Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2239 The Birth of the Legendary Horse King

In a blink of an eye, Jueying, who came from stepping on the clouds, had already galloped to the section of the track directly in front of Ye Tian and his horse owner's box, less than 200 meters away from the finish line.

When Jueying soared into the air again and stepped heavily on the ground with his left front hoof, Ye Tian opened his arms again and shouted passionately:

"Mike! Let go of the restraints, let Jueying run as much as you want, and let it fly freely! This is its moment, and this is a great moment that will forever be recorded in history!"

Not only Ye Tian, ​​but also David and Jason standing next to him, as well as Sam, everyone in the horse owner's box, and even almost everyone in the Dubai Racecourse and the live broadcast terminal were all cheering and cheering for Jueying!

A situation like this is simply impossible in other racecourses.

In other horse races, because many people will bet on different horses according to their own judgment, trying to make a fortune, it is naturally impossible to cheer for a horse.

The Dubai Horse Racing World Cup is different. Gambling is not allowed here, and the game has become much purer.

When a horse performs very well and far exceeds other horses in the same competition, people will send thunderous applause and cheers like a wave.

The rest of the owners who were involved in this race and whose horses were left far behind, of course, were not included.

Whether the jockey Mike on the horse heard the words Ye Tian shouted loudly, no one knows for the time being, but Jue Ying seems to have heard them.

Jueying, who was already extremely fast, instantly increased his running speed a lot, completely transformed into a maroon lightning, and rushed to the finish line.

At this time, it seemed to be flying through the clouds, and the four horseshoes were like drumsticks flying up and down, hitting the ground alternately, playing a majestic battle song!

Seeing this scene, the Dubai Racecourse and countless live streaming terminals suddenly became excited again.

"My God! Jueying can still accelerate, this is simply crazy, where is its limit? I can't even imagine it!"

"There is no doubt that this is a psychic BMW. It seems to have heard what Steven said, so it suddenly accelerated. I have to say that Steven is the luckiest guy in the world, which can be envied Crazy!"

While people were talking about it, David and Jason felt regretful.

"It would be great if you could bet on horses for the World Cup in Dubai. In that case,

We can make a lot of money, and we won’t miss this opportunity in vain.”

"Who said it wasn't! What a good opportunity to make a fortune, it's a pity that I missed it like this!"

Hearing the complaints of these guys, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing, and jokingly said:

"Fortunately, the World Cup in Dubai cannot bet on horses, otherwise, I could win the country of the United Arab Emirates to bankruptcy"

While speaking, Jueying has already started the final sprint.

At this time, it has completely flew up, and the horse's head and chestnut ponytail that are protruding forward are completely drawn into a straight line, and it walks on all fours in the air, heading straight for the finish line.

"My God! Fifty-five horses! The distance between Jue Ying and the Son of the Desert is still widening, fifty-six horses. This is a great scene that has never appeared in the Dubai Horse Racing World Cup and in the history of world horse racing!

There is no doubt that Jueying, which is galloping at a very high speed, has surpassed its grandfather, the generation of proud horse Secretariat. It must have a bigger and stronger heart and a stronger fighting spirit than Secretariat.

Jueying is about to cross the finish line. Fifty-eight horses, fifty-nine horses,..., cross the line! Leading the second place by a full sixty horse lengths, Jueying has created a record that will never be achieved! "

Accompanied by the almost frantic screams of the host, Jueying turned into a maroon lightning and rushed to the finish line at high speed, or it should be said that it flew over the finish line, which is more accurate.

At this moment, the entire Dubai Racecourse completely boiled.

Deafening applause and cheers sounded crazily, sweeping across the entire Dubai Racecourse and countless live broadcast terminals like a tsunami.

In the horse owner's box where Ye Tian and the others were, there were naturally cheers and thunderous cheers.

Everyone here is applauding, cheering and high-fiving each other, and everyone has a huge smile on their face.

Especially Sam, who single-handedly raised Jue Ying, but almost sold Jue Ying halfway through, tears filled his eyes with excitement, crying like a child!

