Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2463 King of the Jungle

Bursts of moving music and laughter continued to spread from the campsite of the tripartite joint exploration team to the surrounding tropical rainforest, bringing a bit of excitement and noise to this peaceful mountain forest.

And in the depths of the rainforest about 50 meters to the west of the campsite, Ye Tian, ​​who was carrying a jungle machete, was staring at a big guy not far ahead at this time, and was confronting this big guy.

This is a huge black jaguar, and it is an adult male jaguar, with a body length of about 170 cm, a shoulder height of nearly 70 cm, and a visual weight of about 150 kg.

In the jaguar population, such a large guy is very rare.

And such a strong black jaguar is even rarer, almost a legendary existence!

Especially in places where Indians live together, such as the Copan Valley where Ye Tian is now, this giant black jaguar is definitely a god in the eyes of the Mayans!

The jaguar, also known as the leopard, is the third largest living cat in the world.

Its largest subspecies, the Amazon male jaguar, has an average weight of 102 kilograms and a bite force of up to 1,250 pounds. It is the largest cat living in the Americas and the well-deserved king of the jungle.

It's called a leopard or jaguar for a reason, of course.

The appearance and pattern of the jaguar are very similar to the leopard, but the body is huge and closer to the tiger, so it has two different names.

But it is different from leopards, tigers, and other Panthera animals on several other continents. It has a shorter tail and tumor-like protrusions on the inside of the eye sockets, which are unique features of the jaguar.

In addition, the proportion of the jaguar's head is larger, the face is wider, the chest is thicker, the body is thick, the muscles are plump, and the limbs are stubby. Most of them are piebald. Like leopards, black and white variants can also be seen occasionally.

In terms of habitat, jaguars like to live in tropical rainforests and swamps with seasonal floods, as well as bushes and savannas near rainforests.

Moreover, their habitat must be close to a water source. The campsite where the tripartite joint exploration team is located is the territory of the black jaguar in front of it, and the stream is its drinking point.

In addition to rainforests, swamps, and savannahs, jaguars are also widely distributed in different places such as mountains and plains.

For the American continent,

From the southern United States to the entire Central and South America, the shadow of the jaguar can be seen almost everywhere, and the distribution range is very wide.

The jaguar often lives in watery places, likes to swim and walk alone, and is the top predator of dormant raids. In the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, it is the well-deserved king of the jungle.

The one confronting Ye Tian at this time was such a king of the jungle, and it was a very rare black male jaguar. It was extremely large, muscular and full of explosive power.

In terms of body size, this black jaguar is about the same as an adult male South China tiger, and its attack power is basically the same, except for the color and pattern of its fur.

And the pitch-black environment at the bottom of the rainforest provided perfect cover for this black jaguar, making this big guy even more dangerous and deadly.

In fact, this male jaguar was the guy who hid in the depths of the rainforest on the west side of the campsite, spied on the campsite, and was the guy who once looked at Ye Tian across the air.

Ye Tian had seen this guy a long time ago, as soon as he entered this tropical rainforest, he walked towards this side, preparing to meet the king of the jungle.

In addition to wanting to see the true strength of the king of the jungle like a jaguar, he also wanted to try to subdue this big guy and see if he could use it for himself.

If it works, that would be great, who wouldn't want to keep such a king of the jungle as a pet?

As soon as Ye Tian entered the rainforest, the black jaguar spotted him and raised his vigilance, keeping a close eye on his every move.

As he stepped deeper into the rainforest and gradually narrowed the distance between each other, the black jaguar began to let out a series of low growls, trying to warn him not to approach.

However, Ye Tian completely ignored the stern warning of the king of the jungle, went straight to the depths of the rainforest, and confronted this guy.

His behavior naturally angered the black jaguar.

This black jaguar quickly jumped onto a tree stump about 1.5 meters high, condescending, staring at Ye Tian covetously, with a fierce look in its eyes, ready to jump down and attack at any time.

Its head was lowered, its bloody mouth was open, and it kept roaring in a low voice. The exposed huge fangs and sharp claws made people frightened.

