Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2468 Bloodthirsty Leeches

In the rainforest shrouded in darkness, a Marash gangster is resting against a big tree, drowsy. The semi-new AK47 automatic rifle that should have been in his hand is leaning against the trunk .

At this moment, from behind the big tree, a big hand wearing a black stab-proof glove suddenly stretched out, and it was like a knife, and it came over like lightning, and slashed hard on the Marash scumbag. neck.

Without any suspense, this guy was knocked out and fell to the side.

The big hand that stunned the scum did not withdraw, but caught the scum's body, making it slide down the tree trunk slowly, and finally sat under the big tree with its back against the trunk.

At first glance, the Marash scum seemed to be sleeping against a tree because he was too exhausted.

Who would have thought that this fellow knight was already in a coma, and it would take at least half an hour to wake up.

After doing these things, the big hand with the black stab-resistant glove retracted into the darkness again, just like when it suddenly stretched out to attack before, it was still silent.

In just one or two breaths, the big black hand stretched out again, holding a shriveled leech in it, and threw it directly into the neck of the Marash scum.

Immediately afterwards, the owner of this big black hand came out from behind the big tree.

This is a guy who is fully armed, wearing jungle camouflage and infrared night vision goggles, and he is accompanied by a giant black jaguar, which looks like two ghosts walking in the dark.

In the hands of this heavily armed guy, he held a pistol with a suppressor twisted, emitting a deadly cold light, and the two eyes of the black jaguar radiated a faint green light, as if to choose someone to devour .

Needless to say, it was Ye Tian and Hei Bao who came out from behind the big tree, and they came to drive away the Marash scum who camped here.

Although he and Marash were enemies, Ye Tian didn't intend to kill these innocent scumbags as soon as they met, carry out crazy and bloody killings, and send all these scumbags to the depths of hell.

As before, he was going to warn these Marash scum first, to see if these scum would heed the warning, withdraw from this tropical rainforest, and stop attracting the attention of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

If these scumbags obeyed the warning, gave up tracking tomorrow morning, and withdrew from this tropical rainforest, they would not have to go to hell and all die in this tropical rainforest.

However, this possibility seems very small.

If these scumbags ignore the warning and continue to follow the tripartite joint exploration team, trying to find an opportunity to loot the treasures of the Golden City, then there is no need to be polite, Ye Tian will send all these scumbags to the depths of hell.

As for the leech thrown into the neck of this Marash scumbag, it was just a small punishment, giving these scumbags a little bit of trouble, but it would not endanger the lives of these scumbags.

After turning out from behind the big tree, Ye Tian took a cold look at the Marash scum who was knocked out by himself and was leaning against the tree trunk, and then reached out to take this guy's AK47 with two full magazines.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a Glock 17 pistol and two magazines from the guy's waist, and then unscrewed the silencer from the M9 pistol he was holding, and screwed it to this half-new and not old Glock Enter Locke.

In the next operation, if there was a fight with these Marash scumbags, or a fight with the rest of the stalkers in the rainforest, Ye Tian planned to use this AK47 and Glock.

After all, this is the territory of Honduras, and these Maras scumbags are all Hondurans. There is no harm in being careful, lest the Honduran government start with ballistic data afterwards and cause trouble for itself.

Use this AK47 and Glock to start killing, even if everyone knows that these Marash scumbags died in their own hands, but no one can produce evidence, so they can only do nothing!

Ye Tian checked the AK47 and Glock 17 through perspective, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he took the panther back and disappeared into the dark rainforest again.

What happened here was soon repeated in several other places around the campsite, with much the same content.

Hiding in the rainforest around the campsite, those Marash scumbags who were secretly watching were knocked unconscious by Ye Tian one after another, and fell to the ground, and he threw a dog into each guy's neck. Thirsty leeches.

Of course, the weapons in these guys' hands, whether they were automatic rifles, pistols, or other firearms, were all destroyed by him and turned into fire sticks.

Even the sabers, jungle machetes, or other cold weapons carried by these scumbags were pulled out one by one by him and thrown far into the depths of the rainforest.

After getting rid of these secret whistles, he took the black panther and walked into the camp of the Marash scum.

Soon, five or six minutes passed.

