Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2268 The hidden weapon soaked in blood

Before the exclamation fell, the Bishop of Kent slapped his head and said excitedly:

"I know what this is. This is the pocket sword often used by the Assassins of the legendary assassin organization. King Conrale of Jerusalem and Cardinal Beauvais were assassinated by the Assassins in the street!

And they died under this strange weapon. During the Third Crusade, this was a very important thing. The accidental death of Bishop Conrale and Beauvais disrupted the deployment of the Crusaders "

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"That's right, this is the secret weapon of the legendary Assassin faction, the sword in the sleeve, which is extremely concealed but extremely lethal. In the Middle Ages, it could be called frightening.

More importantly, this pair of sleeve swords was designed and built by the founder of the Assassin faction, that is, the mysterious "old man in the mountain". The materials used are extremely special, not only extremely sharp, but also never rust.

This pair of swords in the sleeves has been buried deep underground for seven or eight hundred years, but there is no trace of rust on them, and they are still extremely sharp and extremely deadly. The internal mechanisms are also intact, without any problems.

In this regard, it is completely a miracle, not to mention the bloody storms caused by the pair of swords in the sleeves in the Middle Ages, but the pair of swords in the sleeves themselves are priceless top-level antique relics."

While talking, the Portuguese archaeologist suddenly interjected:

"Steven, why are these Assassins' pocket swords in the hands of the Knights Templar? Why were they buried here again by the Knights Templar?"

Ye Tian looked at this buddy, then smiled and said:

"There is a very wonderful story here, I can tell you that in 1192, during the Third Crusade, Richard the Lionheart from England was king of Jerusalem in Akriconrad.

At this time, Conrad was in Tire. After hearing the news, he immediately celebrated in Tire to celebrate that he became king and that the Kingdom of Jerusalem finally got rid of the guilt of the failure of the Battle of Harding.

But the joy turned into sorrow. On April 28th, after the celebration, Conrad and Cardinal Beauvais were assassinated by two Assassins on their way back to their residence. Conrad and Beauvais died in the on the street.

The two Assassin assassins who assassinated them also failed to escape, and were chopped into meat paste by the Templar guarding Conrad. The pair of sleeve swords soaked in the blood of Conrad and Beauvais fell into the holy In the hands of the Templar Knights.

As for why the Knights Templar attach so much importance to the pair of swords in the sleeves of the Assassins? Not only were they secretly brought to Tomar, but they were also buried deep underground, with no less importance than Saladin's golden helmet.

The reason is very simple, because this pair of sleeve swords is one of the symbols of the Assassin faction, and it is also the most important token of the Assassin faction. The Knights Templar and Assassin sent you to fight countless times. Naturally know this.

Therefore, after obtaining the pair of swords in the sleeve, the Knights Templar regarded them as treasures and hid them. The Assassins who lost the pair of swords in the sleeve have been looking for them for more than 700 years. This pair of swords in the sleeve.

After the death of Conrad and Beauvais, the Knights Templar and the Assassin Assassins launched a series of bloody fights around the pair of sleeve swords with special significance. In the end, the Assassins failed to regain the pair Sword in the sleeve"

"I'll go! It's really bloody!"

Jason said in amazement, and directly expressed emotion.

The rest of the people were the same, they were all completely shocked by the hidden story behind the pair of swords in the sleeves and the bloody fights that ensued.

After a short pause, Father Ramirez suddenly interjected:


Why do you know the history of this pair of swords in the sleeves of the Assassins so clearly? This should be a secret of the Assassins. How did you learn about it? "

Before Ye Tian could give a response, the Portuguese archaeologist couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, these antique relics should not be regarded as the treasure of the Knights Templar, right? According to the agreement signed before, if the discovered treasure is not the treasure of the Knights Templar, half of the ownership of the treasure should belong to us!"

Hearing this, a sneer of disdain flashed across Ye Tian's face immediately.

"Of course these antique relics belong to the treasure of the Knights Templar, as long as it is something buried by the Knights Templar, even if it is just a rusty knight's sword, it is also part of the treasure of the Knights Templar.

You should go back and study the agreement carefully, and then watch the video of the signing, and you will get the most accurate answer. Besides, these antique cultural relics in front of you may not be able to bear it.”

Hearing Ye Tian's merciless words, the faces of the three Portuguese at the scene immediately flushed red, their expressions were very embarrassing, and their eyes were full of anger, but they couldn't vent.

Without waiting for them to refute, Ye Tian went on to say:

"Let's go back to the pair of pocket swords. Why do I know them so well? Know a lot of stories hidden behind them, which are almost impossible to be known by outsiders? Of course there is a reason.

When I was in Berlin before, the contemporary mountain old man of the Assassins came to me and asked me to help find the pair of pocket swords. This is the most important token of the Assassins, and they are bound to get it.

After hundreds of years of research and investigation by the Assassins, it is basically determined that the pair of sleeve swords are in the famous treasure of the Knights Templar, and it is for this reason that they came to me.

In the process of exploring the treasures of the Knights Templar, if I found this pair of precious sleeve swords, the Assassins were willing to pay a certain price and exchange them from me, and I agreed.

It was during that meeting that the old man in the mountain told me a series of bloody stories hidden behind the pair of swords in the sleeve, and drew a picture to show me the pair of swords in the sleeve.

As always, good luck has always been with me. We found this pair of Assassins' treasured swords in Tomar, and the deal between us will start soon!

Here, I think it is necessary to remind me that since the pair of pocket swords have appeared, no matter who they fall into, they will face the endless pursuit of the Assassins.

Even I don't want to provoke the Assassins, a legendary assassin organization that has been passed down for more than a thousand years, that would be asking for trouble, let alone other people or organizations! "

Hearing his words, the Portuguese archaeologist who coveted the pair of swords in his sleeve couldn't help shivering, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that not everyone could covet this pair of swords in the sleeve, which were stained with the blood of countless celebrities and kings and resulted in countless lives!

Next, Ye Tian told a few more stories related to the pair of swords in the sleeves.

Without exception, these stories are famous in history, and each story is full of intrigues and bloody fights, which makes people feel chills all over their bodies and chills down their backs.

After telling the story, he put the sword in his sleeve back into the box.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly glanced at the antique cultural relics in the three opened boxes, and then said with a smile:

"I found a very interesting thing. The antique relics in these boxes seem to be independent individuals, but in fact, they are inextricably linked with each other.

First of all, all the antique relics here are the spoils of the Knights Templar. The former owners of these antique relics are all opponents of the Knights Templar, and each wants to crush the other.

Take the Assassin faction and Saladin as an example. They are both enemies of the Knights Templar, and they are endless rivals to each other. The Assassin faction has sent elite assassins to assassinate Saladin several times.

Of course, those carefully planned assassination missions all failed. None of the assassins sent to assassinate Saladin came back alive.

It also involves the Mongols from the East. The Assassins also tried to assassinate the Mongolian Great Khan Mengge, but they were almost uprooted by the Mongolian army. They have not been able to breathe for hundreds of years..."

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