Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2413 Unraveling the Mystery

Unfortunately, the Hispanic stall owner did not discover anything new.

In his eyes, the granite pillar engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns is still the same as before, and its function can only be used to press cloth. Instead of being of no value, it is a burden.

However, he still pondered for a moment, and then tentatively said:

"Mr. Steven, I collected this granite pillar in a rural area. The Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns on the pillar are all real symbols of Mayan civilization, not fabricated ones.

Although the history of this granite pillar is not long, it has a history of nearly a hundred years. It is considered an antique, and its price is one thousand dollars. If you can accept it, it belongs to you.”

Ye Tian looked at the stall owner, then nodded with a smile and said:

"It is precisely because the Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns on the stone pillar are real that I plan to buy this granite stone pillar and take it back to study, otherwise I would never accept such a crude thing.

To be honest, a thousand dollars is too high a price, but I don't want to haggle with you any more, so be it, I'll take this granite pillar, you get a thousand dollars, deal! "

After the words were finished, Ye Tian stretched out his right hand and shook hands with the stall owner who was full of ecstasy and suspicion in his eyes, and the deal was concluded.

Then he took out his wallet, took out ten one-hundred-dollar bills from it, and handed them to the stall owner, completing the last step of the transaction.

The next moment, Jason who was standing beside him immediately took a step forward and volunteered:

"Steven, let me get this granite pillar, it looks heavy"

Ye Tian looked at this kid, then nodded with a light smile and said:

"Okay, you come and get this granite pillar, it's almost time, let's go directly to the National Museum of Honduras, there is no need to go wandering elsewhere"

After finishing speaking, he nodded slightly to the stall owner, said goodbye, and then turned and left the stall.

Jason picked up the heavy granite pillar and followed from behind, and so did David.

Seeing them leave, the stall owner couldn't help looking at the yellow granite pillar in Jason's arms again.

He hesitated to speak, his eyes full of doubts.

At the same time, he quickly stuffed the thousand dollars into his pocket, and it was safe.

To him, it was a small fortune and worth celebrating for a worthless piece of junk.

In just a moment, Ye Tian and his group came to the center of Morazan Square.

When passing by the statue of Morazan standing in the center of the square, they stopped here for a while, admiring the marble statue of the Honduran national hero, and then walked to the National Museum not far away.

At this moment, David couldn't hold back his curiosity anymore, and asked in a low voice impatiently:

"Steven, the granite pillar that Jason is holding must not be simple, right? Is there some secret hidden? Did you discover something, which is why you bought this granite pillar?"

Following David's words, Jason, Professor Douglas and others, as well as Hernando and other Hondurans, all turned their heads to look at the granite pillar.

Without exception, everyone's eyes are full of curiosity and anticipation.

Hondurans such as Hernando, in addition to curiosity, also have a bit of remorse and jealousy.

"Ah! This is a secret hidden with the granite pillars? It's unlikely, right?"

Professor Delgado exclaimed in a low voice, his eyes full of disbelief.

He had carefully observed this granite pillar just now, but found nothing. He would naturally feel surprised when he heard David's words now.

Ye Tian looked at David, then scanned the crowd, then nodded with a smile and said:

"You guessed it right, David, this granite pillar does hide a secret, but I don't know what the secret is for the time being. After entering the National Museum of Honduras, let's uncover the mystery together."

Hearing his words, the eyes of everyone at the scene lit up, shining brightly, and everyone was very excited.

As for Hernando and the others, the remorse and jealousy in their eyes suddenly became deeper.

While talking, their group had arrived at the gate of the National Museum of Honduras, and the director of the National Museum of Honduras, who had received the news in advance, had led people out of the museum to greet them.

After meeting each other, shaking hands and exchanging greetings, Ye Tian and the others, led by the curator of the National Museum of Honduras, walked into the museum through the VIP passage, eliminating the need for security checks.

Compared with other famous museums I have been to before, this museum is much shabby, even a little dilapidated, and there are not many tourists visiting it.

After entering the museum, Ye Tian quickly scanned the environment in the museum, and then said to the museum curator beside him:

"Sanchez, please find me two hammers, I just collected a yellow granite pillar in the square outside, and found that there may be some secrets hidden in it.

But what this secret is, I don’t know, and everyone is curious, so I decided to borrow your museum and tools to uncover the mystery here.”

As he spoke, Ye Tian pointed to the granite pillar that Jason was holding.

Following the direction of his finger, Sanchez looked at the granite pillar, but saw nothing.

Immediately afterwards, he said expectantly:

"No problem, Steven, I'm also very curious about what secrets are hidden in this granite pillar, and I can take this opportunity to see how amazing you are.

Needless to say, I have seen this granite pillar long before you came to Morazan Square, but I have never discovered any secrets hidden in this stone pillar. It is indeed not good enough.

Do you need other tools besides a hammer? Do you want to find a conference room or a closed exhibition hall to open this granite pillar? That seems more secure."

"No need, two hammers are enough. This is a rough granite pillar. Although it has some history, it has no value. Just smash it open.

As for the location, it is fine in the rest area next to it. There is no need to open another meeting room or exhibition hall. Who knows if the secrets inside this granite pillar are of value? "

Ye Tian smiled lightly and shook his head, and pointed to the tourist rest area not far away.

It was very quiet there, and there was no one there, which could just be used to solve the mystery.

Sanchez looked over there, then nodded without disagreeing.

Afterwards, he asked someone to fetch the hammer, and he led Ye Tian and the others towards the rest area.

In a blink of an eye, everyone had entered the tourist rest area, and then gathered together, staring at the granite pillar in Jason's hand.

Outside the rest area, Matisse and the others quickly spread out, facing the outside, staring at the tourists and staff coming and going in the hall of the museum.

At this time, everyone in the hall of the National Museum of Honduras looked at this side curiously, guessing what happened here, guessing everything.

In the rest area, Ye Tian took the granite pillar from Jason, placed it on the floor, and began to explain.

"When I saw this granite pillar on the stall outside, I didn't find anything special about it, but when I took a closer look, I discovered something.

Everyone, please look at the surface of this granite pillar. There are a lot of cracks of different thicknesses and lengths all over the body. It looks like it fell to the ground, which seems normal.

But after careful observation, you will find that in the middle of the cracks at both ends of the stone pillar, there is a thin crack that is connected together, and it twists and turns, winding around the stone pillar.

The location of these two cracks is very clever and hidden, they cleverly avoid every Mayan hieroglyph and pattern carved on the stone pillar, and they are mixed with the rest of the cracks."

At the same time as the introduction, Ye Tian also pointed out the location of the two cracks, and followed the direction of the cracks to guide everyone's sight.

Through his guidance, everyone quickly saw the special features of these two tiny cracks.

"Really, these two thin cracks are too special and too hidden. If you don't observe carefully, you can't find them at all."

Professor Delgado said excitedly, and other people at the scene also nodded, and everyone's eyes were full of excitement.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, and then said firmly:

"Through these two thin cracks, I can be sure that this stone pillar is composed of three sections. There is a secret hidden compartment inside the stone pillar. The rest of the cracks on the surface are deliberately made to cover up these two cracks. of!"

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