Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2291 Solomon's Seal

The floor of the prayer room remained the same without any changes, making everyone confused.

"Steven, where is the path to the secret passage or chamber or underground palace that you mentioned deep underground? How to open and enter?"

The Bishop of Kent asked curiously, and pointed to the ground of the octagonal prayer house.

Everyone at the scene wanted to know the answer to this question, and everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

Ye Tian looked at the Bishop of Kent, then scanned the crowd, and then said with a smile:

"Don't worry, the answer will be revealed soon. Please be patient. I discovered something very interesting. There are other secrets hidden in this prayer room."

Hearing this, the scene immediately became restless.

"Ah! There are other secrets hidden here, am I right? What is this secret?"

"Wow! The surprises are one after another, making people overwhelmed"

There was a sound of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was overjoyed and full of curiosity.

Before the exclamation fell, Ye Tian's voice came out again.

"Jason, bring the telescopic triangular ladder and the safety rope into the prayer room. I will use it later. Next, you can go to the castle administrator and ask for a dozen candles. I will do an experiment to verify my theory." idea"

"Okay, Steven, I'll do it right away"

Jason responded, and immediately acted.

When they left the prayer room, Ye Tian turned to look at Father Ramirez again, and asked curiously:

"Father Ramirez, I would like to ask, how long has it been since these bronze candlesticks on the walls around the prayer room have not been lit? Especially those candlesticks on the top near the dome.

According to my observation, the artistic style of these bronze candlesticks is not uniform. Some were made in the twelfth century, while others were made later. The closer to the ground, the more candlesticks were made in later generations.

But one thing I can be sure of is that these bronze candlesticks made by later generations should have a bronze candlestick made in the 12th century, but they were replaced.”

As he spoke, he pointed to the bronze candlesticks on the walls around the prayer room.

Following the direction of his fingers, Father Ramirez looked at the bronze candlesticks of different ages on the wall, thought for a while, and then gave a response.

"In my impression, these bronze candlesticks in the prayer room have been lit only a handful of times. Since the electricity was turned on here, the lighting in the church has not relied on these bronze candlesticks for a long time.

Only when major religious festivals or important religious ceremonies are held, some candlesticks will be lit, often those candlesticks close to the ground, which are enough for lighting.

The bronze candlesticks near the dome probably had never been lit in the past few hundred years. The church has always been used by nuns, and the top is too high, which is obviously not safe.

Steven, is the other secret you just mentioned related to these bronze candlesticks on the wall? This is unlikely, right? We've checked before and they're all pretty solid"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, smiled and said:

"That's right, the secret I mentioned is indeed related to these bronze candlesticks, but this is just my guess, and further verification is needed, and everyone will see the result soon.

This secret is very delicately hidden. If you had lit all the bronze candlesticks on the murals of the "Bible" stories before, you might have discovered this secret already.

It's a pity that because those bronze candlesticks are too high, this place is used by a nun again. In the past hundreds of years, this secret has been under your noses, but no one has ever discovered it! "

upon hearing this,

Everyone at the scene raised their heads in unison, and looked at the bronze candlesticks on the murals of many "Bible" stories together, trying to see something.

After some observation, everyone was still confused and couldn't see any mystery.

In the blink of an eye, Jason and the others had moved the telescopic triangular ladder into the prayer room, and found dozens of dusty candles.

Next, Ye Tian began to assign tasks.

"Jason, you tie the safety rope, and then use the telescopic triangular ladder to light all the bronze candlesticks on the murals of the "Bible" stories around the prayer room, and put a candle in each candlestick.

Derek and Mark, you are responsible for pulling the safety rope to protect Jason’s safety. One end of the safety rope can pass through the window on the second floor of the prayer room, and you can stand outside the prayer room and pull the safety rope.”

"No problem, Steven, leave it to us"

Jason and the others responded in unison, and then started to act, everyone was full of energy.

In the blink of an eye, the preparations were completed. Jason, who was hanging on the safety rope, had already boarded the triangular ladder and began to climb up.

At this moment, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

"Steven, His Majesty the Pope and the Portuguese President and his wife are here. They want to know what happened in the church? What did you find? If possible, they want to go in and have a look."

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian didn't even think about it, and immediately responded.

"Matisse, you can tell His Majesty the Pope and Mr. President that there is a certain danger here, they are not suitable to come in, and it is best to stay outside and wait for the result.

If we make a major discovery in the Sarolla church, it will definitely be broadcast live, and then they will just watch the webcast, and they don't have to venture in."

After the voice fell, Matisse immediately responded:

"Okay, Steven, I will tell His Majesty the Pope and Mr. President what you mean."

After eliminating the interference, Ye Tian looked up at Jason on the triangular ladder.

At this time, the kid had already lit two bronze candlesticks, and was standing at the top of the triangular ladder, being pushed by his companions below to move to another bronze candlestick.

The rest of the people at the scene were the same, all looking up at Jason on the triangular ladder and those ancient bronze candlesticks.

The candlelight of the two lit candlesticks shone on the golden dome of the prayer room, reflecting a piece of golden light and shining on everyone.

It's just that it's daytime now, and with the limited brightness of the candlelight, the reflected golden light is not too dazzling, nor does it attract everyone's attention.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

The bronze candlesticks on the murals of many "Bible" stories have been lit by Jason, and the golden light reflected from the dome of the prayer room just shrouded everyone's heads.

This scene was very beautiful and dazzling, but everyone didn't see anything unusual, and they didn't understand where the secret Ye Tian said was.

After finishing the work, Jason quickly got down from the telescopic triangular ladder, and then moved the ladder out of the prayer room.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Everyone, please leave this prayer room for a while and stand outside, then everyone will be able to see the secret I said. That is a very good surprise."

After speaking, Ye Tian walked out of the prayer room first and went outside.

Behind him, the rest of the people followed, and everyone was still confused.

However, when everyone turned around and looked into the prayer room again, they were all completely shocked by the scene in front of them, and they all stood there stunned.

In the prayer room at this time, a huge golden five-pointed star fell from the sky and landed on the center of the floor of the prayer room. Around this golden five-pointed star, there were some golden angels flying with wings.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is what I call a secret. The full name of the Knights Templar is 'The Poor Knights of the Temple of Christ and Solomon. The five-pointed star you see now is Solomon's seal!

Why does this Solomon's seal appear here? Obviously there is a reason, I am sure, there must be a way under the seal of Solomon, leading directly to the secret room or palace deep underground."

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile on his face, and there was a sense of complacency in his tone.

As soon as his words fell, the scene immediately exploded.

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