Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2406 The Disaster of Genocide

The convoy started again, and under the escort of a large number of Honduran military police, it drove to the five-star hotel not far away.

When the convoy passed the intersection ahead and turned onto another adjacent street, Ye Tian and the others saw protesters gathered around the hotel, as well as a large number of Honduran military police with live ammunition.

Among the protesting crowd, most of them were Indians wearing national costumes, holding pike shields, various feather crowns, and oil paint on their faces and bodies, or it should be said that they were Mayans.

In addition, there are many Hispanics, Hispanic and Indian mixed races, Indians, and a few whites wearing modern clothes in the crowd. These guys should be the Honduran opposition party who intends to fish in troubled waters.

In this kind of occasion, it is natural that media reporters who are afraid of chaos in the world are indispensable, and there are quite a few media reporters gathered here, including local media in Honduras and reporters from major news media in the world.

Needless to say, most of these media reporters came to interview the tripartite joint exploration team and interview Ye Tian and the others, but unexpectedly, they encountered even more exciting scenes.

A small part of the media, mainly local media in Honduras, should have been recruited by the opposition party, or they were the mouthpiece of the opposition party to report on the protest and demonstration, and then fan the flames.

Of course, there were still a few familiar faces hidden in the crowd. They were the security personnel who were under Ye Tian's orders. They pretended to be tourists or protesters and mixed in the crowd to observe the surrounding situation.

At this time, the situation on the scene has eased a lot, and it is not as tense as before.

Or it should be said that the Mayans holding pike shields were suppressed by a large number of professional soldiers who were fully armed and armed with automatic rifles, and could only choose to die down.

It can be seen that the Mayans in national costumes and painted all over their bodies stared angrily at the Honduran military police inside the cordon, but dared not speak out.

Few of the Honduras opposition parties who bewitched the Mayans to come to protest and demonstrate stood at the forefront, and they all retreated into the crowd, using the Mayans to cover themselves.

Obviously, this is also a bunch of out-and-out bastards, who only want to use the simple Maya to achieve their own goals, and have no intention of making any sacrifices at all.

In the country of Honduras, maybe all those who engage in politics are like this, otherwise how could this country get worse and worse and fall into hell step by step.

While Ye Tian and the others were observing the scene,

Almost everyone around the hotel is also looking at this huge convoy.

As the convoy arrived, there was a burst of commotion at the scene. The impulsive Mayans outside the cordon even raised their spears and waved them non-stop, demonstrating to the convoy and Ye Tian.

There were voices of protest and demonstration again at the scene, but the shouts were either Spanish or Indian highland language, Ye Tian and the others couldn't understand them at all, and didn't care at all.

The tweeter, which had just been silent before, sounded again.

Representatives of the Honduran government began to appease the emotions of the protesters at the scene, still speaking Spanish and Indian highland languages.

The Honduran military and police responsible for maintaining order at the scene have raised their alert levels one after another, loaded their bullets, and are ready to suppress them at any time.

Looking at the situation outside the car window, David couldn't help feeling emotional.

"I'm going! This scene is too exaggerated! We have been to so many countries before, and this is the first time we have encountered such a fierce protest and demonstration scene. It is obviously too light to say that we are the target of public criticism. Public Enemy seems more appropriate!"

Ye Tian looked at the situation outside the car window, then said with a sneer:

"All of this is because of poverty. When people have nothing to lose, it is not difficult to understand madness. We have passed through so many countries before, but we are the first to be so poor!"

While speaking, the convoy had already driven to the edge of the protesting crowd, then passed through the passage opened by the Honduran military police, and drove towards the hotel entrance.

The Mayans who gathered on both sides of this channel and stayed outside the cordon suddenly became louder in protest and demonstration, shouting loudly and vigorously waving the primitive weapons in their hands, protesting and demonstrating.

Perhaps the tribal chiefs had told them that these seemingly angry Mayans did not make any drastic moves, thus detonating this huge powder keg.

In fact, at the front outside the cordon, Ye Tian did see a few older Indians wearing feather crowns and watching the convoy.

Surrounding these old Indians were many tough young men, who also appeared relatively calm, just standing there with sullen faces.

After a while, the convoy arrived at the hotel entrance and stopped slowly.

