Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2375 possible treasure

When Ye Tian came out of the elevator dragging a metal suitcase and carrying a backpack, he saw at a glance that the hotel lobby was already full of people, and the scene was very lively.

There are hotel staff, tourists from all over the world, etc., all of them are very excited and full of surprises, but there is also a bit of fear in their eyes.

In addition, there are a few Moroccan policemen who came here upon hearing the news. They looked rather nervous and were all on high alert.

Seeing this scene in the hotel lobby, Ye Tian paused for a moment, then walked out, dragging his suitcase to the service desk, ready to check out and leave the five-star hotel.

Not two steps forward, someone at the scene immediately asked loudly:

"Mr. Steven, is that really you? Can you tell everyone about your exploration of the treasure of the Knights Templar? How did you find the Holy Grail and the other religious relics?"

"Good evening, Mr. Steven, on the day the Holy Grail reappeared in the Church of Santa Maria, you suddenly disappeared. No one knows where you went, but who knows, you actually came to Casablanca.

May I ask why you appeared in Casablanca? Could it be that you found some treasure here, did you come here to hunt for it? If it is true, what is this treasure and where is it buried? "

Hearing these questions raised by people, Ye Tian stopped immediately, turned around and looked at the crowd, pretending to be helpless and said with a wry smile:

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I am very glad to meet you here, yes, I am Steven, since everyone has recognized my identity, I don't need to hide it anymore.

As you can see, I put on some disguise, made some small changes to my appearance, and I came to Casablanca alone, without armed security personnel.

The reason why I do this is to give myself a vacation and relax. Casablanca is the most beautiful time of the year, so I come here for vacation.

Obviously, my vacation plan failed, and my identity was discovered by everyone. In view of this, I had to leave this five-star hotel and end this vacation plan ahead of schedule.

Just now a friend asked, can I tell you about the exploration of the treasures of the Knights Templar and the discovery of the Holy Grail and several other religious relics? The exploration process is actually well known all over the world.

Even all the video materials of the holy grail being raised in the golden palace, and then the bishop of Kent brought the holy grail up from St. Mary's Church,

It was also broadcast live to the world.

The reason why I left early and did not appear at the grand ceremony celebrating the "Holy Grail Reappearance" is simple. I am not a Christian believer and it is not suitable to appear on that occasion.

Someone asked just now whether I came to Casablanca to explore some treasures. In fact, everyone thought too much. Of course, it would be great if I could find some treasures here! "

After explaining, Ye Tian nodded to everyone present, then turned and walked towards the service desk.

Behind him, there were still people asking loudly, but he didn't respond at all.

But none of the people who asked the question, as well as several Moroccan policemen at the scene, dared to approach him. They were all eight feet away from him, so they could only ask loudly three or four meters away.

Everyone here already knows that the legendary white translucent cobra transformed by the devil is on the body of Steven, who dares to approach it!

Another point is that Steven's own strength is also extremely terrifying, no less than the little cobra he called Lucifer.

Let me ask, who would dare to approach such a man and a snake?

In just a moment, Ye Tian had completed the check-out procedures, and then dragged his suitcase and walked towards the hotel entrance.

The people gathered near the entrance of the hotel rushed to the sides one after another when they saw this, leaving a wide VIP passage for him, which was unimpeded.

When Ye Tian walked out of this five-star hotel, a Land Rover Range Rover SUV that he rented by phone earlier had already parked at the hotel entrance.

Seeing him coming out, especially the little translucent cobra coiled around his wrist, the driver who brought the car from the rental car company dared not approach him.

That guy directly threw the car keys to Ye Tian, ​​and then quickly dodged aside, very fast.

Afterwards, Ye Tian opened the rear door of the Land Rover SUV, put the metal suitcase in, opened the front door, and sat in the driver's seat.

Of course, before he walked out of the hotel gate, he had already seen the SUV thoroughly through perspective, not missing a single corner.

He boarded the SUV after making sure that there was nothing wrong with the car and that it was not in danger.

As for the many GPS positioning devices installed everywhere in the car, he didn't take it to heart at all. In fact, he didn't plan to use this SUV all the time.

After leaving the five-star hotel and freeing himself from the stalker, he was ready to abandon the SUV and reappear in a different form in order to conduct business.

After getting in the car and sitting down, he immediately started the engine, and then drove the Land Rover SUV to gallop out, heading straight for the old town of Casablanca.

As he expected, as soon as he left, several cars followed from a distance, including Moroccan police and some unidentified guys.

At the same time, from this five-star hotel, several calls were made one after another to inform the outside world of the situation here.


In a blink of an eye, it was noon the next day.

Compared with the leisurely past, the atmosphere in the old town of Casablanca seems to be much tenser today, and there are many more police officers patrolling the streets than in the past.

These Moroccan policemen seem to be more conscientious, keeping an eye on every stranger passing by on the street, especially men with Asian faces, and they will go up to check every time they come across one.

The citizens of Moca Sablanca were quite excited. People gathered together in groups of three or four, all beaming, as if they were discussing something.

Not only ordinary citizens, but even many tourists who came to Casablanca also joined the discussion.

If someone came closer to listen and could understand the language of the discussant, then the word he heard the most was treasure, and then the name of Steven, and the fearless exploration company.

Almost all the people in the urban area of ​​Casablanca were talking about Ye Tian and the treasures that might exist somewhere in Casablanca.

Even the Moroccan government and the municipality of Casablanca take these rumors very seriously, and are discussing whether there are any hidden treasures in Casablanca.

The reason why people behave this way is actually very simple.

Now everyone in the world knows that as long as Steven, a greedy guy, goes, there are nine out of ten hidden hidden treasures.

This guy has an extremely keen insight into all kinds of hidden treasures, and his ability to explore and discover treasures is unparalleled. His exploration company is also the top in the world.

And Steven, this guy has always been targeted, he will come to Casablanca for vacation and relax for no reason? And alone, and after some elaborate disguises!

If the devilish little cobra hadn't exposed his identity, no one would have thought that he would have sneaked into Casablanca without anyone noticing, stayed in a hotel for four days, and looked around!

Under such circumstances, if he said that he didn't come here for a huge treasure somewhere, no one would believe it.

Of course, people are also very clear that this guy who just discovered the treasure of the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail in Tomar, Portugal, and then caused a sensation all over the world is extremely powerful.

Even if he is alone now, it is estimated that no one can deal with him, not to mention that he is still carrying that devilish little cobra, which is even more invincible.

Thinking of this, some guys whose eyes were reddened by the huge treasure that might exist in Casablanca couldn't help feeling a headache again,

While people were talking about it, Ye Tian strode down the streets of the old city of Casablanca, heading towards a coffee shop in the center of the old city.

At this moment, he already looked different.

Like most of the residents in Casablanca, he has turned into a North African Arab man, dressed in the same clothes as the local young people, and there is almost no flaw in his body.

As for the little guy, the white elf, he put it in a small bag and temporarily sealed it, lest the little guy was too curious and sneaked out again, revealing his identity.

While speaking, he had come to the street where the target cafe was located.

From a long distance, he saw the unshaven Pique.

This kid was sitting at a dining table facing the street, drinking coffee while looking at the people walking on the street.

After half a year of lurking, this kid has now become a native of Casablanca. He knows everyone around him and keeps saying hello.

One of the reasons why Ye Tian came to Casablanca this time was to meet Pique.

The moment he saw Pique, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but his feet didn't stop at all, and he walked over there with the flow of people, no different from others.

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