Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2396 Departure when the lilacs bloom

The next morning, as soon as Ye Tian arrived at the company, he started a meeting with Calatrava and his team.

If it was a little later, this famous architect, who is known as the top ten architects in the world today, would have visited a place of historical interest in Beijing, and he probably wouldn't even be able to see him.

After coming to Beijing, Calatrava, the world's top architectural design master, was completely fascinated by this ancient city and never wanted to leave.

In particular, the ancient historical buildings in Beijing amazed and fell in love with the famous architectural design master.

In the past few days, he has been visiting the Forbidden City, and he has traveled all over the Forbidden City, wishing he could deeply engrave every building in the Forbidden City and every detail of those buildings in his mind.

Ye Tian also heard from Logan that this top architectural design master was going to visit the Temple of Heaven today, so he arranged the meeting time in the morning.

It was the same reception room as yesterday, but the visiting guests had changed.

After entering the reception room and sitting down, Calatrava immediately expressed emotion.

"Mr. Steven, now I finally understand why you divided your private museum into two parts and insisted on building a Chinese pavilion. The Chinese civilization is really great!

The traditional Chinese architecture alone is amazing. I have seen many magnificent and magnificent palaces in the Forbidden City. The tenon and tenon structure used to build those palaces is simply a miracle! "

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then continued:

"Mr. Santiago, what you see in the Forbidden City is only a small part of traditional Chinese culture. If you stay in China for a long time, you will really feel the profoundness of Chinese culture.

The magnificent and magnificent palaces in the Forbidden City and the antique artworks displayed in various exhibition halls are the essence of Chinese civilization, including the mortise and tenon structure, which is called an architectural miracle.

My private museum is going to be built in Beijing. Half of the antique artworks on display are Chinese antique artworks. Of course, I want to build a very distinctive Chinese pavilion.

As I said before, only Chinese people know Chinese culture best and know how to display Chinese antiques, such as Chinese calligraphy and paintings, and they have very high requirements for the display environment.

If Chinese people appreciate a beautiful ink landscape painting with meaningful artistic conception,

The surrounding architectural decorations are in modern style, or Baroque style, which is undoubtedly too disappointing,..."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Calatrava couldn't help but nodded slightly, expressing his deep agreement.

Next, Ye Tian discussed with this world's top architectural design master how to build his own private museum.

In the process, he also shared some of his ideas and concepts for Calatrava's reference.

When the time came around ten o'clock in the morning, Calatrava and his team just left and returned to the hotel where they were staying.

Next, whether they went to visit the Temple of Heaven to feel the charm of Chinese culture and traditional architecture, or hurry up and come up with a design proposal for the museum, Ye Tian couldn't control it.

Soon after Calatrava and the others left, another architectural design team from Paris came to the company and walked into the reception room.

Then another meeting started.


This is already the fourth day after returning to Beijing. After dealing with everything, Ye Tian is finally leaving Beijing and embarking on another journey of exploration.

That is, this morning, when he was meeting with the leaders of the cultural authorities in Beijing, Ye Tian made it clear that he wanted to buy the entire Lishi Hutong and transform it into the best historical neighborhood in Beijing.

Hearing his words, the people on the opposite side were not too surprised.

In fact, Ye Tian had conveyed his meaning through various channels before, and these few people had heard of his idea of ​​wanting to sell the entire Lishi alley.

But these people did not give a response, they just told Ye Tian that they would study it carefully later to see if this matter was feasible.

For this result, Ye Tian was already very satisfied, and did not dare to expect too much.

You know, what he is trying to buy is one of the most core areas within the Second Ring Road in Beijing, and it is a historical neighborhood, an alley where every brick and tile has to be reported.

What's more, he is still a foreign investor and is very sensitive. It is already very good to have such a result!

After the meeting, he returned to his home in Lishi Hutong, planning to use the remaining half day to reunite with his family and enjoy the warmth of the family.

When he returned to Lishi Hutong, almost all his family, including his grandparents, had gathered at the gate of his mansion. Before he entered, he heard bursts of laughter coming from the yard.

Hearing the voice from the courtyard, Ye Tian couldn't help but paused, then went up the stairs and walked into the Guangliang gate of his house.

Soon, it was evening.

As the sun sets, the entire sky in Beijing is dyed red, which is extremely beautiful!

And the Lishi Hutong, which runs from east to west, looks special in the setting sun.

People walking from the west entrance of the hutong seem to be coming from the setting sun, bathed in the golden sunlight, step by step out of the hustle and bustle of the city and into the life of Beijingers.

Courtyard No. 129, located in the depths of Lishi Hutong, is also bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, and there are bursts of floral fragrance overflowing from the yard, floating in this ancient alley, which is fascinating!

Everyone passing by the gate of this mansion will stop here for a moment, smell the charming smell of lilac, and then leave with a face full of intoxication, and move on.

In the courtyard, Ye Tian, ​​who had tidied up, held Betty in one hand, and the two walked into the courtyard where their grandparents lived, to say goodbye to their grandparents.

The two little guys, Dongzi and Chenxi, followed behind them. One was dragging a suitcase in his hand, and the other was carrying a black backpack. Naturally, they both belonged to Ye Tian.

After entering the courtyard, Ye Tian saw the grandparents standing on the steps in front of the north door at a glance. The two ancestors looked at this side with smiles, eyes full of love.

In addition, grandparents, parents, and the second uncle are all looking at Ye Tian and Betty in this courtyard that smells of flowers.

In two or three steps, Ye Tian came to the steps of the north room, and said to his grandparents:

"Grandpa, grandma, I'm flying to New York. Take care of your health. I'll come back to see you in a while."

"Don't worry, your grandma and I are in good health, but you kid, you must pay attention to safety, don't let your family worry, think before doing anything, you are also a person who is about to become a father."

Grandpa said with a smile, and patted Ye Tian on the shoulder lightly.

The grandma standing next to him held his hand tightly, her eyes full of reluctance.

Next, Ye Tian bid farewell to the other family members one by one, and then left the courtyard and walked towards the gate.

After walking out of the gate, his parents told him to be careful in everything, pay attention to safety, and call home when he had time.

Especially my mother, I feel a little bit reluctant to leave, in fact, she does this every time.

After Mom and Dad finished giving instructions, Ye Tian suddenly squatted down, put half of his face on Betty's stomach, and listened to the voice of the little guy in his stomach.

Naturally, he couldn't hear anything, but his face was filled with a happy smile, as if he had heard something.

Seeing his appearance, all the family including Betty laughed.

After getting up, Ye Tian gave Betty a warm kiss and hug, and whispered affectionately:

"Honey, I'm leaving, you have to take care of your body and our children, and wait for my triumphant return!"

"Understood, dear, you must pay attention to safety, we will wait for your return in Beijing"

Betty nodded slightly, and kissed Ye Tian again.

Afterwards, Ye Tian waved goodbye to all his family members, turned around and boarded an SUV parked in front of his house.

The convoy then started and slowly drove towards the west entrance of the alley, leaving the warm home in the alley.

Another journey of exploration begins here.

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