In the boxes of other horse owners on the second floor of the racetrack, it was a different scene!

After a short period of disappointment, the rest of the horse owners, billionaires, and dignitaries from all over the world stared at Jueying who was still galloping on the track, not even willing to blink their eyelids!

At this time, if someone came closer to observe, they would definitely be able to see that the eyeballs of these guys were completely red, so red that they were about to bleed, they looked quite crazy!

Back in Ye Tian's horse owner's box, everyone was still cheering and celebrating and high-fiving each other.

At this moment, Mathis suddenly pushed the door and walked into the box, came to Ye Tian and whispered:

"Steven, Princess Mayassa and Prince Hassan of the royal family of Qatar are here. They are at the door of the box. They want to meet you. What do you want?"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately laughed softly, he knew very well why these two old friends came here.

"Please come in. Princess Mayassa and Prince Hassan are one of our company's biggest benefactors. They have won many top-level antique artworks sent by our company in major auction houses. Naturally, they can't refute their face!"

"Okay, Steven, I'll invite them in"

Matisse nodded in response, then turned and walked out of the box.

Ye Tian turned his head and said to Sam who was standing aside:

"Sam, go to the finish line and meet Mike and Jueying. In the next award ceremony, you will be on stage to accept the award on behalf of the horse owner. Let's attend the press conference later!"

"Okay, Steven, I'm going to the finish line first"

Sam nodded and said nothing.

He knew very well in his heart that although Ye Tian was a major shareholder of Jueying, his identity was sensitive and he had enemies everywhere, so it was not suitable for him to appear at the awards ceremony later on, as it might be dangerous and endanger Jueying!

There will be no worries in this regard at the press conference held indoors later, just make an appearance at that time!

Afterwards, Sam walked towards the door of the box, ready to leave the horse owner's box.

When he walked to the door, the door of the box room just opened again, and Matisse walked into the box with Princess Mayassa and Prince Hassan.

Sam greeted the two members of the Qatari royal family with a smile, and then left the box, while Ye Tian greeted the two old friends.

After the two parties met, they naturally exchanged polite greetings and chatted about each other's current situation.

Immediately afterwards, Prince Hassan got to the point.

"Steven, first of all congratulations, you have such a purebred racehorse who won the Dubai World Cup with ease, and Jueying was also able to aspire to the throne of the world's horse king!"

To be honest, Jueying's performance is really amazing. I have never seen such a powerful and almost invincible racehorse, and I have never even heard of it. This is simply a myth.

I would like to ask, Steven, is your Jue Ying for sale? Or you can sell a part of the equity, I really love this extremely handsome racehorse, and I really want to own this racehorse! "

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then shook his head slightly, and said firmly:

"I'm very sorry, Prince Hassan, I will never sell Jueying, and its equity cannot be transferred. I believe you can understand that if it were you, you would definitely not sell such a horse that is destined to become a legend in the world!

Although I will not sell Jueying and its shares to you, you can reserve the breeding rights after Jueying retires. Jueying is not only a legend on the track, but when he exits the track, he will definitely become a legendary stallion !

In view of the friendly and cooperative relationship between us, I can give you a relatively high position, that is to say, within a few years, you will be able to have a descendant of Jueying, who may be the next horse racing legend! "

Hearing these words, Prince Hassan, who was a little disappointed at first, suddenly lit up his eyes, like two searchlights, the eyes flashed with hope, full of anticipation.

Before he could give a response, Matisse, who had just left, pushed the door again and walked into the box, came to Ye Tian and whispered:

"Prince Rashid of Dubai and Crown Prince Salman of Saudi Arabia have come together and hope to meet with you. What do you agree? Let them in?"

"Please come in, the two princes. After all, this is Dubai, the territory of Prince Rashid. We are just guests. I also want to meet these two princes and make friends with them."

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and looked towards the door of the box.

Needless to say, these two oil princes also came here for Jueying, and playing horse racing with eagles is the biggest hobby of these Arab princes!

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