Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2339 Exploring Again

Ye Tian took the crowbar he used before, picked up the snake skin in Guardim Pais' tomb, and carefully threw it away.

Although this is just a piece of snake skin and will not actively attack again, no one knows whether this snake skin is poisonous, and the two fangs of this Moroccan cobra are still there, dare you be careful?

After throwing the snake skin aside, Ye Tian returned to the front of the tomb and looked at the dark opening in the tomb.

At this time, he was still on high alert, and the heavy police shield was always in front of him to prevent another sudden attack.

The rest of the guys who were in shock stayed a few meters away, stood on their toes, stretched their necks, and looked around, but no one came forward on their own initiative.

They were afraid that there would be another Moroccan cobra rushing out of the secret passage at the bottom of the tomb and heading straight for them, but they were even more afraid of the white elf wrapped around Ye Tian's wrist, so they avoided it.

That translucent little guy looks very cute, but he is the out-and-out god of death, the incarnation of the devil, and it is better to stay away.

Looking from where Ye Tian was, along the hole at the bottom of the tomb, there was a granite staircase extending downwards at a 40-degree angle, all the way to the depths of the underground shrouded in darkness.

How long is this granite staircase, how deep is it, and where does it lead? What secret is hidden at the end of the dark passage, is it a treasure or a religious relic? Are there traps inside, and how many Moroccan cobras are there? ...

All these situations are temporarily unknown, and can only be known after in-depth exploration.

What Ye Tian can see now is only the partial situation at the entrance of the secret passage.

Obviously, this is an ancient secret passage carefully constructed. No matter the entrance, steps, walls, or the vault above, they are all built in an extremely regular manner, and it can even be said to be meticulous.

Like the underground palace outside and the tomb of Guardim Pais, this underground passage is also a Byzantine-style building, and it is also an antique building with great research value.

The round arches on the dark passage and the complicated and gorgeous decorations carved in the dark passage all show people the artistic charm of Byzantine style architecture.

Because of the age, the granite steps inside the tunnel and the walls on both sides were covered with dust and covered with moss.

On the right wall a little inward from the entrance of the dark passage,

A rusty bronze candlestick was inserted, and on the wall opposite the candlestick, a huge Maltese cross was engraved.

The air in the dark passage was a bit dirty and had a foul smell. There were many traces of snakes crawling on the steps. The traces were thick and thin, and there were a lot of them.

Obviously, there are many Moroccan cobras entrenched in the depths of this underground passage, and the one just killed by the little white elf is just one of them.

The existence of these Moroccan cobras is enough to show that this underground passage should have other exits, or should be said to be vents, and there are many snake passages.

As for how many traps there are in this secret passage, it is obviously impossible to see them standing at the entrance of the secret passage.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian already understood the situation at the entrance of this underground tunnel.

Of course, he actually saw more, he just couldn't tell.

After basically understanding the situation at the entrance of the secret passage, Ye Tian took a step back, and then began to introduce what he had just seen to the representatives of all parties.

"Gentlemen, there is a granite staircase in this underground passage, which extends downwards, leading to deeper underground, and there are traces of Moroccan cobras crawling everywhere on the stairs.

Obviously, there are many Moroccan cobras entrenched in this underground passage, and there must be a lot of hidden traps. There is no doubt that this is an extremely dangerous secret passage..."

Hearing Ye Tian's introduction, everyone at the scene, as well as countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, all gasped, secretly terrified.

In a few words, Ye Tian introduced the situation at the entrance of the secret passage, and speculated about the situation deep in the secret passage, somewhat exaggerated.

Before he could finish his introduction, Derek and the others came over with various exploration equipment, ready to explore this secret and dangerous underground passage.

Ye Tian stopped talking immediately, and brought these guys to the front of the tomb to prevent accidents.

After standing still in front of the tomb, he immediately said loudly:

"Guys, first hang the air detector into this secret passage to detect the air quality in the secret passage. The main purpose is to see if the air in the secret passage is poisonous, so that everyone will not be accidentally recruited."

"Okay, Steven"

Derek and the others nodded in response, and then took action.

Soon, the air detector was hoisted into this secret passage and began to detect.

After a while, the result came out. The air in this secret passage was a bit dirty, with some musty and fishy smells, and even a trace of toxicity, but it wasn't too dangerous.

These problems are caused by poor air circulation. After ventilation, it should be much better.

After testing the air quality, Derek and the others installed a powerful ventilation fan at the entrance of the secret passage, and began to quickly replace the air in the secret passage.

With the roar of a motor, the dirty air accumulated in this underground tunnel was pumped out like water, and dispersed in the underground palace outside.

The two ventilating fans placed in this underground palace are also working non-stop, pumping out the air here and replacing it with fresh air imported from the ground through pipes.

In just ten minutes or so, the air in this underground tunnel became the same as the air in the underground palace outside, and it was possible to enter and explore.

The first to enter this underground tunnel for exploration is naturally the drone.

Just when Derek and the others were debugging the small drone and were about to put the drone with a strong searchlight and a high-definition camera into the dark passage, Ye Tian suddenly said loudly:

"Derek, the video images captured by the drone in this underground passage should not be transmitted to the two live broadcast groups on the ground for the time being, that is to say, the video images in this underground passage cannot be broadcast live for the time being."

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do"

Derek nodded in response, and then cut off the connection between the drone and the two live broadcast groups.

People were very surprised by Ye Tian's actions and didn't understand why he did it.

The two live broadcast groups and the high-level figures of the two TV stations who stayed on the ground were itchy with hatred, but there was nothing they could do.

The people inside and outside Tomar Castle, as well as those guys watching the excitement in front of the countless live broadcast terminals, also shouted angrily, and their tone was full of regret.

"Steven, what do you mean? Why don't you broadcast the video in this underground passage live? Can you explain?"

The Deputy Minister of Culture of Portugal asked curiously, obviously confused.

Not only him, but also the rest of the people at the scene, everyone looked at Ye Tian in puzzlement, waiting for his answer.

Ye Tian looked back at these guys, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, don't be impatient. The reason why I did this is of course my reason, which is to keep it secret. I believe that after listening to my explanation, you will definitely not object to my approach.

What secrets are hidden in the depths of this underground tunnel? How deep it is, where it leads to, whether it is dangerous, etc., all these information, we now know nothing.

If it is the same as in this underground palace, one or several religious relics are hidden at the end of this secret passage. In order to avoid accidents, we must keep this information strictly confidential.

I am certain that there must be many people with ulterior motives in the city of Tomar at the foot of the mountain and around the castle of Tomar, staring at our every move.

Some of these guys came for the treasures of the Knights Templar, and some came for religious relics. Before that, the police had captured a group of idiots in the valley southwest of Tomar Castle.

Facing the crazy treasures of the Knights Templar and those legendary religious relics, such idiots will definitely try to break into this underground palace one after another.

Once they know the direction of this underground tunnel, the location of the secret room deep in the tunnel, and the secrets hidden in the secret room, they are likely to take risks.

In view of this, I made this decision not to broadcast the situation in this secret passage live, just to guard against those guys and prevent information about this secret passage from leaking out.”

Hearing his explanation, people suddenly realized why he did this.

The representatives of all parties on the scene couldn't help but nodded their heads in unison, all agreeing, at least on the surface.

In the city of Tomar and some places around Tomar Castle, bursts of angry curses sounded from gnashing of teeth, coming from those guys with ulterior motives.

At the same time as Ye Tian's voice fell, Derek and the others had adjusted the drone, and then put the small drone into this underground tunnel to start preliminary exploration.

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