Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2385 the top architectural design master

About half an hour later, the boy Logan rushed to the company.

After seeing Ye Tian and saying hello, the kid couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, you said earlier that you would meet with some of the world's top architectural design masters today to discuss the design and construction of a private museum. May I ask that you have made appointments with those top architectural design masters? I really want to know!"

Ye Tian looked at the kid, then smiled and said:

"The top architectural design master we will meet first is Santiago Calatrava from Switzerland. He is famous for his bridge structure design and artistic architecture, and he is the most outstanding representative of innovative architects.

He designed countless great buildings, including the bridges of Turin, Venice, Manchester and Barcelona, ​​the railway stations of Lyon, Lisbon and Zurich, and the main stadium of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games,

Including the transfer station of the World Trade Center, which was just completed a few years ago and cost 2.2 billion U.S. dollars, is also his work. The huge bird with its wings ready to fly has become a new landmark in New York and is considered the best example of innovative architecture.

The classic buildings I mentioned are all made by Calatrava. Every building is a classic and cannot be copied. But compared to these bridges and public buildings, I prefer Calatrava's artistic buildings.

In particular, the Milwaukee Art Museum he designed and built is absolutely stunning among the art buildings in the world today. Because of this, I invited him to New York to communicate with him and listen to his design ideas.

After the meeting, let's go to New York HDR Architects in Manhattan, and meet with the chief designer of this top New York architect firm to discuss the design of a private museum,..."

At the same time as Ye Tian said these words, Logan was completely dumbfounded and almost crazy with excitement, he couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Wow! Santiago Calatrava, that is the top ten architects in the world, my idol, if I can join his design team, even if it is a job, I am willing!

You are right, Steven, almost every building by Calatrava is a classic of modern architecture, a work of art that all our students of architecture pay homage to.

Compared with Calatrava, HDR Architects in New York is not enough, even if they are excellent, it is the architect firm I have always dreamed of joining after graduation.

in my opinion,

You don’t need to contact other architectural design masters at all, Calatrava is completely enough, I never think that there will be that architectural design master in the world who is better than him.”

Hearing Logan's words and seeing his almost crazy appearance, Ye Tian couldn't help but chuckled.

After letting the kid dance around for a while, he smiled and said:

"It's almost time, let's go, let's go to the Plaza Hotel, where Calatrava lives"

Hearing this, Logan first cheered in ecstasy, and then became a little apprehensive.

"Steven, don't you think it's inappropriate for me to wear this outfit to meet Calatrava, the head of the world's top ten architectural design masters? It's a bit too casual? Should I change my clothes and tidy up?"

With that said, the kid gestured towards himself.

He was wearing a half-new black pullover on his upper body, blue jeans on his lower body, and a pair of sneakers on his feet. He looked really casual.

Ye Tian sized up the kid, then joked:

"Aren't you people who study architectural design advocating freedom and unbridled freedom? Why did you change and become awkward when you came to your place? It's not like you!

The Plaza Hotel is on Fifth Avenue, surrounded by luxury stores, if you are not satisfied with your outfit, you can always become an elite in a suit and leather shoes”

Logan looked at his appearance again, pondered for a while, then shook his head and said:

"Elite people in suits and leather shoes? Forget it, I'll be more comfortable in this suit, and I can relax when I meet Calatrava"

After a few jokes, Ye Tian left the company with Logan and Jason, and went straight to the square not far away under the protection of Matisse and other security personnel.

Because the Rockefeller Center building is not far from the Plaza Hotel, only four or five streets away, and today's weather is quite good, so Ye Tian and the others chose to walk instead of taking a car.

Not far behind them, Walker and the others drove the Paramount Predator and several bulletproof SUVs to follow, and were constantly monitoring the situation on the street, ready to rush out of the car to support.

When Ye Tian and his group appeared on the fifth avenue, they immediately caused quite a commotion and attracted countless attentions.

Many of them, whether they knew him or not, would take the initiative to greet Ye Tian when they saw him, and they were quite enthusiastic, which was quite different from before.

Ye Tian knew why people had such a change in their perception of themselves. Of course, it was because of the birth of the Holy Grail and several other religious holy objects.

After all, the person who discovered the Holy Grail and those religious sacred objects was himself. No one could deny this, so people's attitudes changed.

As for the topics these people greeted, without exception, they revolved around the Holy Grail.

"Good afternoon, Steven, since you found the Holy Grail and the other holy objects, why don't you bring them back to New York? You can bring back even one, because New York needs those holy objects!"

When Ye Tian and the others reached the intersection of Fifth Avenue and 53rd Street, a black man in his fifties next to him asked suddenly, feeling a little angry.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this guy, then shrugged his shoulders, pretending to be helpless and said:

"Good afternoon, man, I also want to bring the Holy Grail and other religious relics back to New York, but I can't. The joint exploration agreement we signed with the Vatican clearly states that all the relics found belong to the Vatican!

All that we, the Daring One, can get are all the worldly treasures from the treasures of the Knights Templar, that is, those dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique relics, and I am very satisfied with these harvests."

After the voice fell, a white man next to him immediately said:

"Good afternoon, Steven, can you tell us about the process of exploring the treasures of the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail? It must be very exciting. I believe everyone wants to hear it."

Ye Tian turned to look at this person, then smiled and said:

"My man, if you want to hear our story about our exploration of the Knights Templar's treasure and the Holy Grail, then you can go to St. Patrick's Cathedral across the street tomorrow afternoon and you will be able to do so.

Two of my men who participated in the whole process of exploring the treasures of the Knights Templar and taking out the Holy Grail will publicly preach the whole process of exploration in the church, which is very worth listening to! "

As he spoke, Ye Tian pointed to the St. Patrick's Cathedral located diagonally behind him, opposite the Rockefeller Center Plaza, and east of Fifth Avenue.

When he turned around, the green light at the intersection happened to be on, and the group of them crossed the intersection and continued to walk along Fifth Avenue.

But those guys standing on the south side of the intersection turned around one after another, and walked towards the St. Patrick's Cathedral diagonally behind, apparently to inquire about tomorrow's mass and public preaching activities.

During the subsequent trip, there were still people saying hello to Ye Tian and asking various questions.

Without exception, everyone was very curious, and their eyes were full of envy, even jealousy.

For their questions, Ye Tian answered as much as possible, and with a bright smile on his face, he nodded and greeted everyone, his performance was impeccable.

After walking and stopping, the group of them arrived downstairs at the Plaza Hotel at the southern end of Central Park, and then walked into this very familiar five-star hotel.

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