Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2319 baby from heaven

Walker was completely dumbfounded. He stared dumbfounded at the simple gold ring in the box. His excited hands were trembling slightly, and he couldn't support the lid of the golden treasure box.

At this moment, Ye Tian patted his shoulder lightly, said with a smile:

"Wake up, Walker, there is no mechanism trap in this golden treasure chest, you can open it completely, and then it's not too late to get excited"

Following his words, Walker suddenly woke up.

Immediately afterwards, the kid tremblingly lifted the lid of the golden treasure chest completely, and the situation inside the treasure chest was presented before everyone's eyes.

On the top floor of this golden treasure chest, there is a simple gold ring.

On the top of this gold ring, there is a pentagram engraved, which is Solomon's seal, and on its side, a line of ancient Hebrew is engraved, and the meaning of this line of words is temporarily unknown.

Underneath this golden ring is a large ancient book, the cover of which is made of gold and another kind of black metal. It is not known what that kind of black metal is for the time being.

In the center of the cover of this ancient classic, a golden, upright rectangle is outlined with gold thread. In the center of this golden rectangle, a Solomon's seal, which is the pentagram, is chiseled.

And that quaint gold ring was placed on Solomon's seal.

Except for the golden rectangle in the center, the rest of the cover is made of unknown black metal, and the cover of this ancient book is engraved with ancient Hebrew words, densely packed.

As for the thickness of this ancient book and the content recorded in it, it is temporarily unknown!

Just when Ye Tian and the others were admiring and observing these two treasures with great interest, the outside world had completely exploded.

The Bishop of Kent and other senior Vatican monks in the Sarolla Church, as well as Father Ramirez and others, all knelt down on one knee, kept crossing their chests, and prayed in a low voice with excitement.

The Pope, who was staying in the reception room of Tomar Castle, also knelt on one knee, staring at the two things that had just turned out on the live broadcast screen, praying devoutly.

The same is true for Sister Sophia, several other senior monks of the Portuguese Jesuits and senior monks of the Vatican in this reception room. Everyone knelt on the floor and prayed devoutly.

Only the Portuguese president and his wife looked at what happened in front of them in a daze, somewhat puzzled.

But they are not idiots, they know that the two things that just turned out on the live broadcast screen must be two famous Christian holy relics, two peerless treasures!

Not only inside and outside Tomar Castle, but also in distant Jerusalem and in countless places all over the world, many people who believe in Christianity and Judaism have knelt down and prayed devoutly.

Especially in Israel, almost all the Jews in this country have already knelt on the ground, praying in a low voice, while looking at those two things with incomparable fanaticism, not even willing to blink their eyelids!

In the underground palace, the three of Ye Tian and the others gathered around the opened golden treasure box, admiring the two treasures in the box.

Even the white elf who was entrenched on Ye Tian's wrist poked his head out to look at the two treasures curiously. Although it has been guarding here for a long time, this is the first time it has seen these two treasures.

"Steven, is this quaint golden ring really the legendary Solomon's seal ring that can suppress devils and expel devils and evil spirits?

The pentagram engraved on this gold ring, I know it is Solomon's seal, what does the line of ancient Hebrew engraved on the side of the ring mean? "

Walker asked curiously, his voice trembling with excitement.

Ye Tian nodded slightly with a dignified expression, and then said proudly:

"Guys, our discovery today is probably one of the greatest archaeological discoveries in the Western world since the Middle Ages. That's right, this quaint gold ring should be the legendary King Solomon's ring.

As I said before, King Solomon prayed to God to help him build the temple. God gave King Solomon a bracelet or ring engraved with a pentagram through the hand of the Archangel Raphael. Now it seems that it should be a ring. .

Using this gold ring engraved with a pentagram, King Solomon was able to suppress the devil and drive the devil and evil spirits to help him build Solomon's Temple. According to legend, he also drove the devil and evil spirits to bring countless wealth.

There is another legend that a six-pointed star that drives magic power is engraved on the seal ring of King Solomon, and the demon king Asmodeus is sealed in the ring. Because of this, King Solomon can drive other demons to serve him.

The appearance of this pentagram gold ring naturally overturned the statement that King Solomon's seal ring was engraved with a hexagram. As for whether Asmodeus, the king of the nine hells, is sealed in this ring, it is unknown.

And the line of ancient Hebrew engraved on the side of this gold ring, although I don't know it, but I also know the meaning of this line of ancient Hebrew, which means 'all this will pass', derived from a sentence of King Solomon dream.

In many ancient books of Judaism and Christianity, as well as in ancient legends handed down from the mouth of the Jewish people, it has been mentioned that this line originated from the dream of King Solomon. Bishop of Kent, am I right? You come to translate! "

At the end, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and began to ask the bishop of Kent on the ground to prove his statement.

The next moment, Bishop Kent's trembling voice came over.

"That's right, Steven, your judgment is very accurate. The line of ancient Hebrew engraved on the side of this golden ring is exactly the famous phrase 'All this will pass' from King Solomon's dream.

What you said before is absolutely correct. When the Knights Templar were stationed on the ruins of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, they should have discovered this golden ring, but they kept it secret.

Undoubtedly, this is the legendary seal ring of King Solomon, the ring with boundless magic power. This is a religious sacred object shared by Judaism and Christianity. I did not expect it to actually exist.

This is truly a great discovery, Steven, on behalf of the Vatican, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you and your Darius Exploration Company, thank you for discovering this extremely important religious relic"

Bishop Kent's excited words were like a torch, which instantly ignited everyone's emotions and detonated almost the entire Western world.

"My God! The Lord of the Rings of King Solomon actually exists, am I dreaming? Am I living in a magical world? This is simply too unreal!"

"My God! This guy Steven is extremely lucky. He can find all kinds of treasures. Is it because God is using his hand to bring miracles to the world?"

Just as people were holding their heads and screaming, and even rubbing their eyes desperately in disbelief, many countries in the Western world have already reacted.

Especially the Israelis and the Vatican, the brigade has set off and rushed to Tomar, Portugal immediately.

The United States, which is far away across the ocean, is naturally not far behind and has already responded.

In the underground palace, Walker and Peter had completely fallen into a state of madness. The two guys were staring at the golden ring in the box, muttering to themselves in despair.

"King Solomon's Lord of the Rings! This is actually the legendary ring of King Solomon, and I opened this golden treasure chest with my own hands and found this ring. It's incredible! I'm not dreaming!"

"Oh my god! This is so crazy. According to legend, Asmodeus, the king of the nine hells, is sealed in this Lord of the Rings. Will this devil jump out of the ring? We won't be in the nine hells, will we? ?”

Just when these two guys lost their minds, Ye Tian laughed loudly.

"Guys, as the Bishop of Kent said just now, this is King Solomon's seal ring, which only existed in legends before, but now it has reappeared in the world through our hands.

Don't worry, we are still in this world, but deep underground, not in the Nine Hells, and the Great Demon King Asmodeus will not suddenly jump out and kill us.

Sober up, Walker, Peter, besides King Solomon's Lord of the Rings, there is another treasure in this golden treasure chest. If I'm not mistaken, it should come from the kingdom of heaven! "

Before the words fell, Walker and Peter jumped up like an electric shock.

"What? Baby in heaven, did I hear you right?"

"Steven, are you talking about that ancient book? What kind of treasure is it?"

Walker and Peter cried out in surprise, even their voices had changed.

Not only them, in the world on the ground, many people are more exaggerated than they are.

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