Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2470 Mountain God

Ye Tianfang didn't return to the campsite of the tripartite joint exploration team until around three o'clock in the morning.

He came back with him, and the black panther, the king of the jungle.

At this time, except for the many armed security personnel in charge of vigilance and some Honduran military police, everyone else in the tripartite joint exploration team has fallen asleep, and the campsite is very quiet.

Even so, the return of Ye Tian and Hei Bao still caused quite a commotion in the camp.

When Ye Tian and the black panther appeared, they came out of the dark tropical rainforest, and they were in charge of guarding, with many armed security personnel and Honduran military police, all of them couldn't help being dumbfounded and froze in place.

Especially Gray Wolf, and several other Mayans, the moment they saw the black panther, there was a flash of fanatical admiration in their eyes, and they were so excited that they were almost crazy.

It wasn't until Ye Tian took the black panther across the news and walked into the camp of the tripartite joint exploration team that these guys woke up.

The next moment, Gray Wolf led several Mayans to kneel down on one knee and began to pray in a low voice, showing extreme piety.

The rest of the guys were all looking at this side, everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and a little bit of vigilance, but more excited and excited.

As long as it is a man, there is no one who does not like beasts like jaguars, not to mention that the black panther is a giant jaguar, almost a legendary existence, who has ever seen it?

After walking forward not far, Matisse came up to him.

And the black panther following Ye Tian let out a low growl, and stared closely at Matisse, obviously warning this guy who approached rashly.

Ye Tian immediately stretched out his right hand, stroked the black panther's head lightly, and said with a smile:

"Don't be nervous, Black Panther, everyone here is my friend, they won't hurt me, and they won't hurt you, so you don't have to treat them as enemies, but as friends"

The black panther seemed to understand these words, and it gently rubbed its head against Ye Tian's thigh to show its intimacy, and the eyes it looked at Matisse softened a lot.

Seeing his spiritual performance, the scene immediately burst into admiration, and every voice was full of envy.

While speaking, Matisse stepped forward and said enviously:

"Welcome back,

Steven, no need to ask, this huge black jaguar should be the guy who spied on our camp before, right? This is definitely the biggest and most powerful jaguar I have ever seen! "

When he said this, Matisse kept his eyes fixed on the black panther, his eyes were extremely hot, and he wished he could take this giant jaguar as his own.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, smiled and said:

"That's right, it was this big guy who roared near our camp before. This camp is its territory, and the creek on the edge of the camp is one of its drinking water points, so it warned us .

After I left the campsite, I met this big guy in the depths of the nearby rainforest, and became a good friend with this guy. I named it the Black Panther. Tonight, I have been taking the Black Panther with me.”

Next, Ye Tian introduced Black Panther, and got to know Mathis and several other subordinates.

Before he finished his introduction, Gray Wolf and the Mayans walked up quickly, their faces flushed with excitement, their eyes fixed on the black panther, and they were not willing to look away for a moment.

Coming closer, Gray Wolf immediately said excitedly:

"Mr. Steven, this giant black jaguar is the king of the jungle in the entire Copan Valley. In the hearts of all the Mayans living in the Copan Valley, this jaguar is the incarnation of the mountain god.

The Mayans living in the Copan Valley regarded this giant black jaguar as a mountain god. Many young Mayans wore amulets of this black jaguar to protect us.

Before today, I had only seen it from a distance a few times, and I had never seen it so close. I never thought that one day I would be so close to this legendary king of the jungle. I am so lucky! "

As he spoke, Gray Wolf untied his collar and took out an amulet worn around his neck.

It was an amulet carved with obsidian, and the carving technique was ordinary. The image carved on it was a huge black jaguar, with its bloody mouth wide open, making a volley pounce.

Not only Gray Wolf, but two of the Mayans who came with him also took out amulets carved with black jaguars, the contents of which were similar.

Ye Tian looked at these amulets, then at Gray Wolf, and then said with a smile:

"Then congratulations, Gray Wolf, you can see the mountain god you worship with your own eyes. Black Panther is indeed the king of this tropical rainforest, and he is worthy of the title of mountain god."

Next, Ye Tian introduced Black Panther to Gray Wolf and the others.

Needless to say, Gray Wolf and the others immediately became more excited, and almost cheered loudly, waking up everyone who was sleeping.

After these guys finished expressing their emotions, Ye Tian took the panther and left, and together with Mathis and the others, walked into the campsite of the Fearless Exploration Company.

After entering the campsite, Ye Tian first found a few large pieces of beef and threw them to the black panther to reward the guy who had followed him around for most of the night.

While the Panther was enjoying the food, he and Mattis were talking about business in a low voice.

"Steven, you have been out for such a long time tonight, did you find anything surprising?"

Mattis asked in a low voice curiously, eyes full of anticipation.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then whispered:

"In addition to subduing the big guy, the Black Panther, I did discover something tonight, and it was a worthwhile trip. However, these discoveries still need to be verified before we can know what secrets are hidden behind them!"

Hearing what Ye Tian said, Mathis didn't continue to ask, but changed the subject.

"How did you deal with those guys who followed the tripartite joint exploration team and came towards the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire? There were no gunshots tonight, which was somewhat unexpected to me."

"Going out tonight, I didn't intend to kill those guys with ulterior motives, but to warn them to get out of this tropical rainforest early tomorrow morning. The treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City are not something they can covet.

If those guys don't listen to the warning and insist on following the joint exploration team and trying to rob us, then we don't have to be polite. On the way to find the Golden City, there are plenty of time and opportunities to deal with those guys.

There are also some blind idiots. I repaired them tonight. The condition is very miserable. I didn’t use a gun in the process, and those idiots had no chance to shoot, so you didn’t hear the gunfire.”

Ye Tian sneered and said in a low voice, his words were full of murderous intent.

After the voice fell, Matisse immediately said:

"So that's the case, let's wait until tomorrow morning to see what kind of choice those idiots following will make, whether to withdraw from this tropical rainforest as soon as possible, or insist on seeking death!"

While talking, a light suddenly lit up in Jason's camping tent.

Immediately afterwards, the camping tent was opened from the inside, and that boy Jason got out of the tent, sleepy-eyed.

As soon as he got out of the tent, the kid saw the black panther feasting and froze in place.

The next moment, a terrified scream sounded from the scene, directly waking up the entire campsite.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian rolled his eyes helplessly, and then walked towards the frightened black panther who was growling and trying to attack.

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