Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2416 Rescue Operation

"Can you still locate the positions of those two Columbia University doctors? Mattis, if we can locate them, let's rescue those two guys and send those damned kidnappers to hell by the way."

Ye Tian asked in a cold voice, with a murderous look in his words and eyes.

Matisse nodded slightly, and then continued:

"You can locate the two Columbia University Ph.D.'s, they are in the old town of Tegucigalpa, those two guys have a bit of brains, and they both carry GPS positioning devices.

Considering the poor public security environment in Honduras, for the sake of safety, we installed GPS positioning devices on each member of the joint exploration team on the way to Honduras.

The two guys are equipped with positioning devices disguised as jeans buttons. As long as the kidnappers don't take off their pants and carefully observe the two copper buttons, they will not be able to find them."

Hearing this, David and Jason immediately let out a sigh of relief and completely relaxed.

They knew that as long as those two unlucky Columbia University doctoral students were still alive, Ye Tian and the others could rescue those two guys, kill the kidnappers who kidnapped them, and send those kidnappers to hell.

"Since we can locate those two guys, that would be great, let's get ready to act now, and rescue those two guys, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Matisse, you take two heavily armed five-man special operations teams to work with me to rescue the hostages, and let Cole lead other security personnel to guard the hotel.

This is Tegucigalpa, the world-famous Sin City, tell Cole that no one can enter our floor until we come back.

People in the joint exploration team should not leave this hotel unless it is absolutely necessary, so as not to give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of it, and we must ensure everyone's safety."

Ye Tian said with a sneer, and began to issue action orders.

After the words fell, Matisse immediately nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, I'll take care of it. Don't worry, there won't be any problems here. We'll be able to save those two unlucky guys from Columbia University."

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued to issue orders.

"Notify the two sniper teams hidden in the city of Tegucigalpa again,

Tell them to rush to hide near the hostage location immediately and provide us with cover.

Tell everyone, be sure to wear body armor, bring enough weapons and ammunition, and maintain a high level of vigilance. Tegucigalpa at night is probably like hell.

According to my estimation, the kidnappers who kidnapped the two Columbia University Ph.D.s are likely to be Marash, perhaps those scumbags I met in the Morazan Square in the afternoon.

Maras is the largest and most vicious gang in Honduras. If the kidnappers are really them, the show tonight will be very exciting. You'd better be mentally prepared.

Another point, if our opponent tonight is Marash, there are probably eyeliners arranged by those guys outside this five-star hotel, watching us

Let the small drone go out, find out the eyeliners hidden in the dark, keep an eye on them, and when we rescue the hostages, both sides will work together to kill those scumbags.

Not only on the street outside the hotel, there may also be Marash's eyeliner inside the hotel. When we leave the hotel later, we must avoid everyone's sight.

Tell Kenny and them to find a way to take over the hotel's internal surveillance system, preferably without attracting the attention of hotel security, so that we can leave the hotel quietly.

As for the Honduran police outside the hotel, let me handle it. I believe I can find a safe passage. Let's look outside for the vehicles used for the operation.

At midnight, when most people have rested, we can leave the hotel and start our operations. We must find a way to hold the kidnappers and let them relax their vigilance."

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us, and I will go out and arrange it"

Matisse nodded in response, then turned and left the presidential suite, and went out to decorate.

As soon as he left, David couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, didn't Hernando and the Honduras government authorities be notified of this matter? After all, this is the capital of Honduras. Isn't it inappropriate to take action to rescue the hostages without notifying them?"

Ye Tian looked at David, then shook his head firmly.

"We can't tell any Hondurans that our opponent this time is probably the largest gang in Honduras, Maras, a group of inhuman beasts.

Maras was able to become the largest gang in Honduras, rampant and killing countless people. If there is no support from high-level political and military figures behind him, I would not believe that he was killed.

If we notify the Honduran government that we are about to launch a hostage rescue operation, the news cannot be kept secret at all, and it will reach the ears of those scumbags in Marash in a blink of an eye.

After receiving the news, those scumbags in Marash will definitely transfer the hostages immediately, as long as this is good, with the GPS positioning device, we can still find the two doctors.

But it is more likely that those scumbags in Marash will directly kill the two doctors of archeology in order to clear the suspicion, and destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces. I don't want to see that kind of result."

Hearing these words, both David and Jason couldn't help but nodded.

"It's true. Gangsters like Maras must be inextricably linked to the political world, otherwise they wouldn't have run amok for so long. What's more, this is Honduras, where there is no order or law at all."

As soon as David's words fell, Ye Tian immediately said:

"So, we can't tell the Hondurans at all that neither the Honduran government nor the police nor the military are trustworthy, and I dare not trust them.

In this hostage rescue operation, we will leave the hotel quietly, and everyone will use night vision goggles and silencers during the operation, trying not to alarm anyone.

After freeing the two hostages and taking out those scumbags in Marash, we'll return to the hotel quietly with the hostages, as if nothing happened.

In this way, even if the Honduran government guessed that we were responsible for the killing, they could not find any evidence and had nothing to do with us. Don’t forget, they asked me for something!

Although the Honduran government and police cannot be notified, we must notify the US embassy in Honduras so that those diplomats are ready to come forward to cover us at any time.

I also have another consideration. If this hostage rescue operation is exposed, the embassy can come forward and say that this is an officially authorized operation to protect American citizens overseas.

David, Jason, I will leave it to you to contact the US embassy in Honduras, and I will always keep in touch with you during this hostage rescue operation."

"Okay, Steven, leave these matters to us. It is conceivable that Tegucigalpa tonight must be extremely lively, and there will be a bloody and crazy fight."

Jason nodded excitedly, almost dancing.

Next, Ye Tian instructed these two fellows to do some things in order to be safe.

While talking, several experts and scholars from Columbia University, including Professor Douglas and Professor Delgado, knocked on the door and walked into the presidential suite.

As soon as he came in, Professor Delgado couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, two of our doctoral students have been kidnapped. We don't know whether they are dead or alive. What should we do now?"

Ye Tian looked at these nervous and terrified experts and scholars, and then said with a confident smile:

"Gentlemen, don't worry. Leave this matter to us. I can assure you that as long as the two doctors are still alive, I will definitely find them and bring them back tonight!"

Hearing this, the experts and scholars at the scene immediately breathed a sigh of relief, somewhat relaxed, and the fear in their eyes dissipated a bit.

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