Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2281 A Small Town Full of Miracles

At around eleven o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian received a call from his sister-in-law.

On the phone, my sister-in-law told him that the top Chinese antique artworks traded from the Assassins had arrived in Beijing safely and were stored in the vault, not a single piece was missing.

After confirming this, Ye Tian immediately waved his fist excitedly to show his celebration.

Immediately afterwards, he called Hassan, the old man in the mountain, and asked them to come to the hotel where he was staying and take away the pair of tokens of the Assassins and the pair of swords in the sleeves.

Within 20 minutes of hanging up the phone, Hassan and his bodyguards came to the hotel and re-entered the luxurious suite where Ye Tian lived, obviously very urgent.

When they came in, Ye Tian had already taken off the pair of sleeve swords tied to his arms, and put them on the coffee table in the living room.

But Hassan and his assistant, who saw the pair of swords in their sleeves again, were still very excited and their faces were full of excitement.

"Good morning, Hassan, the transaction between us is going very smoothly. Those Chinese antiques have arrived in Beijing. Now you can take away this pair of pocket swords. It's a pleasure to cooperate with you."

With a bright smile on his face, Ye Tiandui said politely, and shook hands with Hassan.

"Good morning, Steven, I am also very happy to cooperate with you. You are a person who keeps your promise. On behalf of the Assassins, thank you again for discovering this pair of swords in the pocket. You will be our friend in the future! "

Hassan said earnestly, and he was quite forceful when shaking hands.

"I am also very happy to make friends like you, Hassan. I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future. If you find the top Chinese antique art that was hidden before, you can contact me as soon as possible.

As for the top Chinese antique works of art that have been lost overseas, I will buy as many as there are, and I will never be too much. Of course, the source of these top Chinese antique works of art must be legal, and only then will I buy them.”

"Okay, Steven, after we leave Portugal, we will check the relevant information carefully to see if we can find more hidden treasures. If we find Chinese antiques, we will definitely contact you!"

After a few words of politeness to each other, Hassan began to check the pair of Hidden Swords on the coffee table, and the result went without saying that there was nothing wrong with the pair of Hidden Swords.

After the appraisal, Hassan tied the pair of sleeve swords to his arms.

Next, he signed a series of antique art transaction contracts, and then left, taking the remaining few medieval Arabic antiques.

At this point, the heavyweight antique artwork transaction between Ye Tian and the Assassins came to a successful conclusion.

After leaving the hotel where Ye Tian was staying, Hassan and the others immediately returned to their hotel, and the eyeliners who were in charge of staring at Ye Tian also withdrew.

Soon, Hassan and the others left the hotel where they were staying, drove out of Tomar, and galloped towards Santarém in the northeast, deliberately avoiding Lisbon, where the Pope is, so as not to cause misunderstandings!

Needless to say, these Assassin assassins wanted to leave Portugal as soon as possible to get rid of those eyes staring at them.

As for whether they can get rid of the stalker, it has nothing to do with Ye Tian.

After dealing with these matters, Ye Tian felt relaxed, not to mention how good he was.

For the next half a day, they wandered around in the city of Tomar, wandering the ancient streets,

It is very pleasant to enjoy the scenery of this historical small town.


In the blink of an eye, it was a new day, and the sun was shining brightly, just like the mood of all Tomar citizens.

For the citizens of Tomar, this is a very special and commemorative day, because the Pope is coming to visit Tomar.

Just after nine o'clock in the morning, the citizens of Tomar moved in empty groups, dressed in costumes and left their homes.

Some of them gathered on both sides of the highway from Lisbon entering the city of Tomar, waiting for the pope's convoy.

More people gathered on both sides of the main road in the city, holding flowers or crosses, preparing to welcome the visit of the Pope.

At this time, Tomar has become a sea of ​​flowers.

People took out the most delicate and beautiful flowers that bloomed in their homes one after another, and placed them on the balconies facing the street or on the streets, decorating this historic town colorfully.

As a partner of the Vatican, Ye Tian and the others also left the hotel and came to the entrance of Tomar City with Bishop Kent and the others, waiting to welcome the arrival of the Pope's convoy.

Standing here with them to welcome the Pope were Mayor Barbosa of Tomar, a group of city officials, and senior monks such as Father Ramirez and Sister Sophia.

At this time, the Portuguese were very determined.

The pope's sudden visit to Portugal with a large entourage was definitely facilitated by Steven, a cunning bastard. This was clearly for the joint exploration operation, and the visit was just a cover.

There is no doubt that the bastard Steven must have made a major discovery, but kept it secret, and played such a trick to directly move the Pope out.

Thinking of this, the Portuguese government officials and senior priests at the scene all looked at Ye Tian with a bit of unkind eyes, all of them were itching with hatred, but there was nothing they could do.

While speaking, it was almost ten o'clock in the morning.

Suddenly there was a huge engine roar in the air, from far to near, it was heard by everyone on the scene.

Immediately afterwards, two medium-sized police helicopters broke into everyone's field of vision, roaring from the direction of Lisbon.

With the appearance of these two police helicopters, there was a huge cheer at the welcome scene, and everyone became restless.

"Look, everyone, two police helicopters are coming, they should be leading the way ahead, and His Majesty's convoy will arrive soon!"

"Definitely, I don't know if His Majesty the Pope will get off here to meet everyone. It would be great if he could stay here for a while!"

Amidst the cheers, the crowd has begun to move forward unconsciously.

Fortunately, the Portuguese police were well prepared and pulled up two cordons in advance to control the situation on the scene.

As everyone expected, after two police helicopters roared over the welcome crowd, a huge convoy drove up from the distance of the expressway.

In front of the convoy was a Portuguese police car with flashing lights, and eight courtesy heavy motorcycles.

The first time this huge convoy appeared, the area where the welcome crowd gathered was completely submerged in thunderous applause in an instant!

Needless to say, it was the convoy of the Pope and his entourage driving along the highway.


Ten minutes later, the Pope, who got out of the car to show his friendly image, finally came to Ye Tian.

A few steps behind the Pope, the Portuguese President and his wife were shaking hands with the Bishop of Kent and the others.

"Good morning, Steven, it's a pleasure to see you again, and I also want to congratulate you. You have discovered many gold and silver treasures hidden by the Knights Templar. You are indeed the top professional treasure hunter in the world today. Well deserved!"

The pope said with a smile, and shook hands with Ye Tian.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Tian immediately continued and said:

"Good morning, His Majesty the Pope, I am also very glad to meet you. Thank you for your congratulations and praise. I am ashamed. Although I am not a landlord, I still welcome you to Tomar. This is a small city full of miracles."

Hearing this, the pope's old and somewhat cloudy eyes suddenly lit up and shone brightly.

However, he didn't say much or ask any more questions, and after a few polite greetings, he continued to walk forward.

Obviously, the Pope knew very well that this was not the place to ask questions.

The Portuguese president and his wife, who were following behind the Pope, obviously heard Ye Tian's words, and felt a bit of flavor from them.

The eyes they looked at Ye Tian suddenly became more dignified, full of fear and unfriendly.

This is completely understandable, anyone whose home is ransacked by robbers will not have a good face towards the robbers!

:. :

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