Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2354 The First Templar Knight

In front of countless live broadcasts, people are bored enjoying the scenery films of Portugal and Tomar, or listening to some archaeologists and historians talking, and even cloudy nonsense.

This situation has been going on for almost an hour, and many people's patience is approaching the limit, so they are about to get up and leave, or change to other channels.

At this moment, the long-lost on-site host suddenly appeared on the live broadcast screen, and said excitedly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the ancient and beautiful Tomar Castle, and to this mysterious and dangerous underground world located deep beneath the Tomar Castle.

The news just came from deep underground that Steven and the others have successfully opened the stone door at the end of the underground passage, and made a major discovery that shocked the world, let's go and see together..."

Before the words fell, there was a lot of commotion inside and outside Tomar Castle, as well as in front of countless live broadcast terminals.

People's attention was attracted by the live broadcast again. Those who originally planned to get up and leave sat down again and continued to watch the live broadcast of this sensational treasure hunt. Everyone was full of curiosity and anticipation.

The next moment, the live broadcast screen changed, and Ye Tian, ​​who was standing at the door of the underground secret room, appeared on the live broadcast screen.

Behind him was the resplendent and resplendent underground secret room. The golden light shining from the secret room even turned the entire live broadcast screen into gold, which was extremely dazzling.

Seeing this scene, everyone was completely shocked, and they all stood there stunned. Everyone looked dull, their eyes were full of madness, and their eyeballs instantly turned red.

For a moment, the entire outside world became completely silent, except for the sound of heavy and rapid breathing, there was no other sound.

At this moment, Ye Tianqing's clear voice suddenly came out, and it reached everyone's ears clearly, waking them all up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Steven. Welcome back. What you see now is the secret room at the end of the previous underground tunnel, a splendid underground palace.

In the past nearly an hour, we broke through many deadly traps, dispelled countless venomous Moroccan cobras, and overcame various difficulties before we came here.

At the end of this underground tunnel, there is a magnificent and solemn stone gate with scenes of heaven, earth, and hell carved on it.

There is a huge crucifix in the middle of the stone gate”

Following Ye Tian's introduction, Walker, who was in charge of filming, pointed the live camera at the opened stone door, and presented it on the live screen.

At this time, the outside world has already completely boiled, and bursts of almost crazy exclamations sounded one after another, endlessly.

"My God! What did I see? The underground palace behind Steven is simply a beautiful paradise, too dazzling and luxurious!"

"Wow! That is simply a palace made of gold. This palace looks like the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, but it is far more brilliant and dazzling than the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher!"

Just when people were exclaiming, the live broadcast screen changed again, pointing directly at the golden rotunda inside the stone gate, and Ye Tianqing's clear voice came again.

"After successfully arriving at the end of this underground passage, we first carefully observed the situation here to make sure that there are no traps here, and then began to study this breathtaking stone door.

After some careful research, I found a way to open this stone door, and then we worked together to open this stone door, and then we saw a resplendent underground palace.

Now everyone has also seen this golden palace hidden deep in the ground. Presumably everyone feels the same as us and feels extremely shocked. Anyone who sees such a golden palace will feel the same way.

I believe that many people have already seen that the rotunda in this golden palace is very similar to the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. In fact, it was built after the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

It's just that this rotunda is smaller, only one-third of the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, but it is more luxurious here, almost every corner is covered with gold leaf, and every floor is covered with gold edging.

After opening this stone gate, we stood at the door and observed the situation in this golden palace. Until now, we have never stepped into this golden palace. Please look at the ground."

With that said, Ye Tian pointed to the ground inside the Golden Palace, and the live camera in Walker's hand moved accordingly.

On the ground of this golden palace, there are no footprints, not even traces of Moroccan cobras crawling, only a layer of dust and moss.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"I believe everyone has seen that there are no footprints left by the few of us in this underground palace made of gold, which means that we have never stepped here.

Some people may ask, what is my purpose in doing this? Is it superfluous? Here, I can tell you very clearly that this is a means of self-protection!

