Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2422 Chaotic Night

Ten minutes later, the three cars driven by Ye Tian and the others arrived at a street near the hotel and parked at their original positions.

As soon as the three cars stopped, several cars from the US Embassy in Honduras drove into the street and drove straight towards the three cars.

The vehicles from the American embassy were also dimly lit and moving very slowly so as not to disturb the people living in the many buildings on both sides of the street.

Seeing these vehicles appear, Mattis immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and communicated with the other party to confirm the identities of those people in the car.

It was the diplomats of the US embassy in Honduras and many heavily armed marines who came here in those vehicles.

After confirming that the other party's identity was correct, Matisse opened the car door, got off the station and went to the car.

The two Columbia University Ph.Ds sitting in the two cars at the back got out of the car respectively and stood beside the car with nervous expressions, watching the vehicles approaching slowly.

Beside them, two armed security personnel in full armor and wearing black hoods stood respectively,

The rest of the security personnel in the convoy were also on high alert, staring at the slowly approaching cars and the surrounding situation, ready to respond at any time.

In a blink of an eye, those cars had already arrived and stopped on the other side of the street, about three or four meters away from this side.

The car door opened, and two guys in suits and leather shoes led a few heavily armed marines, got out of those cars one after another, then stood by the car and looked this way, and gave Matisse and them a light nod nod.

Matisse nodded as well, then gestured to the security guards behind him, and then walked across the street.

The security team behind them immediately followed up with the two hostages, and walked towards the cars of the US embassy together.

Walking across the street, Mattis first exchanged a few words with the two guys in suits and leather shoes in a low voice, and checked each other's ID cards, just in case.

After confirming that there was no problem with the other party's identity, he handed over the two Columbia University doctors to the other party, and asked the other party to take the two guys back to the US embassy.

The reason for this is to avoid some unnecessary troubles, lest the Honduran government and Marash start with two hostages,

Then they suspected that Ye Tian and the others had created this night killing.

In fact, such doubts cannot be avoided at all.

Anyone who understands Ye Tianyi's ruthless and vengeful behavior style can basically be sure that he led people to do this bloody night killing.

Doubt is doubt!

As long as there are no real witnesses and physical evidence, the Honduran government will have nothing to do with him, and they have to be careful not to disrupt the tripartite joint exploration of the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City.

As for those scumbags in Marash, Ye Tian didn't care at all.

there is always a solution to a problem!

He doesn't mind killing more brutes and making the world a little cleaner, which is obviously a good thing for Honduras, enough to make most Hondurans clap their hands.

After the two Columbia Ph.D.s are sent out, the two guys will spend a few days at the U.S. embassy recovering from the ravages of their kidnappers and calming down their emotions.

Next, whether they return to New York or join the tripartite joint exploration team again to explore the golden city of the Mayan Empire deep in the rainforest is up to them.

By then, they should have returned to normal, and the Hondurans in the joint exploration team probably wouldn't recognize them as the two hostages who triggered this night's night slaughter.

It doesn't matter if they are recognized.

During the hostage rescue operation tonight, Ye Tian and the others covered their heads from the beginning to the end, and did not reveal their identities, so the testimony of these two guys was useless.

Apart from confidentiality, there is another reason for handing these two guys over to the US embassy, ​​which is that it is inconvenient to move with these two guys.

Especially when sneaking into the hotel later, they will become a burden, and maybe they will expose everyone's whereabouts.

After getting rid of these two burdens, Mattis and the others walked back, and the cars of the American embassy turned around on the street and returned to the embassy along the same road.

After the cars left, Ye Tian and the others also left the street and disappeared into the darkness.

The three cars they had used before were still parked in their original positions, as if they had never moved.

But the extra mileage on the vehicle's odometer, and the portion of gas that was burned in the mailbox, is enough to show that they were used by someone tonight, but no one knew it.


Ten minutes later, Ye Tian had walked into his presidential suite.

Except for Mattis, the rest of the armed security personnel who participated in the hostage rescue operation tonight also returned to their respective rooms.

At the same time, the street in the red-light district of the old city of Tegucigalpa has become completely chaotic.

What caused the chaos was the horrified and even hysterical screams and cries of several prostitutes, which suddenly came from a building and resounded through the entire street.

As the screams of the prostitutes came out, the Marash gangsters living in several nearby buildings, many clients from different backgrounds, and prostitutes in the skin and meat business were all awakened.

Soon, these guys were pouring out onto the street, looking towards the building from which the screaming came.

The next moment, they saw several naked and blood-stained prostitutes staggering out of the building, shouting and crying frantically, and everyone was on the verge of collapse.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the street was shocked, not understanding what happened in that building, so that these prostitutes were frightened like this.

Immediately afterwards, several Marash gangsters took out their pistols, covered each other, and bravely walked into the building.

What appeared in front of their eyes was a scene like hell. The living room was full of dead bodies and blood everywhere, which was creepy.

Before these guys figured out the situation, there were bursts of terrified screams from several other buildings on this street, also coming from several prostitutes.

The bloody killings that took place on this street soon reached the ears of high-level officials in Maras, as well as the Honduran government, army, police and other important figures.

The entire Tegucigalpa was stirred up immediately, setting off waves of huge waves, and everyone who heard about this dark night killing felt chills coming from their backs, and they were terrified.

They didn't even dare to fall asleep, for fear that they would be killed silently in their sleep, and die worthless.

And Ye Tian, ​​who made this night killing, had put down the short assault rifle in his hand, untied his backpack, and said to Matisse who followed in:

"Matisse, tell all the guys to be on high alert to prevent those scumbags from Marash from coming to retaliate, and also be careful of the Honduran police and military. Tonight's Tegucigalpa must be very lively.

After everyone is ready, tell Kenny and Bourne to stop playing the video and switch back to the real-time monitoring screen, lest the security personnel and police in the hotel see any flaws.

Let those embassy guys call Professor Douglas and others and tell them that those two hapless Columbia University PhDs have been rescued and taken to the embassy to keep them secret"

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us, you can just rest assured"

Matisse nodded, then turned and left the presidential suite, and went out to get busy.

Ye Tian glanced at the dimly lit living room and the dark night sky outside, then picked up the G36C short assault rifle at his feet, and walked towards the bedroom.

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