Immediately afterwards, the heavily armed Matisse and the others got out of the car first, dispersed quickly, and became alert.

The Honduran military police, who were originally guarding the hotel entrance, could only spread out and take charge of the peripheral security.

After confirming the safety of the scene, Ye Tian, ​​David and the others, as well as a group from Columbia University's School of History, got out of the car one after another and stood at the entrance of the hotel.

With the appearance of Ye Tian and the others, the entrance of the hotel suddenly became more lively.

Many media reporters from Honduras and around the world began to ask questions one after another, scrambling to avoid missing this rare opportunity.

The Mayans who gathered near the entrance of the hotel to protest and demonstrate, as well as those guys from the Honduran opposition party, also seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and the voice of protest became louder.

Ye Tian seemed to have never heard of these croaking voices, and did not give any response.

He shook hands with the Honduran Vice President Alvarez and Hernando who were waiting at the entrance of the hotel, and then, led by the hotel manager, walked into the so-called five-star hotel.

Other Intrepid Exploration employees and security personnel, as well as a group from Columbia University, also walked into the hotel one after another, leaving the protesting crowd behind.

Soon, twenty minutes passed.

After checking into the guest room and resting for a while, Ye Tian took David and others, under the guard of Mathis and the others, to the door of a meeting room in this hotel.

Outside the door of this meeting room, he saw Hernando, the mayor of Honduras and other political figures, as well as several strange Hispanic men in suits and ties.

After Hernando's introduction, he learned that those guys were representatives of the opposition party in Honduras, and it was these guys who started the protest demonstration outside the hotel.

As usual, Ye Tian said a few polite words to these guys, and shook hands one by one, and behaved very decently.

During this process, one of the leading Hispanic men said:

"Mr. Steven, we want to participate in the meeting between you and the chiefs of these Mayan tribes in the conference room, even if it is just to observe"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian directly rejected the other party's request.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Conte, I'm afraid I can't meet your request. I have no interest in participating in your domestic politics in Honduras. This is the consistent principle of our company.

My meeting with these Mayan tribal chiefs in the conference room will never involve your country’s politics, you can rest assured that not only you, Hernando and the others will also be treated the same.”

After speaking, Ye Tian nodded at this person, then turned around and walked towards the door of the conference room guarded by his armed security personnel.

Looking at the leader of the Honduran opposition party, Mr. Conte, his face turned blue, and he was extremely ugly. His eyes were full of anger and greed.

When he came to the door of the meeting room, Cole, who was guarding the door in full armor, nodded slightly, and then stretched out his hand to push open the door of the meeting room.

The moment the door opened, Ye Tian saw the chiefs of the Mayan tribe sitting in the conference room with apprehensive expressions, and the other party also looked at them curiously.

Ye Tianchong nodded to the tribal chiefs, and then walked into the conference room with David, Matisse, and Professor Delgado who was acting as the translator.

When they entered, Cole immediately closed the door of the meeting room, blocking the sight of everyone outside.

In the conference room, Ye Tian shook hands with several Mayan tribal chiefs one by one, and introduced himself. Professor Delgado, who was next to him, was in charge of translation.

These Mayan tribal chiefs obviously don't know any modern social etiquette. Everyone just met, and before Ye Tian and the others sat down, a tribal chief stuck his neck and said:

"Mr. Steven, the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire belong to us Indians, and belong to all Mayans. No one else can take this treasure away, including you!"

Ye Tian looked at the tribal chief, then said with a sneer:

"Without our company, would you Mayans have been able to find the treasure of the Golden City? If so, how could the legend of the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, but you still can't find the treasure?

Even if, as you said, the treasure of the Golden City belongs to you Mayan tribes, after finding the treasure of the Golden City, can you keep it? With your strength, I am afraid that you will only get disaster!

You should be very clear about the situation in countries such as Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. I'm sure that the day you get the treasure of the Golden City is the beginning of bloody killings!

At that time, those of you who are struggling to survive in the tropical rainforest and highlands may encounter crazy killings and even genocide before they have time to enjoy the gold and silver treasures in the treasure chest! "

As Professor Delgado translated these words, the chiefs of the Mayan tribe were stunned immediately, and everyone's eyes were filled with fear for an instant.

And this small conference room became silent in an instant, only the sound of heavy and rapid breathing remained.

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