After some careful observation, I am basically sure that there is probably a top Christian holy relic hidden in this golden palace, in that golden treasure chest.

The birth of this top religious holy object will definitely cause a huge sensation, even monstrous waves. As the discoverer of this holy object, we will definitely be affected.

To prove my innocence, avoid unnecessary troubles, and even attract slander and attacks with ulterior motives, that’s why I did this, I believe everyone can understand”

Unsurprisingly, these words detonated the outside world again, like a thunderbolt, making everyone dizzy, and some people even jumped up from the sofa.

While people were exclaiming, they also had to give Ye Tian a thumbs up, secretly admiring him.

Steven, an extremely lucky guy, is really too cunning, too meticulous in his actions, so impeccable and impeccable, no one should try to count this guy.

Ye Tian's voice still kept coming out, continuing to shock everyone's nerves and the whole world.

"What is this top Christian holy relic I'm talking about? Before I open the golden treasure box on the altar in the center of the rotunda and see the holy relic, I don't want to jump to conclusions.

Next, please follow us into this golden palace, explore the secrets hidden here, and open the golden treasure box on the altar to witness the birth of that religious holy object.

One thing must be emphasized, in view of the special situation in this golden palace and my special status, I will never touch that religious sacred object during the following exploration.

I am only responsible for guiding, checking whether there are traps here, and conducting identification and explanation. The work of opening the golden treasure chest and displaying the holy object will be completed by my subordinates.

Regarding this point, everyone can clearly see it through the live broadcast, that is to say, everyone who watches this treasure hunt live broadcast is my witness, I believe this can stop some guys from talking!

Alright, having said so much, I believe everyone has been waiting impatiently, now please follow us, walk into this palace made of gold, and explore the secrets hidden here.”

After the words fell, Ye Tian had already picked up the heavy police shield, and walked carefully into this golden underground palace.

Immediately afterwards, Walker and Peter also followed.

They followed Ye Tian's footsteps and moved forward step by step, very cautiously.

And these two guys have their own division of labor, one is doing the filming, and the other is busy laying out the wiring and lighting fixtures.

As they entered, as many lights turned on one by one, the underground palace suddenly became more brilliant and brighter, so that people could hardly keep their eyes open.

In front of countless live broadcast terminals all over the world, it is also set off with resplendent and glittering gold.

Perhaps because this place is too sacred, and it is located in the deepest part of the underground passage, it is very safe. Guardim Pais did not set up traps here, nor did he set up a snake passage leading to it.

In the blink of an eye, the three of Ye Tian and the others had arrived at the center of the rotunda, and stood behind a statue of a Templar kneeling on one knee with his back to the gate, holding a crusader knight's sword.

Opposite them, directly opposite the Templar, at the center of the rotunda, was the one-meter-high marble altar, on which stood a shining golden treasure chest.

Extending the line of sight forward, there is the statue of Mary Magdalene, standing quietly in front of her, staring down at the golden treasure chest, her eyes full of sadness.

After standing still, Ye Tian pretended to carefully observe the Templar statue and the surrounding ground carefully, and then said loudly:

"Walker, wipe the ground in front of and behind this Templar statue, as well as the face of this statue, and wipe off all the dust and moss, so that I can see his face clearly.

The Templar statue is located in the most prominent position, facing the altar in the center of the hall. If I guessed correctly, he is probably Hugo de Paying, the first Templar in history.

Hugo de Pain founded the famous Knights Templar together with eight like-minded friends. He is the first head of the Knights Templar, and only he is qualified to occupy this position.”

"Okay, Steven, let me clean up the dust and moss that fell on this Templar statue, it will be my pleasure"

Walker nodded excitedly, then took out a brand new towel and started to act.

At this time, the outside world has boiled again.

"Wow! This is actually the statue of Hugo de Pain, the founder of the Knights Templar. Doesn't that mean that the other eight statues of the Knights Templar are the other eight founders of the Knights Templar? Amazing!"

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