The leader, or the boss, of this gang of Maras gangsters occupies a camping tent by himself and is sleeping soundly. Perhaps he is experiencing the wonderful life in his dream after he snatched the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

At this moment, a big hand wearing a black stab-proof glove slapped the guy hard on the face.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, the left half of the face of the leader of the Marash gang was slapped hard and loudly.

This slap was so powerful that the Marash gang leader's head was thrown to the right, and the seven or eight broken teeth spurted out of the scum's mouth with blood mixed with it.

Looking at the left half of this Marash scumbag's face, it swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it became swollen like a steamed bun in an instant, and the mark left by that slap was red and dazzling.

Anyone who suffered such a heavy blow would not be able to continue to sleep unless he was directly beaten to death.

The leader of the Marash gang woke up in an instant, and the burning, piercing pain from the left side of his face almost made this scumbag faint.


The shrill screams were about to start, but they stopped abruptly.

Looking at the leader of the Marash gang, there was an extra silencer in his mouth, which directly blocked his screams, and he could only make a whining sound.

Behind this cylindrical silencer, a half-new Glock 17 pistol is connected, exuding a deadly cold light.

And the person holding the Glock pistol was none other than Ye Tian. At this moment, he was sneering, looking at the leader of the Marash gang under the gun with disdain.

Seeing that it was him, the miserable-looking Marash gang leader paused for a moment, and was dumbfounded.

Why did Steven, a cruel bastard, suddenly appear here? Could it be that he is a ghost or a devil? Could it be that the guys in the camp and the secret guards around are all dead?

Stimulated by the severe pain on his face, the leader of the Marash gang quickly woke up and understood his current situation.

Immediately afterwards, endless despair and fear appeared in this guy's eyes, as well as a look of pleading.

At the same time, he also clearly saw a giant black jaguar standing beside the bastard Steven, like a monster from the depths of hell.

This giant jaguar was staring at him right now, as if looking at a defenseless prey, with a bloodthirsty green light in his eyes, and it might pounce on him at any moment and tear him to pieces!

The moment he saw this giant jaguar, the leader of the Maras gangster was almost scared to pee. His heart and soul fell directly into the endless abyss.

In addition to these, the Marash gang leader also saw that the tent he was sleeping in had been completely cut open by a sharp knife, and he could see the night sky above the rainforest and several other adjacent camping tents when he looked up.

Without exception, those adjacent camping tents were also completely cut open and turned into roofless tents.

The guys who lived in those camping tents, without even thinking about it, were probably all killed by Steven, a ruthless bastard, and if they were lucky, they were all knocked unconscious by this damn devil.

Faced with this situation, the leader of the Marash gang was completely desperate, feeling that death had completely enveloped him, and he could no longer see the slightest hope of escaping from death.

"Dude, I don't know if you can understand English. It's best if you can understand it. It doesn't matter if you don't understand it. I think you know who I am, so I don't need to introduce myself.

The reason why I am here is to warn you, tomorrow morning, you scumbags had better get out of this tropical rainforest, or you will be ready to go to hell.

Tell you boss, don't try to provoke me, don't get my idea, and then loot the treasure of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, this treasure has nothing to do with you.

If you ignore the warning, I don't mind uprooting Marash and sending you all to hell, the next time I show up, maybe in your boss' bedroom.

You have also seen this black jaguar, which I have just made acquaintance with, and I advise you not to take revenge on it, it will only bring death to you.

Any revenge against this jaguar, I will consider it revenge against me, and I will fight back in the most brutal way, to avenge this jaguar.

This is my warning, whether you listen or not is up to you, if you continue to follow the exploration team, I will appear again soon and send you scumbags to hell! "

Ye Tian sneered and said in a low voice, his words and expressions were full of murderous intent.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the scumbag to respond, he grabbed a leech that was placed on the moisture-proof mat, and threw it into the guy's neck amidst the terrified and pleading eyes of the Marash scumbag. inside.

Immediately afterwards, he waved out suddenly, directly knocking out the Marash gang leader.

This Marash scumbag only felt a sharp pain, and then his eyes went dark, and the world suddenly became quiet!

And the leech that had crawled into his neck had already bit his neck fiercely and began to suck blood crazily.

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