Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2316 The Legend Of The Lord Of The Rings

Ye Tian naturally knew the reason why this little translucent cobra suddenly gave up its attacking stance, its eyes became much gentler, and it showed a bit of joy.

Apart from the omnipotent and refreshing spiritual power secretly released from his eyes, what else could it be because of?

Under the action of this kind of spiritual power, no animal has the slightest ability to resist, and the little translucent cobra in front of him is no exception!

After a little relief, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Guys, I found something very interesting, maybe it has something to do with the things in those two golden chests ahead"

Hearing this, Walker immediately asked curiously:

"Steven, what interesting thing did you discover? Tell us quickly."

Following these words, everyone inside and outside Tomar Castle on the ground, as well as countless audiences in front of the live broadcast, all looked at Ye Tian, ​​and everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

After a short pause, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"As I said just now, Raphael is the archangel who protects human souls, and the angel who performs healing techniques, and among the three major religions that believe in Abraham as their ancestor, healing techniques are closely related to snakes.

In fact, Archangel Raphael did have a lot to do with the image of the serpent! Among the seven royal angels, Raphael is the ruler of the second day, the angel of power, and the guardian of the tree of life in the Garden of Eden.

In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were tempted by the snake. They disobeyed God's order and ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of knowledge and evil. As a result, they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. The snake was also punished to walk on its stomach and eat dirt for life.

In Jewish legend, Raphael is the guardian of Hades. He was instructed by God to create human beings together with Michael and Gabriel. He once told Adam about his mistakes and the conclusion of love between men and women. .

From this point of view, the connection between the Archangel Raphael and the snake has obviously been strengthened, but in this underground palace, there are many highly poisonous Moroccan cobras hidden, as well as this marble sculpture of Raphael.

The arrangement of Guardim Pais should have a deep meaning. I boldly speculate that the statue of Raphael and the many Moroccan cobras should be used to protect the souls of the deceased leaders of the Knights Templar.

Could this white translucent Moroccan cobra, which occupies the rotunda and perched above the statue of Raphael, symbolize the snake that tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit? Or an incarnation of Raphael? "

Walker and Peter, who were standing next to them, were completely dumbfounded. Their eyes were wide open, and their eyeballs almost flew out of their sockets. Their eyes were full of disbelief.

Not only them, the inside and outside of Tomar Castle, as well as in front of countless live broadcast terminals, were all dead silent at this time, without any sound.

People were completely stunned by Ye Tian's almost crazy speculations, or rather unheard of strange talks, and their eyeballs almost burst out of shock!

Even the Pope, who was in the reception room of Tomar Castle, jumped up from the sofa as if he had been electrocuted, and stared at the live broadcast in a daze, his eyes full of disbelief!

Including him, almost everyone felt that Ye Tian's analysis was too crazy and ridiculous.

But all of this sounds reasonable, and it seems to make sense logically. Even if you want to refute it, it is difficult to find a suitable argument for a while.

Thinking of this,

When people looked at the translucent cobra crawling on the shoulder of the statue of Archangel Raphael, the fear in their eyes suddenly became more intense!

There is no other reason. Legend has it that the snake that lured Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden was the incarnation of the devil!

Is this white translucent Moroccan cobra really changed by the devil? Everyone can't help but have such a question in their minds, it's chilling!

Before everyone woke up, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came again and reached everyone's ears.

"Let's talk about Tomar Castle and this underground palace again. Since we arrived here to start our exploration, we have seen many things related to King Solomon, such as the seal of Solomon under our feet.

As we all know, the full name of the Knights Templar is 'The Poor Knights of Christ and Solomon's Temple'. They were established in a corner of Solomon's Temple and stationed there for many years until they failed to leave.

In this regard, it is not surprising that there are imprints and things related to Solomon's Temple and King Solomon here, and the Knights Templar may have acquired something during the period when they were stationed in Solomon's Temple."

Before the words fell, the outside world was completely fried.

"What? Did I hear you right? A sacred object from Solomon's Temple, or something related to King Solomon? This guy Steven dares to think too much, he is simply unconstrained!"

"Why do I feel that Steven's analysis is very reasonable? If this is the case, it would be amazing! The entire western world will experience a magnitude 10 earthquake!"

Crazy exclamations and discussions resounded inside and outside Tomar Castle, and almost throughout the western world. People were completely frightened by Ye Tian's wild imagination.

But Ye Tian, ​​who was in the center of the circular hall, was still talking freely, creating an even bigger commotion.

"In the legend of King Solomon, King Solomon prayed to God to help him build the temple, and God gave King Solomon a bracelet engraved with a pentagram through the hand of the archangel Raphael, and it is also said to be a ring.

Using this pentagram bracelet or ring, King Solomon was able to suppress the devil and drive the devil and ghosts to help him build the temple. There is also a legend that King Solomon's wealth was driven by the devil to carry it.

King Solomon was regarded as the greatest king of ancient Israel. It is said that in his later years, he was obsessed with women, causing the country to go from bad to worse.

Thousands of years later, wizards and warlocks in the Middle Ages always believed that this legendary ring was an important token to drive seventy-two powerful demon kings, so they kept searching for its whereabouts, but to no avail.

Through these legends, we can see the relationship between King Solomon and the Archangel Raphael. Snakes refer to the devil in Jewish and Christian classics. When the three are in the same place, people can't help but make people imagine.

To sum up, can we boldly imagine that the huge Solomon seal under our feet is used to suppress the Moroccan cobras entrenched in this underground palace and prevent them from causing harm to the world.

The statue of Archangel Raphael is used to protect the souls of many leaders of the Knights Templar who have passed away. As for the poisonous Moroccan cobras, they are the guardians of this underground palace and the treasures of the Knights Templar.

The main guardian target of these Moroccan cobras may be the things contained in the two golden boxes, which are likely to be some Jewish or Christian holy objects that have disappeared for a long time.

Let's imagine again, among these holy relics of Judaism and Christianity, will there be the Lord of the Rings of King Solomon? Are there more important Christian relics hidden elsewhere in this underground palace?

In my opinion, anything is possible! When we open these two golden boxes later, the answer will be presented to everyone. Of course, what I have said above are just my guesses, please take it for granted.”

When it came to the end, Ye Tian just used a guess, and lightly dismissed himself completely, so he didn't have to worry about getting into any trouble.

Hearing what he said, many Chinese who were watching the live broadcast of the treasure hunt couldn't help laughing softly, shaking their heads angrily.

This kid Ye Tian is so cunning, like a loach, he is not slippery, no one can catch him in the slightest.

At this time, the inside and outside of Tomar Castle, and even the entire Western world, caused huge waves because of his whimsical speculation.

Especially in Israel, it is a national sensation!

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