Ye Tian, ​​who was facing the black jaguar, had already drawn out his jungle machete, held it tightly in his hand, and maintained a high level of vigilance, staring at the black jaguar.

Regarding his own strength, he is still very confident. He thinks that he can deal with this fierce black jaguar for a while, and maybe he can also enjoy the addiction of beating Hu Wusong.

With the help of the jungle machete in his hand and the loaded short assault rifle, he is 100% sure that he can kill the black jaguar without any damage.

Because of this, he entered this tropical rainforest and faced this black jaguar alone without any fear.

Seeing the black jaguar's attacking posture, while preparing for the attack, Ye Tian quickly opened the perspective and looked at the black jaguar perched on the tree stump.

In an instant, his eyes traveled through a short distance, and he saw the black jaguar that was so close at hand.

From the outside to the inside, the black jaguar's shiny fur, strong bones and muscles, internal organs, flowing blood, and even the cells full of vitality are all presented in Ye Tian's eyes very clearly.

Through perspective, Ye Tian could instantly see that this was a black jaguar in its prime, with extremely powerful attack power, and there seemed to be endless energy in its body, enough to tear apart all opponents!

Looking at the jaguar that was howling in a low voice and about to attack, it suddenly paused, and a look of doubt and curiosity flashed in its eyes, mixed with a little excitement.

The way it looked at Ye Tian was no longer fierce, but became much softer in a blink of an eye, and the angry roar from its mouth also quickly decreased until it disappeared completely.

Obviously, this black jaguar's senses are very keen, and it immediately felt a refreshing spiritual power pouring into itself.

This sudden spiritual power, like an electric shock, spread to every part of my body from beginning to end, penetrated into every pore, and even every cell!

Under the baptism of spiritual power, the black jaguar shook its body suddenly, and then there were black water ripples on its body, and it almost screamed on the spot in comfort.

Immediately afterwards, the black jaguar discovered that the source of this spiritual power was the guy in front of him who suddenly broke into his territory, and he released it on his own initiative.

After confirming this point, the black jaguar's hostility towards Ye Tian began to fade rapidly. Although it still maintained a certain degree of vigilance, it quickly gave up its attacking stance.

All the changes that happened to this black jaguar were seen by Ye Tian, ​​and a bright smile appeared on his face.

He clearly knew that there would be no problem in subduing the king of the jungle in front of him, and he would soon have an extra jaguar brother with amazing fighting power.

Without the slightest pause, he kept staring at the black jaguar, continuously outputting spiritual power, and getting closer to the king of the jungle.

And the black jaguar's eyes looking at Ye Tian became softer and softer, and the hostility soon disappeared.

Instead, there are curious eyes, which also reveal a bit of joy and intimacy, and the proportion of this emotion is increasing.

"It's the first time we meet, let me call you Black Panther! Let me introduce myself, my name is Ye Tian. I am a professional treasure hunter. I come to Copan Valley to explore the treasures of the Golden City. I hope to become friends with you."

Ye Tian walked forward slowly while introducing himself with a smile, regardless of whether the black jaguar could understand or not, he completely regarded this guy as a person.

The black jaguar seemed to feel the kindness he released, it shook its tail slightly, and its eyes looking at Ye Tian became softer.

After walking about three or four meters forward, Ye Tian stopped in his tracks, then stretched out his left hand, which was not holding a weapon, and gently pressed it down.

The next moment, a miraculous scene appeared.

The black jaguar that was originally standing on a huge tree stump suddenly jumped off the tree stump, took two tentative steps toward Ye Tian, ​​and then lay down.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Ye Tian's face suddenly became brighter.

He moved forward again, walking towards the jaguar.

While speaking, he had come to the side of the black jaguar, paused for a moment, then stretched out his left hand, and gently touched the big guy's head.

At first, this black jaguar was a little nervous, but after realizing that he was not malicious, he brought his huge head closer and began to enjoy Ye Tian's touch!

At this moment, Ye Tian knew clearly that this black king of the jungle truly belonged to him.

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