Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2466 Singing in the Rainforest

"Good evening, Steven, we are from Dallas, and we are professional treasure hunters. We are considered colleagues. We have no malicious intentions. The reason why we follow you is to see the legendary Golden City of the Mayan Empire."

A Texas cowboy in his forties said the guy had a very serious face and fear in his eyes.

The same goes for the other Texas cowboys standing next to him, everyone was extremely nervous, staring at Ye Tian and the black panther in front of them, the fear in their eyes couldn't be concealed at all.

Without exception, they were all intimidated by Ye Tian's elusiveness and cruelty, and also by that huge black jaguar that was staring at him like a tiger, and they didn't dare to move.

"Hahaha, buddy, you just came to see the legendary Mayan Empire's Golden City? Do you believe this? Anyway, I don't believe it!"

Ye Tian said with a sneer, his face full of disdain.

While saying these words, he walked forward with the black panther like no one else, and stopped about two meters in front of these Texas cowboys.

The panther took a step forward and got closer to the Texas cowboys. He could reach the guy standing in the middle by raising his front paws, which brought a huge sense of oppression to those guys.

Faced with this suffocating sense of oppression, several Texas cowboys took a step back in unison. Their faces were pale, their eyes were full of fear, and even their upper and lower teeth were fighting non-stop!

If it weren't for the blazing bonfire behind them, there was no way to retreat, how could these guys stop the car, they would either sit on the ground with their buttocks, or they would have already scattered and fled.

After standing still, Ye Tian glanced coldly at these trembling Texas cowboys, and then said with a sneer:

"Gentlemen, don't blame me for not warning. In this tropical rainforest, I hope this is the last time I see you. If there is a next time, you all have to stay here as fertilizer, and none of you can escape!

After the sun rises tomorrow morning, you'd better leave this tropical rain forest and go back wherever you came from. For you, this is the most sensible choice. I hope we will have the opportunity to sit and drink together in the future."

After the voice fell, the scene immediately fell silent, only the low growl of the black panther remained.

After a moment of silence, a Caucasian cowboy in his early thirties suddenly spoke up, poking his neck and saying:

"Let's get out of this rainforest,

Back to Texas? Steven, you are too domineering, this tropical rainforest does not belong to you, we are free to come and go.

Another point is that we are all American citizens, if you deal with us, or even kill us, you will not be able to escape the sanctions of American law, and you know this very well.”

Ye Tian looked at this guy coldly, then said with a sneer:

"I have issued a warning, you can try to stay in this tropical rain forest and continue to follow the tripartite joint exploration team, I'm sure, the final result is definitely not what you want to face.

You are U.S. citizens, I know that very well, where is each of your homes, and who is in your home? I also know very well, so to speak, that I know each and every one of you inside and out.

If I remember correctly, your name should be Collison and you live in the suburbs of Dallas. The guy next to you is named Dalyan and lives near Austin. His family runs a small ranch,..."

As he said that, Ye Tian pointed out the names, home addresses and other information of these Texas cowboys one by one, like a few treasures.

Looking at those Texas cowboys again, it was like being struck by lightning in an instant, and they all froze in place, dumbfounded.

Before these Texas cowboys could react, Ye Tian continued to sneer and said:

"I know better than you the long-arm jurisdiction of American law, but who said that I will personally deal with you, the one who deals with you may be a jaguar, an anaconda, or other poisonous insects and beasts!

In this case, your death has nothing to do with me, and I can't find my head. Besides, after you die, who is willing to come to this tropical rainforest to investigate the cause of your death? "

The Texas cowboys on the opposite side were completely dumbfounded, and the fear in their eyes became more intense.

In fear, these guys took another half step back in unison, and they were already standing on the edge of the bonfire. Half a step later, they were about to step into the bonfire behind.

The flames rising from the bonfire burned their clothes and hair in a blink of an eye, and immediately there was a burnt smell, which was very unpleasant.

But they didn't dare to move, they all stared at Ye Tian and Hei Bao, like looking at two devils.

"Okay, gentlemen, that's all I have to say. How to choose is up to you. I hope you can bear the consequences of your choice. I will disturb your bonfire party. Please continue, and we will see you again."

Ye Tian said with a sneer, and then slowly backed away.

The M9 pistol in his hand was always pointed at several Texas cowboys, ready to fire at any time.

Seeing Ye Tian leave here, the black panther growled at a few Texas cowboys, followed suit, turned and followed.

During the march, this guy looked back at the Texas cowboys from time to time, as if he was a bit regretful that the fat that had reached his mouth slipped away from his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and Hei Bao had already entered the depths of the rainforest and disappeared into the darkness.

Only then did the Texas cowboys react.


Accompanied by a series of screams, these Texas cowboys jumped up suddenly, and then frantically began to fight the flames on their bodies to save themselves who were already on fire.

After the flames on their bodies and hair were extinguished, each of them looked like they had just rushed out of a burning house.

But at this moment, how can they care about appreciating each other's image.

They all looked at the rainforest on the west side, where Ye Tian and Hei Bao disappeared, but now there was only darkness, and branches and shrubs swaying in the wind.

"Fack! This damn bastard, Steven, is simply a devil from the deepest part of hell, even scarier than a devil. That giant jaguar probably came from hell too!

How did he get our identities? This is simply too scary. This bastard probably knows all about our actions after we arrived at Copan Ruinas! "

"Guys, no matter what you think, I have already decided that when the sun rises tomorrow, I will immediately leave this damn tropical rainforest and rob Steven that devil? It's just a dream!

I don't want to die in this tropical rain forest, be torn to pieces by that giant jaguar, or become food for other poisonous insects and beasts. Once we are targeted by that bastard Steven, we will definitely die! "

Several Texas cowboys said with lingering fear, everyone was still in shock, with eyes full of fear and sweat profusely.

Without exception, these Texas cowboys have made a decision in an instant, as soon as the sun rises tomorrow, they will leave this damn tropical rainforest and run as far as they can.

As for the legendary Golden City of the Mayan Empire, they have already forgotten about it at this moment, and they no longer dare to expect to obtain this huge treasure.

They clearly know that no matter how huge the treasure is, it must first be enjoyed with life!


About ten minutes later, Ye Tian took the panther and quietly entered the camp of another group of guys.

In the rainforest behind them, a guy holding an automatic rifle and hiding in a big tree on guard had already been knocked out by Ye Tian's palm and hung on a tree branch.

This guy and his companions are a gang of gangsters and drug dealers from Mexico, each of whom deserves to die.

At this time, the remaining guys were gathering around a bonfire, drinking and talking loudly, looking forward to a better life after snatching the treasure of the Mayan Empire's Golden City.

Not far from them, there were several simple tents. As for the backpacks, weapons and ammunition they carried with them, they were thrown everywhere.

Obviously, this is a gang of rabble, apart from being ruthless, they basically have no discipline and combat effectiveness to speak of.

Moreover, each of them is drunk now, and their little fighting strength has long since disappeared.

When Ye Tian and Hei Bao came out from the depths of the rainforest, these guys didn't know anything. Some of them were dancing and singing the cheerful "Beautiful Sherito".

Not to mention, these scumbags can sing pretty well, it's a little sweet!

Hearing this burst of singing, Ye Tian couldn't help stopping for a moment, with a sneer on his face, enjoying this famous love song known as Mexico's second national anthem.

But the M9 pistol in his hand was always pointed at these Mexican scumbags, ready to fire at any time.

Soon, the first stanza of this "Beautiful Sherito" is over, and the interlude begins.

"La la la..."

The few Mexican scumbags sang in unison, and the singing sound spread to the depths of the rain forest along with the night wind.

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