Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2288 hot knife cut butter

After about five or six minutes, several Portuguese people discussed the result, and Father Ramirez and Barbosa walked back immediately.

Coming closer, Father Ramirez said with a serious expression:

"Steven, after deliberation, we have reached an agreement that you can carry out exploration operations and move the granite on the wall without endangering the safety of the Shaola Church.

We will monitor on the spot, if your actions endanger this ancient church, we will stop the action immediately, I hope you can understand and cooperate with this point.”

Ye Tian nodded slightly, smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Father Ramirez, our next actions will definitely not endanger the safety of Sharolla Church. Like you, I also like this ancient building very much."

Hearing this, the three Portuguese nodded and said nothing more.

Next, Ye Tian turned his head and said to Jason beside him:

"Jason, you take someone out of the portable water jet cutter, it's time to use that thing"

After the words fell, Jason immediately nodded in response:

"Okay, Steven, we'll get it right away"

After speaking, Jason led two company employees towards the place where the metal suitcases were piled up.

After they left, Ye Tian began to introduce the water knife to everyone present.

"Waterjet, as the name suggests, uses water as the knife. The scientific name is high-pressure water jet cutting technology. It is generally used in aerospace and military technology. It is favored because cold cutting will not change the physical and chemical properties of materials.

The reason why I cut with the water jet here is to avoid damaging the walls of this ancient church as much as possible. The high-pressure water flow of the water jet is very thin and the cutting is very precise, so it is the most suitable tool at the moment.”

Hearing this explanation, Father Ramirez and the others nodded, with somewhat worried eyes.

Soon, Jason and the others brought over the portable waterjet and started to set it up.

After a while, the most advanced portable waterjet cutting machine in the world has been set up. The water source is tap water from a water pipe outside the church, and the abrasive used in the waterjet is its own diamond abrasive.

Looking at this novel, high-tech cutting equipment that they had only heard of but never seen before, the three Portuguese people at the scene couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Steven and his gang are really armed to the teeth, and all the exploration equipment they use are the best on the market. No wonder they can do everything they can and discover so many treasures. It's really not for nothing.

Seeing that the water knife has been set up, Ye Tian immediately stepped forward to pick up the torch, ready to cut by himself.

In fact, he doesn't feel comfortable letting other people do the cutting either.

No one knows better than him what is going on inside this wall, where is the most suitable place to start, how high the water flow should be maintained, and how deep it should be cut.

Seeing his movement, the company employee who set up the waterjet cutting machine immediately said:

"Steven, let me do the waterjet cutting, you just have to point out where to cut"

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, smiled and said:

"If you change the environment and cut other things, of course you can cut them, but not here. Almost every item here is an antique cultural relic that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

Including this wall.

Regarding the situation of this granite wall, I know better than you, and I know how to cut it to minimize the damage. You just need to operate the high-pressure water pump next to it, and I will leave the cutting to me.”

"Okay, Steven"

The company employee nodded and said nothing more.

Next, Ye Tian put on protective gloves and goggles, and asked Jason to bring over an aluminum alloy triangular ladder and put it in front of the wall.

Later, he asked other people at the scene to stay away for safety.

After the arrangement was complete, he climbed up the ladder with the torch and was ready to cut.

Before turning on the torch to cut, he pointed to the wall in front of him and finally said which piece of granite on the wall he planned to cut.

"Everyone, please look at this square piece of granite, which is almost the smallest stone on this wall, and its shape is regular, square, no more than eleven centimeters wide, and about ten centimeters high.

At first glance, this granite block appears to be a complement, or rather a wedge, to the two adjacent granite strips, or rather a wedge, for such a block no one would pay attention to.

In fact, this stone has another mystery. It is located right above the Crusader knight's sword hidden in the wall, unbiased, about 20 centimeters higher than the end of the hilt.

Let's take a look at the situation of the top and bottom of this piece of granite. On top of it is a granite strip, which is firmly supported by the two granite strips on the left and right sides of it, and the situation below is the same.

In other words, this square piece of granite is not stressed at all, it is dispensable, and even without it, it will not have any effect on the wall, except for an extra hole.

And according to my speculation, this piece of granite was stuffed vertically into the wall, or into this hole. Although the exposed end is small in size, the length should not be short.”

Following the direction of Ye Tian's finger, everyone saw the granite on the wall about two meters three from the ground, and they suddenly realized.

Combined with Ye Tian's explanation, everyone can see the specialness of that piece of granite.

It was indeed a dispensable stone, but it was very inconspicuous, so it didn't attract people's attention.

Looking at Father Ramirez again, his eyes were full of remorse.

The church has been owned by the Jesuits for the past few hundred years, but it's just bad luck that no one found that extra stone in the wall!

But how long has this guy Steven been here? It was only the second time I entered the Shalaola Church, and I found this stone that might hide a shocking secret. I was so lucky!

Could this be destiny? Is this shocking secret prepared for this guy, Steven?

Thinking of this, can Father Ramirez not feel remorse? Can you not be discouraged by it?

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"If there was only one such stone in this church, it would not be surprising, I would regard it as a coincidence, but I also found such stones on the other seven walls where the knight's sword was hidden.

Without exception, those stones were all about the same size as this one, and they were all located directly above the seven Crusader knight swords hidden in the wall, but their heights were slightly different, some were high and some were low.

Another point is that on the other seven walls, the seven stones are dispensable. There are longer and larger granite strips on the top and bottom. If they are removed, it will not affect the seven walls at all. "

As if to respond to him, as soon as Ye Tian's voice fell, the employees of the brave and fearless exploration company standing in front of the other seven walls responded.

"That's right, Steven, on the wall we explored, there is indeed such a stone, just above the Crusader knight's sword in the wall, it looks very inconspicuous"

"It's the same on our side, Steven, if you didn't tell me, we wouldn't have noticed this stone at all"

Hearing these responses, a smug smile suddenly appeared on Ye Tian's face, and other people at the scene became even more excited, and everyone was full of anticipation.

After the response came, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again and reached the ears of everyone present.

"Next, I will use the high-pressure water jet from the water jet torch to cut along the gap between the granite and other surrounding stones to see what secrets are hidden behind this stone.

If, as is to be expected, when the cutting is completed, the granite can be moved, or pulled out, or pushed in, and so on, and I will cut the other seven stones in the same way.

And this is the key to unlocking the mechanism of the eight crusader knight swords in the wall. Having said so much, it is time to put it into action. Please keep your eyes open, a miracle will happen right before your eyes! "

After the voice fell, the company employee who controlled the high-pressure water pump pressed the button to start the high-pressure water pump.


A burst of engine roar sounded immediately, resounding through the entire church.

After the pressure was accumulated enough, Ye Tian aimed the nozzle of the water knife cutting torch at the crack of the target rock, and then turned on the switch of the cutting torch.

In the next moment, a high-speed water flow mixed with diamond abrasives sprayed out from the nozzle of the torch like a sharp sword, and directly cut into the gap between the two rocks.

The seemingly incomparably solid granite, in front of this high-speed water flow, is like a piece of butter under a hot knife, and it is cut open effortlessly!

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