This is already the second day after the Pope and his entourage arrived in Tomar, and the joint exploration operation will start again to continue to explore the famous treasure of the Knights Templar.

Near nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian and the others left their respective rooms, preparing for today's exploration.

When the group of them came to the stairs, the Bishop of Kent and Leonardo were already waiting here, and everyone was extremely excited and full of expectations.

The first time everyone met, the Bishop of Kent couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, where are we going to explore today? Is it the Santa Maria Church or something else? Now you can tell me, what exactly did you find in the Santa Maria Church last time?"

Ye Tian did not answer these questions, but asked with a smile:

"Bishop of Kent, what is His Majesty's itinerary for today? Can you tell me about it? Then I can arrange today's exploration."

The Bishop of Kent paused, looked at Ye Tian helplessly, and answered his question.

"At 10:30 in the morning, His Majesty the Pope will visit the Tomar Castle on the hill, mainly to visit the monastery there. The history of that monastery is very long, as long as that of Tomar.

In the afternoon, His Majesty the Pope will go to the main church of Tomar, where he will meet with the clergy and the congregation, and if time permits, His Majesty the Pope will preside over a mass in the main church."

Hearing this, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Since His Majesty the Pope went to visit Tomar Castle, let's also go to Tomar Castle to see if we can find anything in that ancient castle, maybe we will be pleasantly surprised."

"Okay, let's go to Tomar Castle"

The Bishop of Kent nodded and agreed very simply.

In fact, he had no choice at all. Ye Tian had the final say on how the joint exploration team would act and where to go to explore.

Next, everyone gathered in one place and walked downstairs together.

When he came to the hotel lobby, Ye Tian saw the Deputy Minister of Culture of Portugal and other government officials, high-level police officers, and priest Ramirez and other high-level Jesuits.

Of course, there are also many media reporters who have heard the news and are full of expectations.

After the meeting, the Portuguese also asked Ye Tian how the joint exploration team will act today and where to explore, so they can make arrangements.

The answer given by Ye Tian was the same as before, the destination was still Tomar Castle.

Afterwards, the joint exploration team left the hotel and drove straight to Tomar Castle not far away.


In just about ten minutes, the joint exploration convoy arrived at the foot of the hill where Tomar Castle is located, and parked on the side of the road.

Because the Pope is going to visit this morning, the place has been surrounded by the Portuguese police. There is a post every three steps and a sentry post every five steps.

However, the joint exploration team is an exception, because the operation to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar was originally initiated by the Vatican!

After going through some necessary security check procedures and confirming the identity of everyone in the joint exploration team, the police let them go, and the joint exploration team then passed through the blockade and drove to Tomar Castle on the mountain.

Many media reporters who followed the joint exploration convoy, as well as people watching the excitement,

Some other guys with unknown intentions were stopped by the Portuguese police at the foot of the mountain, and could only stay at the foot of the mountain to wait for news.

Only those senior officials of the Portuguese government and the Jesuits were able to go up the mountain to continue to follow and supervise the actions of the joint exploration team.

In the blink of an eye, the convoy arrived at the square in front of the castle and stopped immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and David got out of the car and landed on the square paved with granite slabs.

The Bishop of Kent and other senior monks of the Vatican, members of the Swiss Guard, employees of the Intrepid Exploration Company, and armed security personnel who were sitting in the rest of the vehicles also got out of their respective vehicles.

At the same time, Sister Sophia led several nuns and castle administrators, came out from the open castle gate ahead, and walked down the steps towards the United Exploration Convoy below.

Each of these Jesuit nuns had their hair rejuvenated. Although the monks' uniforms they were wearing were not new, they were ironed very flat, without even a single wrinkle.

It can be seen that each of them has a smile on their face, without the usual gloomy expression of the old nun.

Obviously, these Jesuit nuns are very much looking forward to the Pope's visit today.

Not only them, but for the entire Tomar Castle Convent, this is an unprecedented glory. This is the first time in history that the Pope has visited this convent. Can they not be excited?

While speaking, Sister Sophia and the others had already walked down the steps and came to the side of the joint exploration convoy.

The Bishop of Kent and the others, as well as the following priest Ramirez and several senior officials of the Portuguese government, also came over and joined Ye Tian and the others.

After everyone met, it was natural to have some polite greetings, and the procedures on the scene were still indispensable.

Next, Sister Sophia got to the point and said curiously and expectantly:

"Steven, since you have come to Tomar Castle to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar, I would like to ask, where do you plan to start exploring? How do we need to cooperate?"

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Sister Sophia, there is plenty of time. Tomar Castle is an ancient building with a long history, and it has special significance. Since we are here, we want to take a good look at this castle.

In addition, we also need to familiarize ourselves with the environment here, check the terrain, etc., and wait for His Majesty the Pope to visit Tomar Castle later, and then we will start exploring the treasure and see if we can find anything.”

Hearing this, all the Portuguese at the scene rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly.

Steven, a cunning bastard, has made up his mind to tear off the Pope's tiger skin to cover for the joint exploration operation. It's really hateful!

"Okay, Steven, where do you want to start visiting Tomar Castle? Do you need us to send someone to guide and explain?"

Sister Sophia said with a smile, but her eyes were full of vigilance.

Ye Tian looked at the nanny, shook his head with a smile and said:

"You just need to send a guide to take us on a tour. After all, there is a convent in Tomar Castle. There must be some places that we should not enter, so as to avoid misunderstandings.

Before I came to Portugal, I had been fascinated by Tomar Castle for a long time, and I wanted to come here for a long time. I also did a lot of homework, and I am confident that I know the castle very well, so there is no need for an interpreter.

His Majesty the Pope will come to visit here later, you must still have a lot of preparations to do, and the manpower is also very tight, we will not occupy it, so as not to delay your business."

Hearing this, what else could Sister Sophia say, she could only nod her head in agreement.

Next, Sister Sophia appointed a castle manager to be a guide for Ye Tian and the others, and she took the rest of the people back to the castle to prepare for meeting the Pope.

Father Ramirez and others, as well as those high-ranking officials of the Portuguese government, saw that Ye Tian and the others did not plan to start an exploration operation immediately, so their attention was diverted.

They arranged for two people to continue watching the joint exploration team, mainly watching Ye Tian's every move, while they went to prepare for the Pope's visit.

After these Portuguese people dispersed, Ye Tian said to the people around him:

"Guys, today's situation is very special. His Majesty the Pope will visit here later. For the sake of safety and to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, I need to make some arrangements in advance.

After entering Tomar Castle later, I will designate a place or a few rooms where our company's employees and security personnel will stay and cannot move around until I receive my order.

The guys from the Swiss Guard will be responsible for supervising everyone. I believe everyone is very clear about why they did this, and please understand and cooperate. In addition to His Majesty the Pope, the Portuguese President and his wife will also appear today.

We will visit various parts of Tomar Castle, inspect the terrain, and look for clues to the treasure by the way. After the Pope and the others arrive here, and I communicate with the Pope, the exploration will begin.

Next, we can carefully explore this ancient castle, and perhaps create a huge miracle again. I believe that as long as the treasure of the Knights Templar is hidden here, it will not run away! "

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do"

Everyone at the scene responded in unison, and everyone was full of confidence.

Next, Ye Tian told everyone a few more words, then turned around and looked at the ancient castle standing on the top of the mountain overlooking the city of Tomar.

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