Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2322 Enough to boast for a lifetime

The golden treasure chest placed on the pedestal of the statue of the Archangel Michael has been fully opened by Peter.

The red cross lay quietly at the bottom of the golden treasure chest, completely presented to everyone.

Ye Tian and Walker each took half a step forward and looked into the treasure chest. Even the white elf coiled around Ye Tian's wrist stuck out his head and looked curiously at the red cross.

"Steven, what is the origin of this red cross? Why does it look so strange, more like a crossed sword? What does the line of ancient Hebrew engraved on the cross mean?"

Peter asked curiously, and Walker, who was standing on the side of the box, was also at a loss.

Ye Tian looked at these two guys, then at the statue of Archangel Michael, then turned his gaze back to the red cross in the golden treasure chest, and said excitedly:

"This quaint red cross is different from the common Latin cross and various other types of crosses. This kind of cross has a long history.

It can be seen that at the place where the cross intersects horizontally and vertically, there is a pattern of the archangel Michael engraved on the chisel, and there is also a line of ancient Hebrew, whose meaning is not known for the time being.

However, I am basically sure that the meaning of this line of ancient Hebrew should be "similar to God". In ancient Hebrew, it is the literal meaning of the name Michael.

Then the answer is very clear. This is the red cross of Archangel Michael. According to relevant religious books, this red cross is Michael's weapon.

Of course, these are all my conjectures, which still need to be verified, His Majesty the Pope, the Bishop of Kent, I believe you have also seen the red cross, please share your views.”

As he spoke, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and began to ask the Pope and the Bishop of Kent who were on the ground for confirmation, but his tone was full of confidence.

The next moment, the pope's excited voice came from the intercom.

"Steven, your deduction is very accurate. The ancient Hebrew words engraved on the red cross do mean 'similar to God', which is also the literal meaning of the name of the Archangel Michael.

Whether this red cross belongs to Archangel Michael needs further research, but there is no doubt that this is definitely a great discovery, thank you for discovering this religious holy object,..."

The pope's voice has not yet fallen,

Inside and outside Tomar Castle, as well as in front of countless live broadcast terminals, the pan was fried in an instant, and screams and exclamations sounded crazily again.

"My God! This is actually the red cross of the Archangel Michael, another religious sacred object in myths and legends. I didn't expect it to actually exist. It's simply unbelievable!"

"It's an exaggeration, how many religious relics are hidden in this Templar treasure? I can't even imagine it, it's like a dream.

Who would have imagined that Steven was so lucky to discover so many sacred objects that only existed in myths and legends at one time! "

Like the people in the outside world, Peter and Walker also looked stunned, their eyes fixed on the red cross in the golden treasure chest, and their eyes were full of madness.

Seeing the appearance of these two guys, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly. ,

After a short pause, he began to introduce the deeds of Archangel Michael and some stories related to this red cross.

"In the religions of Abraham, there are many descriptions and praises of the Archangel Michael, and every time he is mentioned, he is actively acting, or fighting against evil angels, or fighting against Satan etc.

In many documents of Christianity and Judaism, the archangel Michael has been mentioned many times. In the "Old Testament", his identity is the great king, and in the "New Testament", his identity is the archangel.

In the "Dead Sea Scrolls" discovered in 1947, his identity is the "Prince of Light". In the battle against Satan, Michael strives to maintain God's sovereignty and fight against God's enemies. His name is true to his name.

His main deeds include leading the angel army to a decisive battle with the army of darkness, defeating the 150,000 Assyrian army that attacked Jerusalem overnight, preventing Abraham from sacrificing his only son, capturing and imprisoning Satan.

Michael once summoned Moses in the burning bush and asked Moses to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt. This is how "Exodus" came into being, and he protected and helped many Israeli ancestors in the name of God many times.

Because of this, the archangel who protects the ancestors of Israel and their descendants full-time, that is, the Archangel Michael, is regarded as the patron saint of Israel, and is respected and admired by all Jews.

Among the religions of Abraham, the image of the Archangel Michael is relatively unified. He is handsome, red-haired, brave and courageous. Although he is warlike, he is full of compassion and is the embodiment of absolute justice.

In Christian paintings and sculptures, Michael often appears as a young boy with long red hair, holding a red cross sword or cross in his right hand, and a balance in his left hand, fighting with or standing on a red dragon.

The giant red dragon stepped on by Michael here is a symbol of the devil Satan. Judging from the red cross in this golden treasure chest, the weapon of Archangel Michael should be a red cross..."

Ye Tian was talking eloquently, and Walker and Peter had already been fascinated by it, and the excitement in their eyes did not diminish at all, but became more intense.

And inside and outside Tomar Castle on the ground, and in front of countless live broadcast terminals, everyone was listening to Ye Tian's narration, and everyone was fascinated by it!

With his narration, people suddenly got a better understanding of the Archangel Michael and the red cross lying quietly in the golden treasure chest.

While people were thrilled by the birth of this religious holy object and this great discovery, they also admired the discoverer Ye Tian!

Of course, compared to his omniscient and omniscient ability, people are more envious and jealous of his overwhelming luck. Everyone wants to have it, without exception!

At the same time, the outside world has already been turbulent.

Almost all Western countries have responded by issuing public statements congratulating the birth of these religious relics.

Several related countries, such as the Vatican, Israel, Portugal, and the United States, where the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company is located, even sent heavyweights to lead the team to Tomar, Portugal.

After introducing the deeds of the Archangel Michael and the origin of the red cross, Ye Tian combined the marble sculpture in front of him with the red cross and explained.

After a few minutes, his performance just ended.

Next, the three of them admired the red cross for a while before covering the golden treasure chest and locking it again with the golden lock.

During this process, neither Ye Tian nor Peter nor Walker touched the red cross in the box, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

After doing this, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief. Their nerves, which had been highly tense, finally relaxed a little, and their agitated emotions gradually calmed down.

Afterwards, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the situation in the rotunda, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Let's go, guys, let's continue to explore, I believe that there must be many surprises waiting for us to discover in those places we have not set foot in, in those corners that are still shrouded in darkness!

One more thing, I can tell you with certainty, because of today’s series of great discoveries, each of us will leave a name in history, you are welcome, this bullshit is enough for us to brag for a lifetime! "

Before the words were finished, Walker and Peter laughed loudly, very heartily.


Also laughing out loud, were David and Jason on the ground, each of them was very excited.

Listening to this piece of hearty laughter, the others were almost going crazy with envy or jealousy.

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