Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2245 Other people's territory

Soon, a few days passed.

Except for the treasures raided from the antique flea market, Ye Tian and the others found nothing surprising in Cologne, a famous historical and cultural city.

Although there are many historical buildings built in the Middle Ages and even earlier, some of them were built by the Knights Templar themselves, or are inextricably linked to the Knights Templar.

However, in several target historic buildings and deep underground, Ye Tian and the others found neither the famous treasure of the Knights Templar nor other treasures, basically nothing!

For this result, everyone is somewhat disappointed, and those Germans who are full of expectations are even more disappointed.

Of course, the reason why Ye Tian and the others didn't discover it may be related to relatively few places to explore.

They only explored a few predetermined target buildings, and did not set foot in other places.

In other parts of Cologne, in the remaining historical buildings, there may be hidden great treasures buried, but they have nothing to do with them.

Cologne's exploration work is completed, relatively dull.

Even so, Ye Tian still made a fortune in Cologne, and he didn't make the trip in vain.

Next, the joint exploration team composed of the Bravery Exploration Company and the Vatican set off again, left Cologne, and went straight to the next goal.

Lisbon, Portugal.


Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, is located in the west of the country, only twelve nautical miles from the Atlantic Ocean, and is the westernmost city in Europe.

The city has a long history. Humans settled here in prehistoric times. It was built here by the Phoenicians before BC, and was ruled successively by the Romans, barbarians, and Moors.

In 1147, the first king of Portugal, Alfonso I, led the Crusaders to capture Lisbon, the main force of which was the famous Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller.

By 1245, the city had become the capital and commercial center of Portugal.

In the era of great geographical discovery, many famous navigators, such as Da Gama, set sail from Lisbon to explore different places in the world.

Because of this, by the sixteenth century, Lisbon had become one of the few bustling cities in Europe.

A large amount of gold was brought in from Brazil, Portugal's South American colony, which created the splendor of Lisbon and made the city the commercial center of the richest European side at that time.

But the good times didn't last long. In 1755, a violent earthquake destroyed two-thirds of Lisbon, causing serious decline in the city and port. Since then, Portugal's national strength has also begun to decline.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, when Napoleon invaded Lisbon, the royal family fled to Brazil collectively, and the city was also damaged to a certain extent, which can be described as worse.

Today, Lisbon has lost its former glory.

However, the historical buildings of various styles scattered throughout the city, as well as the faded old streets, still remind people of the golden age of the Age of Discovery.

It was already noon, and a smooth private plane and a large passenger plane appeared in the eastern sky one after another, flying straight to Lisbon Portela Airport.

It didn't take long for the two planes to land on the airport runway smoothly. After taxiing for a certain distance, they finally parked side by side on two adjacent parking spaces.

At the same time, a convoy came from the entrance of the terminal building and the apron respectively, speeding towards the two planes.

When the plane stopped, the doors of the two planes opened immediately, and a large number of security personnel got out of the plane first, and quickly went down the gangway, and became vigilant.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian appeared at the cabin door of Bombardier's private jet and walked down the gangway, followed by David and the others.

On the other side, Bishop Kent also appeared at the cabin door of the large passenger plane, and walked down the gangway step by step.

When the two of them got down to the ground and converged at one place, the convoy coming from the direction of the terminal building had already arrived here and stopped beside the runway where the large passenger plane was.

The doors of the cars opened one after another, and a group of Portuguese came out of those cars one after another, walking towards Ye Tian and the others.

Among these Portuguese people, there were guys in suits and leather shoes, senior monks in monk's uniform, senior police officers and senior airport customs officials, and a few familiar faces.

Those familiar faces are all well-known figures in the field of Portuguese antique art collection, including museum curators, famous archaeologists and historians, and they have all met Ye Tian face to face.

Seeing these Portuguese people approaching, Ye Tian and the Bishop of Kent looked at each other, and each of them put on a smile on their faces, and went forward together.

In three or two steps, the two sides have already converged in one place.

Before he could stand still, an old Portuguese man in a suit and leather shoes said in blunt English:

"Good afternoon, Bishop of Kent, Mr. Steven, welcome to Lisbon, Portugal, and welcome you to come to Lisbon to explore the treasures. I am Vieira, Minister of Culture of Portugal. It is a pleasure to meet you."

As he spoke, the minister stretched out his right hand.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Minister, I'm Steven, and I'm glad to meet you too. Portugal is a beautiful country, and Lisbon is a beautiful city. I've been yearning for it for a long time!"

Ye Tian said politely, and shook hands with the Portuguese Minister of Culture.

The same goes for the Bishop of Kent, who shook hands with the Minister of Culture and said some polite words.

Next, the two sides began to introduce people on their respective sides and get to know each other.

Soon, Vieira introduced a senior monk wearing a monk's uniform.

"Mr. Steven, Bishop of Kent, this is a bishop from the Portuguese Jesuits, Father Santos"

"Good afternoon, Father Santos. I'm Steven. Nice to meet you. I've been well-known for the Portuguese Jesuits for a long time. I've met several friends of the Portuguese Jesuits in the previous expeditions."

Ye Tian said with a smile, and extended his right hand to the Jesuit bishop.

At the same time, he also took a deep look at the other party, and a trace of fear flashed quickly in the depths of his eyes.

The Portuguese Jesuits, transformed from the Portuguese branch of the Knights Templar, have a long history and are powerful. Lisbon is the headquarters of the Portuguese Jesuits.

Because of the relationship of historical inheritance, the Portuguese Jesuits took it for granted that they were the legal heirs to the treasure of the Knights Templar, and they should occupy this famous treasure, or at least most of it.

When Ye Tian and the others were exploring the treasures of the Knights Templar in other European countries, they had dealt with the Portuguese Jesuits several times, and secretly fought several times.

Of course, in those few matches, the losers were all members of the Portuguese Jesuits.

But this time it was in Portugal, the stronghold of the Jesuits. If they fought again, it would not be certain who would suffer.

While Ye Tian was looking at the other party, this Jesuit priest named Santos was also looking at him secretly, with curiosity and vigilance in his eyes.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, I'm Santos, from the Portuguese Jesuits, nice to meet you, welcome to Lisbon, Portugal, I hope you enjoy this ancient city.

I don’t need to tell you the relationship between the Portuguese Jesuits and the Knights Templar. From this point of view, it’s not surprising that you have met members of our Jesuits before!

You have come to Lisbon this time to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar. If I am not mistaken, the destination should be Tomar, a small town not far from Lisbon. It used to belong to us.”

Saying that, Santos shook hands with Ye Tian.

Ye Tian smiled softly, then nodded and said:

"That's right, the destination of our trip to Portugal is indeed the historical town of Tomar, which used to be the front line of the Knights Templar's fight against the Moors, leaving behind many historical relics.

Later, we will drive directly to Tomar and stay in that small town, where we will launch an operation to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar. I hope you can cooperate! "

"That's no problem. We also want to find the treasures of the Knights Templar and find those long-lost Christian relics as soon as possible. We can cooperate"

Sanders nodded with a smile and said, quite beautifully.

After him came the representatives of the Priory of the Mount Martyrdom in Portugal, who had been seen in Paris, France before.

Because of some religious reasons and some historical inheritance relations, the strength of the Priory of the Sacrificial Mountain in Portugal should not be underestimated, even far exceeding their strength in France.

Just as Ye Tian and Bishop of Kent shook hands with these Portuguese one by one and got to know each other, the convoy led by Leonardo had already driven here quickly, ready to pick everyone up to the small town of Tomar!

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