Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2298 A good show is about to be staged

About an hour later, all preparations for the deep underground exploration of the treasures of the Knights Templar were just ready, and the two live broadcast teams were also in place.

These two live broadcast groups are the National Geographic Channel and Portuguese National Television that Ye Tian had designated before, and only three people from each live broadcast group were able to enter Tomar Castle.

They are a moderator, a videographer, and a multi-tasking technician.

Just as Ye Tian expected, the two TV stations happily accepted his offer, seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and prepared to broadcast the next exploration action live to the whole world.

What the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company received was two expensive transfer fees for live broadcast rights, which can be regarded as a small surprise.

During this period, Ye Tian and the others also added a little energy to prepare for the next exploration.

Everyone else inside and outside the Sarolla Church did the same. They each enjoyed a simple or rich lunch, and then waited for the most exciting drama to be staged, and everyone was full of anticipation.

In the blink of an eye, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

In countless homes, pubs, restaurants, and other places all over the world, people tuned into National Geographic or Portuguese national television and looked at the screen curiously.

There are also many people who log in to the official websites of the two TV stations through computers or mobile phones, enter two different live broadcast pages, and look forward to the start of the live broadcast.

The reason for this situation is that people have seen or received dense rainy forecast reminders on social media and other channels.

National Geographic Channel and Portuguese National Television used intensive bombing to remind people to pay attention to a live treasure hunt that officially started at two o'clock, so don't miss it.

Moreover, the two TV stations have repeatedly stated that this live broadcast of the treasure hunt will definitely cause a sensation in the world, and even rewrite history.

In order to arouse people's curiosity to the maximum extent, the two TV stations did not hesitate to spend, and in less than an hour, they tried their best to promote and confuse them. It can be said that they have done enough gimmicks.

But in the promotion process, they did not disclose any substantive content.

Key words such as Ye Tian, ​​Fearless Exploration Company, the Vatican, the Pope, the treasure of the Knights Templar, Tomar Castle, etc. have never appeared once, and the secrecy work has been done very well.

The two TV stations successfully achieved their goals, which can be called a nearly perfect marketing.

The curiosity of countless people was aroused, and they flooded into the official websites of the two TV stations, or switched to the live channels of the two TV stations, waiting for the start of the live broadcast of the treasure hunt.

At the same time, an upsurge of discussion has also formed on the Internet, and its influence is getting bigger and bigger. Like a hurricane, it soon swept the entire Internet world.

"Guys, National Geographic Channel and Portuguese national television broadcast this treasure hunt live, who knows what's going on? Where is the live broadcast? Are the two stations trying to sensationalize, just to gain attention?"

"The party that broadcast the live broadcast is the Portuguese National Television, and I guess it is probably related to Steven, the extremely lucky guy. I read the report before, and they seem to be exploring the treasure of the Templars in Portugal.

If this is the case, then this live broadcast of the treasure hunt must be very exciting, Steven and the others have discovered the famous treasure of the Templars in Portugal in all likelihood, such a live broadcast of the treasure hunt must not be missed."

Just as people were talking about it, it was two o'clock at noon.

On the TV screens in front of people, as well as the live video pages of computers and mobile phones, the picture suddenly changed, and it directly cut into two live broadcast rooms.

These two live broadcast rooms belong to National Geographic Channel and Portuguese National Television respectively.

One is live in English and one is in Portuguese.

Moreover, the layout of these two live broadcast rooms is very special, impressive and unforgettable.

In the live broadcast room of the National Geographic Channel, directly behind the host and the two special guests, stood a huge red horse cross, which was extremely eye-catching.

Behind them, on the big screen at the scene, is a group of Templar knights in heavy armor, riding horses, holding knight swords or spears, and collectively charging battle scenes.

Moreover, these Templar knights all have blood-stained robes and scars, but they move forward bravely. The whole picture has a tragic and tragic atmosphere from inside to outside.

This picture is taken from a Hollywood movie, and it is perfect to put it here. While pointing out the theme, it also gives people a strong visual impact.

In the live broadcast room of Portuguese National Television, a whole set of armor of medieval crusader knights was simply placed, and it was supported from the inside with steel brackets.

At first glance, this live broadcast room seemed to have a crusader knight in heavy armor, a full metal helmet, and a long sword in his hand, standing behind the host and the special guests.

This fully armed crusader knight also wore a linen robe with a red horse cross embroidered on his chest, just like a Templar who traveled through time and space.

In addition, on the live big screen beside the Templar Knight, there is the Tomar Castle standing high on the top of the mountain, bathed in the setting sun, simple and desolate, full of the vicissitudes of history.

The moment I saw these pictures, there were exclamations in front of countless live broadcast terminals.

At this moment, everyone was sure that this treasure hunting live broadcast was definitely related to that lucky guy, Steven, and definitely related to the famous treasure of the Knights Templar.

No need to think about it, the joint exploration team formed by the fearless exploration company and the Vatican must have discovered the treasure of the Knights Templar, so it was broadcast live.

Or should I say it that way, to be more accurate.

Once again, God favored the lucky bastard Steven, and let him discover the famous Templar treasure, and he is about to make a fortune again!

Next, the opening remarks of the hosts of the two TV stations also confirmed people's thinking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good noon, this is the National Geographic Channel, I am very happy to meet you here, and thank you very much for watching this treasure hunt live broadcast,..."

At the same time as the two hosts were introducing the live broadcast of the treasure hunt, Ye Tian, ​​who was ready in Shalaola Church, had come to the arch of the prayer room again.

At this time, he has changed his appearance.

He has taken off his bloated protective clothing and changed into a black suit with fluorescent strips, which is neat and tidy!

On the outside of the black suit is a reinforced Kevlar body armor, with a huge backpack on his back, a bright headlight and a high-definition camera on his head, and a climbing rope hanging on his waist.

For safety reasons, he still wears a protective mask, hanging on his chest, which has been needed from time to time.

In the backpack behind him are various exploration tools, a large number of weapons and ammunition including the G36C short assault rifle, and a small oxygen cylinder.

In addition, an M9 pistol is tied to the outside of his right thigh, and a pair of sharp German army guns is tied to his calf. He wears non-slip shoes and stab-resistant gloves, which can be said to be armed to the teeth.

As for the glare flashlight, walkie-talkie, and spare high-definition camera and pinhole camera, they are placed on the arm and the strap of the backpack respectively.

There are also Walker and Peter dressed up like him.

These two guys are also fully armed, ready to follow Ye Tian into the underground secret passage, to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar hidden in the palace deep underground.

When he came to the prayer room, Ye Tian stopped and stood in front of the two cameras of the National Geographic Channel and the Portuguese National Television, ready to start his performance.

On the TV and web live broadcast screens, the hosts of the two TV stations briefly introduced the relevant situation of the live broadcast of the treasure hunt, and introduced the guests they invited.

These special guests are either well-known historians and archaeologists, or experts in the identification of top antique works of art, and have a lot of research on the history of the Knights Templar.

After introducing the special guests, the host who received the instructions from the director immediately raised his hand and pointed at the big screen, saying passionately:

"Next, let's access the scene and follow Steven, the world's top professional treasure hunter, to go deep underground in Tomar Castle to explore the famous treasure of the Knights Templar,..."

Before the voice fell, the live broadcast screen had changed.

In the next instant, Ye Tian, ​​who was fully armed, appeared on the live broadcast screen, and at the same time, the resplendent and resplendent Shaola Church prayer room appeared.

Seeing this scene, the front of countless live broadcast terminals immediately boiled.

"Wow! A good show is about to be staged!"

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