To Ye Tian's surprise, the Portuguese made a decision very quickly.

At about ten o'clock the next morning, when Ye Tian and the others were about to go out for a tour, Vieira called suddenly, saying that the Portuguese government was going to buy the Crusader knight sword.

In fact, the one who really paid for the acquisition of this Crusader knight sword was a super rich man in Portugal and one of Ye Tian's regular customers, Bell Miro.

After accepting the sword of the Crusader Knight of Alfonso I, Belmiro will publicly donate it to the Portuguese government, and it will be displayed in the Portuguese National Museum for everyone to see.

On the bright side, the Portuguese government did not need to pay a penny for this antique transaction, and could get a national treasure for nothing, and use it to win the hearts of the people, but in private, they must make some compensation.

Through this antique transaction, the invisible benefits Belmiro will get will be far greater than the money he paid, which is a good thing for everyone.

As for the price of this crusader knight's sword, it was negotiated last night. Ye Tian gave the Portuguese a friendly price of 120 million U.S. dollars, making a fortune.

When the Portuguese made the decision to purchase this crusader knight sword, it meant that the joint exploration team could start operations in Tomar to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar.

This was agreed between the two parties during the negotiation last night, and it is also a prerequisite for Ye Tian to agree to keep this Crusader knight's sword in Portugal!

After receiving Vieira's call, Ye Tian immediately canceled today's tour plan, stayed in the hotel, and told the news to the Bishop of Kent who rushed to the Tomar City Hall again.

Hearing this news, the Bishop of Kent and the others were naturally very excited and cheered directly on the phone.

Soon, the Portuguese government announced the news on the news media, apparently out of fear of Ye Tian's change of mind, and prepared to confirm the matter.

As the news spread, cheers erupted almost everywhere in Portugal.

The situation inside and outside the hotel where Ye Tian was staying was the same. The protests and even hysterical curses that resounded through the sky before were completely replaced by cheers and applause one after another in an instant.

Can people not cheer for the fact that Portugal's national treasure can be recovered without spending a penny from taxpayers!

Through this incident, the Portuguese super-rich Belmiro earned a wave of goodwill and applause, and received rave reviews. Even the stocks of his companies rose slightly, and the effect was immediate!

As for Ye Tian,

It has completely become synonymous with greed and is cast aside by all Portuguese.

Ye Tian didn't care about the perception of the Portuguese at all, or if there were too many lice and it didn't itch, who could bite me!

Not long after the call was hung up, the Bishop of Kent and others who had rushed to the Tomar City Hall turned around and returned to the hotel halfway.

As soon as he returned to the hotel, Bishop of Kent came to Ye Tian's luxurious suite and said excitedly:

"Steven, on the way back just now, I spoke to Mayor Barbosa of Tomar and Sister Sophia of the Society of Jesus on the phone, and they told me that we can start exploration operations in Tomar at any time.

The conditions are as we agreed with them in the hotel conference room last night. We can enter all target buildings to start exploration operations. The Portuguese government and the Jesuits will send people to participate and supervise on site! "

"Since I received Vieira's call just now, I have guessed that this will be the result. Vieira and Belmiro are on their way to Tomar, and they will arrive in two hours at most.

When I complete this antique transaction with the Portuguese, we can start exploring. I have a very strong feeling that in Tomar, we are likely to make great discoveries! "

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, his words were full of confidence.

After the words fell, the Bishop of Kent continued excitedly:

"I hope it is as you said, and I hope that you will create a miracle again and bring a huge surprise to the whole world. That would be great!"

After chatting for a few more words, the Bishop of Kent left the suite to prepare for the upcoming series of explorations.

About 20 minutes later, Tomar Mayor Barbosa and the Deputy Minister of Culture of Portugal came together to Ye Tian's luxury suite. Sister Sofia and others did not show up this time.

The reason why Barbosa and the others came to the hotel in advance was to prepare for the subsequent antique transaction and the press conference after the transaction.

After entering the suite, after a few polite words, Barbosa got to the point and said sourly:

"Steven, we, the Tomar City Hall, the Convent of Christ, and the Convent of Christ, have reached an agreement to allow you to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar in Tomar.

According to the agreement reached last night, if you find a long-lost Christian relic, it must be publicly displayed in Tomar for a period of time, and it will also be exhibited in Tomar on a regular basis in the future.”

Ye Tian looked at the Portuguese mayor, then smiled and said:

"Barbosa, as I said before, you'd better talk to the Vatican directly about Christian relics. We are not involved. In fact, we are only responsible for exploring the legendary relics.

If we find the treasure of the Knights Templar in Tomar, we will only take the secular property in the treasure, and will never get involved in Christian sacred objects. At the same time, I also believe that the Vatican will definitely keep its promise! "

Hearing this, Barbosa and the others could only nod their heads and couldn't say anything more.

Soon, the Portuguese left and went to the hotel banquet hall to set up the press conference.

At this time, outside the hotel door, there were more and more media reporters and people watching the excitement, completely blocking the street in front of the hotel and several nearby streets.

While people were watching the excitement, they naturally also had heated discussions. The scene was like a boiling pot, which was extremely noisy.

"Guys, everyone may wish to guess, how much did Belmiro pay for the knight sword of Alfonso the Conqueror from Steven that guy?"

"Do you still need to ask? It must be a jaw-droppingly huge sum of money. With the extremely greedy and ruthless style of behavior of that bastard Steven, he will definitely kill Bell Miro.

I have to say, God is really a little blind, to let such an important Portuguese national treasure fall into the hands of that bastard Steven, and let him loot the wealth crazily, it's so exasperating! "

Just when people were discussing, a convoy suddenly drove up from the distance of the street where the hotel was located. Under the protection of many police cars, it drove towards the entrance of the hotel little by little.

In the middle of this convoy, there is an extended version of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, which looks very eye-catching, and there are also several vehicles with government license plates, which are also very conspicuous.

With the appearance of this convoy, the street in front of the hotel suddenly boiled again.

"Wow! Bell Miro is here. I know his extended Rolls-Royce Phantom. This is a custom-made Rolls-Royce, unique!"

"Not only Belmiro is here, but also Minister of Culture Vieira who just left last night. I seem to have seen people from the office of the President of the Belém Palace. This is not a small scene!"

While speaking, the convoy had arrived at the entrance of the hotel and stopped slowly.

Immediately afterwards, people saw the very familiar Portuguese super-rich, Belmiro, getting out of the extended Rolls-Royce Phantom and standing at the entrance of the hotel!

In addition, Vieira and the presidential staff from the Belém Palace in Lisbon also got out of the car one after another and appeared in front of people.

They had just got off the station, and before they had time to make a gesture, they waved to the people gathered at the scene, but the people at the door of the hotel were the first to give warm applause.

"clap clap"

Thunderous applause suddenly sounded, resounding through the entire street, and even the entire Tomar.

Listening to the applause one after another and looking at the excited people in front of the hotel, Belmiro and Vieira couldn't help being infected, and their emotions became more and more excited.

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