Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2341 Heaven, Earth, Hell

Ye Tian quickly selected the video screen, trimmed it, erased some positional information on the edge of the screen, and then walked towards the representatives of all parties with an IPAD.

When he came close, he handed the IPAD to the Bishop of Kent, and then said with a smile:

"Bishop of Kent, this is a video shot by a small drone at the end of that underground passage, and it is also the most shocking scene in that underground passage, please show it to everyone.

Because of this little guy on my wrist, it's better for me not to get close to everyone, lest everyone be worried, although the little guy White Elf is very spiritual, it won't hurt everyone."

"Okay, Steven, let me show you the IPAD. The little guy on your wrist is indeed a bit too scary. The horror scene that happened before is still fresh in everyone's memory."

The Bishop of Kent smiled and nodded, and took the IPAD with eyes full of anticipation.

The next moment, the Bishop of Kent and several people around him immediately looked at the IPAD screen.

As soon as they saw the picture on the screen, these people were instantly shocked, stunned, their mouths were wide enough to swallow a fist.

What appeared on the screen of the IPAD was a huge, dusty and moss-covered stone door, just like the stone door of this underground palace, in the shape of a round arch, only a little smaller.

On this thick stone gate, there are engraved patterns from biblical stories, with obvious Byzantine artistic style.

These patterns on the stone gate are divided into three sections, or three parts. The upper part is the kingdom of heaven, the middle part is the human world, and the bottom part is hell. The atmosphere of the three parts is completely different.

The painting engraved on the stone gate looks a bit similar to one of Raphael's masterpieces, that is, the world-famous painting "The Controversy of the Sacraments", except that this painting has more pictures depicting hell.

And in the middle of this stone gate, there is a huge crucifix carved, which runs through heaven, earth, and hell from top to bottom, connecting them together.

Jesus crucified on this huge cross has an extremely painful facial expression, bleeding from the seven orifices, twisted body, and drooping head. The overall shape seems to reveal a sense of compassion.

But in Ye Tian's view, these things appeared at the end of a dark passage located deep underground, surrounded by snakes, and shrouded in endless darkness, giving people a more eerie and weird feeling.


Of course, because of his different standpoints, his perceptions were completely different from those of the rest of the audience.

Not only the Bishop of Kent, but everyone inside and outside Tomar Castle on the ground, as well as in front of countless live broadcast terminals, almost showed the same performance, and they were shocked and dumbfounded.

At this moment, Ye Tianqing's clear voice suddenly came out again, reaching everyone's ears.

"What everyone sees now is the picture at the end of this underground tunnel. When the drone flies here, it can no longer move forward. It can only stop and return the same way.

On this heavy stone gate, pictures of heaven, earth, and hell are engraved, and there is also a Byzantine-style crucifixion, which looks very shocking.

I can be sure that there must be a secret room behind this breathtaking stone door, and the things hidden in the secret room must be extremely important..."

Following Ye Tian's words, everyone was awakened immediately.

The next moment, the representatives of all parties in the underground palace, as well as everyone in the outside world, were all blown up.

"My God! This stone gate is too exaggerated. I have never seen such a stone gate before. What secrets are hidden behind it? I can't even imagine it."

"Wow! The thing hidden behind this stone door may be the largest and most precious treasure in this underground world, even surpassing those religious holy objects."

While people were shaking their heads and screaming, many Christians were already praying devoutly in a low voice.


The Bishop of Kent left the underground world with representatives from all parties and returned to Tomar Castle on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Walker and Derek, who had been busy in the underground palace for several hours, returned to the Sarolla Church with another batch of bags full of gold, silver, treasures and antique relics.

Instead, several other armed security personnel, as well as several other Intrepid Exploration employees, continued to clear the Templar treasure of worldly possessions.

Ye Tian didn't leave, he still stayed in this underground palace, instructing everyone to clean up the treasure and protect the security personnel and company employees under him, lest they encounter danger.

Although he has been busy in this underground palace for a long time, he is always full of energy and enthusiasm, and he can't see the slightest sign of fatigue.

In the following time, he led his subordinates to continue to clean up the gold and silver treasures and antique relics in the underground palace, bagged the cleaned up treasures, and transported them to the ground in batches.

In the blink of an eye, it was already around eight o'clock in the evening.

Night had enveloped the entire Tomar, but the palace located deep underground in the Tomar Castle was still brightly lit.

The work of cleaning up the treasures of the Knights Templar is still going on, and another batch of dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique relics have been cleared out and put into black bags one by one.

When the last bag was filled, Ye Tian raised his hand to look at his watch, and then said to everyone present:

"Guys, you've worked hard, here we go today, we'll take these bags and head back to the Sarolla Church on the ground, then enjoy a good meal and a good night's rest.

We will come down tomorrow to clean up the remaining gold, silver, treasures and antique relics in this underground palace, so everyone should be mentally prepared, the next two or three days will be very busy."

"Okay, Steven"

Everyone at the scene responded in unison, and everyone was still excited and full of energy.

However, there is still a bit of fatigue in the eyes of everyone. There are too many things that happened this day, and the experience is too exciting. Everyone will feel tired.

Next, Ye Tian led these employees and began to transfer the bags filled with gold, silver, treasures and antiques.

After a while, these bulging bags were transported across the cliff to the platform on the opposite side of the cliff.

Many company employees and armed security personnel also walked through the air bridge one after another, and arrived at the opposite platform smoothly and safely.

Ye Tian himself stayed at the end, still on the platform on the side of the underground palace. ,

He didn't immediately board the air bridge, but swept up all the powerful snake repellent sprinkled on the platform here and put it in a bag.

Immediately afterwards, he disconnected the power on the platform here and the underground palace behind.

Following his movements, the platform on this side of the cliff and the underground palace behind were suddenly plunged into darkness.

That's not the end, after he boarded the air covered bridge, he collected all the snake repellent that had been sprinkled on the bridge, or swept it to the cliff under the bridge that was shrouded in darkness.

Moreover, he still stopped and walked on the bridge, squatted down from time to time, and fiddled with the bridge deck a few times.

He restored all the mechanism traps on the air corridor bridge, added some materials, and messed up the fluorescent marks left before to mark the safe route, increasing the confusion.

Looking at this scene, no matter the company employees and security personnel who were underground, or people from the outside world, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

"Fack! The bastard Steven is really bad and insidious! The reason why he did this is obviously to prevent others from breaking into this underground palace and ransacking this treasure of the Knights Templar."

"I'm going! This bastard's mind is too meticulous and impeccable. I'm sure that after Steven and the others leave, this underground world will definitely be more dangerous than before, and no one can break into it!"

While people were amazed and talking about it, many Portuguese were so angry that smoke came out of their noses, and some even cursed loudly.

These Portuguese understood that the main reason why Ye Tian did this was to guard against the Portuguese.

David and Jason, who were in the church in Sharolla, all laughed loudly, and each of them laughed very heartily.

Ye Tian, ​​who had recovered and set up the trap, had already walked through the air bridge and came to the platform here, where he joined his security personnel and company employees.

Next, they began to transfer the bags full of gold and silver treasures and antique relics to the ground, and left this underground world.

As before, Ye Tian is still in the back of the palace.

When he walked out of the underground secret passage with the last black bag in hand, the secret passage under his feet was plunged into darkness immediately, and most of the traps had been restored.

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