After Walker and Peter arranged the wires and lighting fixtures to fully illuminate the secret passage, Ye Tian led the two guys down the spiral staircase to continue exploring.

Next, they encountered two Templar statues guarding the secret passage, and two other traps that matched them.

These two Templar statues are also fully armed, wearing heavy armor and holding a crusader knight sword, standing quietly in the darkness, ready to attack uninvited guests who break into the secret passage at any time.

The other two mechanism traps, one is a large number of crossbow bolts hidden behind the wall, and the other is a series of flap traps, both of which are very hidden and deadly.

Same as before, Ye Tian easily solved these organ traps and removed the threat.

While cracking the traps of these organs, he discovered Moroccan cobras again, and there were two, but slightly smaller, each less than one meter long.

Without any suspense, the two Moroccan cobras were also tamed by Ye Tian and became his two little brothers.

After interacting with the two Moroccan cobras, he released the two guys, put them into the secret room full of crossbow bolts, and disappeared into the darkness again.

Seeing this scene, almost everyone on the live broadcast took a breath, and everyone was terrified.

Especially those guys who came here for the Knights Templar, they have completely given up the idea of ​​breaking into this underground space, that would be tantamount to courting death!

They had already made up their minds that even if they wanted to snatch the treasure of the Knights Templar from Ye Tian, ​​they could only do it on the ground and wait until the treasure of the Knights Templar was transported to the ground.

Only the stupidest idiot would venture into that subterranean world to feed cobras!

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had come to the bottom of the spiral staircase, and the exit of the staircase was in front.

Behind them, the spiral staircase they had just walked was already brightly lit, brighter than the Shaola Church on the ground, and everything in the secret passage could be seen at a glance.

And the platform outside the exit of the spiral staircase, under the illumination of the strong searchlight in front of the heavy police shield in Ye Tian's hand, was also clearly presented in front of their eyes and on the live broadcast screen.

When people saw the huge space shrouded in darkness outside, the bottomless cliff in front of the platform, and the air bridge above the cliff, they were shocked and stunned.

"My God! This is an underground world. Who would have thought that there would be such a large underground cave in the depths of Tomar Castle!"

"It's really spectacular! No wonder the Knights Templar want to build Tomar Castle on the top of the mountain. Resisting the attack of the Moors is one aspect, but the more important reason is probably to hide this underground treasure house!"

While people were talking about it, Ye Tian had already started to study the steps under his feet, the walls on both sides and the vault above, and gently scraped off the moss on these places with an engineering shovel.

In just a moment, he found a way to pass the last two steps, and then stepped out, directly walking out of this spiral staircase.

Even though he is very clear about the situation here and knows whether there is any danger, but in order to make the performance more realistic, he is still very cautious and careful every step of the way.

Soon, he came to the platform outside, without any danger.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly glanced at the situation on the platform,

After confirming that there was no imminent danger, he turned around and faced the exit of the spiral staircase.

Following his movements, the two statues of Templar knights standing on both sides of the exit of the spiral staircase, holding the swords of Crusader knights and hiding in the darkness, immediately appeared on the live broadcast screen.

Seeing the two statues of the Templar Knights, who were covered in rust all over the body, but were murderous, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

At the same time, people admired Ye Tian's incomparably sharp and insightful vision, and were even more envious of his extremely good luck.

Ye Tian, ​​who was on the platform outside the spiral staircase, pretended to carefully study the ground under his feet. After confirming that it was safe, he walked towards the Templar statue on the left side of the staircase exit.

When he got close, he began to study the ancient statue again, trying to break the trap of this mechanism.

Without any suspense, in just three to five minutes, the two Templar statues standing on both sides of the spiral staircase exit turned into real statues instead of two traps.

After removing the two traps, Ye Tian checked the situation at the exit of the stairs and the walls on both sides, and then said to the inside of the spiral staircase:

"Walker, Peter, you can come out, the platform outside is basically safe"

"Okay, Steven, we'll be right out"

Walker and Peter responded in unison, and then walked out of the stairs with a lot of exploration equipment.

When they came to the platform outside, it suddenly became brighter, and only then did people really see the situation on the platform clearly.

The widest part of this platform is about seven or eight meters, which is the distance from the spiral staircase exit to the air bridge above the cliff. The ground in this area is very flat.

The length of the left and right sides of the platform is about ten meters, and the width becomes narrower as it extends outwards. The narrowest point is less than two meters, and there is a slight downward slope, but it is not obvious.

On the front edge of this platform, there is a cliff of unknown depth, very steep, close to ninety degrees.

Four or five meters above is the roof of this underground cave, which is rugged and has many sharp, round, and other shapes of stalagmites hanging upside down.

There is a stone cave among the stalagmites, facing the air bridge above the cliff. The opening of the cave is about 1.23 meters wide, and there are traces of water erosion.

And the air covered bridge stretching over the cliff is like a narrow path in the air, or a simple arch bridge erected over the cliff.

The widest part on the side near the platform is only 1.23 meters, and the narrowest part is only 60 to 70 centimeters, and the thickness of the bridge in the middle is less than one meter.

Such a naturally formed air bridge is frightening to look at, let alone walking on it, it is estimated that your legs will tremble.

At the other end of the air bridge, that is, on the other side of the cliff, there is another platform, which is a little smaller than the platform here.

Just like the spiral staircase here, there is also a cave on the platform over there. As for what is in the cave and where it leads to, it is unknown!

As Ye Tian and the others checked the terrain, the situation here was clearly presented in front of the eyes of all the audience on the live broadcast end, causing a commotion again.

"Wow! The terrain here is so dangerous, coupled with the endless deadly traps, and those highly poisonous Moroccan cobras, it is no exaggeration to say that this place is a Jedi!"

"Not to mention anything else, just how many people dare to go up the air bridge across the cliff? If there is a Moroccan cobra entrenched on it, people who step on the air bridge will probably have to jump off the cliff !"

In front of countless live broadcast terminals, people are discussing one after another, and everyone has a lingering fear.

Many people are even imagining, if they are in such an environment, how should they deal with it, can they return to the ground alive? The odds of that seem slim!

Ye Tian, ​​who was deep underground, quickly checked the situation on the platform, and then began to give orders.

"Walker, Peter, you can start wiring and install lights. I checked here just now. There are no other traps on this platform, and it is relatively safe.

But you still have to be careful, you can’t untie the safety rope anyway, pay attention to your feet, and beware of the Moroccan cobra hidden in the dark, and you must never take off the stab-proof gloves.

When arranging lighting fixtures, the scope is limited to the area within three meters on both sides of the spiral staircase exit, and the rest of the place does not need to be arranged, and snake repellent should be sprinkled in this area,..."

Next, Ye Tian told the two guys a few more words, considering everything.

Walker and Peter responded in chorus, then sprang into action, setting up the lighting fixtures.

Ye Tian came to the edge of the platform, took out a few light sticks from his bag, folded them one by one to light up, and then threw them into the cliff shrouded in darkness below!

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