During the convoy's march, after changing positions several times, the bulletproof SUV that Ye Tian was riding in had already shifted to the end of the convoy without anyone noticing.

Behind this Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUV, there is another escort vehicle of the same model, and then there are vehicles of the Portuguese police, as well as many media interview vehicles, and other social vehicles.

In many of these vehicles, there are more or less burly men sitting on them, staring at the armored escort vehicles in front of them with blood-red eyes, everyone's eyes are full of greed.

In addition to greed, their eyes are also full of jealousy and even fear.

The security force of the escort convoy in front is too strong, it is basically an army armed to the teeth, so these guys with ulterior motives dare not act rashly, rushing directly to rob, it is tantamount to courting death!

However, they were unwilling to give up at this point. Why did they come to Tomar, Portugal? I'm not here to travel!

Who is sure that there will be no miracles? Everything is possible!

There are too many people staring at this huge escort convoy and the treasures of the Knights Templar, whoever fails to keep them all will brazenly try to rob this escort convoy.

If someone really did something to cause chaos, maybe a miracle would happen, and even if I couldn't eat meat, I could just drink a sip of broth!

Needless to say, as long as you can snatch a portable safe full of gold, silver treasures and antique relics, you will make a lot of money, and your life will be completely changed from now on!

It was with this thought that these guys who were driven crazy by the treasure of the Knights Templar and dazzled by greed followed closely behind the escort convoy, waiting for an illusory opportunity.

Inside the galloping Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUV, Ye Tianzheng pointed to the video screen on the IPAD screen, and whispered to the white elf:

"Little guy, look out for these cars and these idiots sitting in the cars, I'll let you out later, you sneak under the cars, try to get into these cars, and create a little chaos.

You just need to intimidate these goddamn idiots, you can't open your mouth to bite and poison them to death, that will definitely show your tracks, people will see that I ordered you to kill, that's not good.

Based on the terrifying impression you left on people, when you appeared in these cars and assumed an attacking posture, those idiots must have been terrified, their souls would be terrified, and they would draw their guns and open fire.

As long as they dare to shoot,

Then they are dead, no one can save those idiots, someone will kill them, then you can come back quietly, but be careful, I will wait for you"

When Ye Tian said these words, the little Bai Elf stared at him for a while, and stared at the screen played on the iPad screen for a while, and kept nodding, as if he understood.

But Ye Tian was not too relieved, and repeated the instruction to the little guy several times, and asked him to carefully identify the cars and the idiots sitting in the cars.

The convoy continued to roll forward, and soon it was far away from Tomar, leaving the historical town far behind, covered by rolling hills and vast forests.

Only Tomar Castle, which stands high on the top of the mountain, still appears in the rearview mirror and in everyone's field of vision from time to time.

After instructing the little guy, the white elf, Ye Tian called up the topographic map of this expressway and the surrounding area, and began to check it to see where it would be appropriate to do it.

In just a moment, he had already selected the location.

Immediately afterwards, he said through the wireless invisible headset:

"Matisse, let's do it at the crossroad five to six hundred meters ahead of the road, and let those guys from the Marine Corps and the Portuguese military police deal with the idiots who follow behind, so as not to have a long night.

Tell all the boys to get ready for battle, but it's best not to show any signs, so that those fools who follow behind will notice, and if those fools find out, they will probably run away immediately.

To be on the safe side, when the escort convoy is about to arrive at the crossroads, you will notify those guys in the Marine Corps and the Portuguese military police, and pass the photos and license plates of the vehicles that the idiots behind are riding in.

Next, let the escort convoy stop in front of the intersection, firmly suppress the other vehicles following behind the convoy, so that the Marine Corps and Portuguese military police can do it, and send those idiots to hell.

You tell the Marines they can send two Black Hawks into the fight, one in front of the other, take down the idiots from the sky, and every guy in the fight gets a reward"

After the words fell, Matisse's voice came from the wireless invisible earphone immediately.

"Got it, Steven, I'll let the guys know, I'll tell the Marine guys and the Portuguese military police later, those Marine guys must really like this sniper mission"

After speaking, Matisse took action and began to make various arrangements, preparing to catch the turtle in the article.

Ye Tian sat in the car leisurely, waiting for the wonderful show to be staged, waiting for the opportunity to let the little guy, the white elf, out to light the fuse of the battle.

While speaking, several Portuguese police cars that opened the way in front of the escort convoy had already driven to the intersection ahead.

As soon as they arrived at the intersection, the Portuguese police cars quickly dispersed and stopped at the intersection of the transverse road, blocking the vehicles on the road so that the escort convoy could pass through smoothly.

And when the lead car of this huge escort convoy was about to drive to the intersection, it suddenly started to slow down, and the other vehicles in the escort convoy following it also started to slow down one after another.

Faced with this sudden change, the people in the vehicles following the escort convoy couldn't help but feel very surprised, not understanding what happened ahead.

Many of the Portuguese military and police were also at a loss at this time.

Only some senior police officers who led the team had just received the situation report from Matisse, and knew that Ye Tian was going to attack here, and kill those idiots with ulterior motives behind.

But they had only just received the news, before they had time to notify many of their subordinates and make arrangements, the incident had already happened.

Compared with the Portuguese military and police, the US Marine Corps special operations team in the four Black Hawk helicopters in the air received the news a little earlier and responded quickly.

At the same time as the escort convoy suddenly slowed down, a Black Hawk helicopter located above the middle section of the escort convoy suddenly pulled up, preparing to turn around and fly backward.

Another Black Hawk helicopter located above the rear of the escort convoy hovered in mid-air, then began to turn its fuselage, and assumed a fighting posture, preparing to suppress the ground.

As Mattis said before, the Marine Corps members of the two Black Hawk helicopters, everyone was very excited, wishing to immediately join this battle without the slightest suspense.

Of course these guys are happy to have a lot of extra money to earn.

Ye Tian's generosity, through the mouths of many Raytheon security personnel and American soldiers who helped him escort the treasure, has already spread to every unit of the US military, and has also spread to almost every military base. It can be said to be well-known!

Following the two Black Hawk helicopters of the U.S. military, all the Portuguese military police responsible for protecting the convoy finally received the order and took action immediately.

At the same time, the lead vehicle of the escort convoy had already driven to the intersection.


Accompanied by bursts of screeching brakes, the huge escort convoy stopped before the intersection, and forced all the following vehicles to stop by the way.

Almost at the moment when the convoy came to a stop, Ye Tian gently opened the car door with a gap, let the little guy White Elf out, and said in a low voice:

"Go! Little guy, do the things I told you just now, come back when you're done, I'll wait for you here"

As soon as the words fell, the little white elf had slipped from his wrist and fell to the ground without a sound.

Immediately afterwards, a white light suddenly flashed on the black ground outside the car, heading straight for the social vehicles not far behind!

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