jun's voice suddenly rang out, instantly detonating the entire auction hall.

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