Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2380 new members in New York

Two days later, on the road from JFK International Airport to Manhattan, three sturdy and unusual bulletproof SUVs were galloping towards the island of Manhattan.

Compared with other vehicles on the road, these three full-size bulletproof SUVs are extremely eye-catching, especially the tall and mighty Paramount Predator in the middle, which is menacing and full of wildness.

Seeing this civilian armored vehicle crashing past, people on both sides of the street immediately understood that that guy Steven had returned to New York.

That's exactly what happened. Ye Tian was sitting in the back seat of the Paramount Predator, listening to Jason's report on the company's affairs and some recent events.

Just about half an hour ago, he took a Gulfstream G650 business jet leased under a temporary alias, departing from Rabat, the capital of Morocco, and flew directly to New York.

The reason why he did not use his own private jet this time was entirely for the sake of secrecy, so that no one could start with that Bombardier private jet and then grasp his whereabouts.

The convoy quickly passed through Brooklyn and onto a bridge over the East River, with Manhattan just off the bridge.

At this moment, Ye Tian's cell phone rang suddenly, interrupting the conversation between him and Jason.

It was a call from the mayor of New York. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and then connected the call.

The next moment, the voice of the mayor of New York came from the intercom.

"Good morning, Steven, I just heard someone report that you seem to be back in New York, is it true?"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Good morning, Bill, I did just return to New York and I'm about to enter Manhattan. I didn't expect to receive your call as soon as I came back."

After the words fell, the voice of the mayor of New York came again immediately.

"I have been paying close attention to your actions in Portugal to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar. Since the Holy Grail reappeared in Tomar, I have called you many times, but I have never been able to get through!

I sent people to contact your company employees, and your personal lawyers to contact you, and those guys told me that you disappeared, no one knew where you were, and there was no way to contact you.

until two days ago,

I just heard that you guys showed up in Casablanca in North Africa, where you were on vacation, but when I called you, I still couldn’t get through. Fortunately, you finally returned to New York.”

"After the Holy Grail reappeared in the Church of Santa Maria in Tomar, because of my identity, it was not suitable to appear in the grand ceremony celebrating the reappearance of the Holy Grail, so I left Tomar immediately.

I didn't notify anyone at the time, and the presence of the Knights Templar treasure, the Holy Grail, and a few other religious relics had such an impact that I had to turn off my phone.

During this time, I also wanted to take a vacation for myself and relax, so I went to Casablanca in North Africa, but I was still recognized. During my stay in North Africa, my mobile phone was always turned off.

Because of this, you can't contact me, and the same goes for my company employees, lawyers, and security personnel. You have called so many times to find me, is there something wrong? Now you can tell me! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, also a little curious.

"It's about the Holy Grail. As we all know, the Holy Grail is the most important sacred object in Christianity. It has a very high status in the hearts of every Christian believer, and I am the same as a Christian.

And I am the mayor of New York City. If possible, I hope that the Holy Grail will come to New York, spreading the holy radiance throughout the city of New York and shining on every believer living in this city.

Steven, you are a New Yorker and the first discoverer of the Holy Grail, can you help us? A request to the Vatican to bring the light of the Holy Grail to New York would be greatly appreciated”

The mayor of New York continued, his tone was extremely excited and full of expectations.

Ye Tian fell silent, and did not respond immediately.

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"Bill, when I go back to the Pope and the Bishop of Kent, I will make this request and explain that this is something that all New Yorkers are looking forward to, but I can't guarantee whether it will be successful or not.

You and I are very clear about the importance of the Holy Grail to Christianity, Christians all over the world, and the Vatican. Even if I am the first discoverer of the Holy Grail, making such a request may not be successful.

When we explored the treasures of the Knights Templar in Tomar, until we left Tomar, we used the power of the US government and army, and the President of the United States also attended the grand celebration ceremony.

With the style of Mr. President, he will definitely ask the Vatican to let the Holy Grail come to the United States, so as to demonstrate his achievements. I can guarantee that as long as the Holy Grail comes to the United States, New York must be one of the stops.”

"Hahaha, you are right, Steven, our Mr. President will never let go of any opportunity to show his achievements and make himself look even greater.

It is undoubtedly such an opportunity for the Holy Grail to come to the United States, how could he be willing to miss it! Then it's settled, as long as the Holy Grail comes to America, you will cause the Holy Grail to come to New York"

The mayor of New York said with a smile, his tone was quite excited.

Ye Tian also smiled softly, and then continued:

"Well, Bill, who made me a New Yorker? When I contact the Pope, the Bishop of Kent, etc., I will tell them what New Yorkers expect"

After chatting for a few more words, the mayor of New York changed the topic, and his tone suddenly became much more dignified.

"Steven, I would like to ask, this time you returned to New York, did you bring the little translucent white cobra that was said to be transformed by the devil?"

as expected!

For this problem, Ye Tian had expected it.

In addition to hoping that the Holy Grail will come to New York, this should be one of the reasons why the mayor of New York is anxious to find himself all over the world, but it is too late!

Although he knew it in his heart, he pretended to be curious and asked:

"Yeah, Bill, I did take the little guy, what's the problem?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then the mayor of New York's slightly nervous voice came.

"What's the problem? Too big a problem, Steven, you can't bring that devilish little cobra to New York, it's going to cause a huge panic in New York City.

When you were exploring the Templar treasure, that guy attacked another Moroccan cobra that was ten times bigger than him, and all New Yorkers saw it.

Through that video, everyone can see very clearly how terrifying that little cobra is. It is no exaggeration to say that it is indeed the incarnation of the devil.

When you were in Casablanca, you also told people that the name of that little cobra was Lucifer. You also said before that you would let that little cobra look after the house.

You can imagine that when you stay in New York, that little cobra may not hurt people at will, but when you leave New York, who will restrain it?

It's unimaginable to leave such a poisonous cobra with lightning speed in New York, and I will not allow that to happen.

I don't want to see Central Park, or even the entire island of Manhattan, turn into a death zone, so I want you to get rid of that scary little cobra immediately,..."

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately cut off the words of the Mayor of New York.

"Get rid of that little white elf? Bill, you think too easily and take it for granted. That little guy has a very good relationship with me and trusts me. I can't do it.

For now, only I can restrain that little guy, let it stay in my house, help me watch the house, and not go outside to hurt people. As long as no one breaks into my house without authorization, no one will die from the snake's kiss.

If someone tried to deal with that little guy and put it to death, it was very likely that the little guy would be completely angered. By then, Central Park and Manhattan might really become a dead zone.

More importantly, that cute little white elf is now a member of New York City and has a legal status. Although it is a foreign species, it has obtained an entry permit issued by a relevant organization."

When he said these words, Ye Tian gently stroked the white elf on his wrist, and nodded to Jason who was sitting opposite.

The entry permit and identity issues of this little guy, White Elf, were all brought down by Jason, who also donated a large sum of money for this.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and a moment later, the angry roar of the mayor of New York was heard.

"Fack! Who is that damned idiot? He dared to issue an entry permit to that devilish little cobra. It's so stupid!"

Just as the mayor was roaring angrily, Ye Tian's convoy had already driven into 110th Street, heading straight for his home on the north side of Central Park.

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