Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2483 Rainforest Death

The battle is still going on, and bullets are flying around the ridge like rain, wantonly ravaging everything on this ridge.

In the rainforest at the eastern end of the ridge, a guy had just finished firing a clip, then quickly dodged behind a big tree where he was hiding, and was about to change to a new clip and continue shooting.

Suddenly, a sharp jungle machete stabbed silently from behind, first piercing a banana leaf behind him, and then piercing his body like lightning, directly stabbing him to the bone.

The guy who just took out a full magazine and was about to replace it suddenly felt a sharp pain, and then saw a bloody jungle machete sharply pierced out of his abdomen.

Before he could react and let out a scream, a big black hand wearing a stab-resistant glove quickly stretched out from behind and directly covered his mouth, blocking all the sound in his mouth.

This was not over yet, the guy who was sneaking behind him spun the jungle machete violently, and immediately messed up the internal organs of the unlucky guy.

Looking at this unlucky guy again, the blue veins on his forehead were exposed, his eyes were wide open, his eyes were blood red, he was completely crazy with joy, but he couldn't make a sound, he could only silently welcome the coming of death.

His blood kept rushing out, instantly staining his coat and the grass under his feet red, his strength was rapidly draining, his whole body was paralyzed in a blink of an eye, the light of life in his eyes gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared completely.

After just a few breaths, this unlucky guy lost his breath and died here without a sound.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't see who actually attacked him from behind and ended his life.

All he saw was a bloody jungle machete and a big hand wearing a black stab-resistant glove. It was like the hand of death, coming from the deepest part of hell!

To kill this unlucky guy, who else could it be except Ye Tian?

After making sure that the guy under his hands was completely dead, Ye Tian gently put him down and leaned against the tree trunk.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped back, between the two banana trees behind him, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, as if he had never appeared before.

However, the dead guy leaning on the tree trunk is enough to explain what happened here just now.

A moment later, Ye Tian quietly appeared behind the other two scumbags.

These are two gangsters from El Salvador. You can identify the origins of these two guys from the iconic tattoos on the back of their necks.

At this time, the two guys were hiding behind a tree stump about two meters high, shooting towards the rainforest on the other side of the ridge, and cursing angrily.

But how did they know that the object of their crazily cursing had come behind the two of them like a ghost.

Ye Tian looked at the two scumbags, then raised the muzzle of his gun, pointed at the two ignorant scumbags, and then pulled the trigger.

"bang bang bang"

Accompanied by a burst of gunshots, the heads of these two scumbags were exploded instantly, before they could even utter a scream, they fell to the ground, completely dead.

After killing these two Salvadoran scumbags, Ye Tian was about to leave to find the next target and send those scumbags to hell.

At this moment, Silva's voice suddenly came from the front. It sounded quite eager and a little scared.

As Silva shouted loudly, those guys hiding in this rainforest stopped shooting one after another, and raised their ears curiously, wanting to hear what Silva would say.

Ye Tian was the same, standing behind a big tree, listening to Silva's words.

Unfortunately, he couldn't understand Spanish, so he naturally didn't know what Silva said.

But that’s okay, Matisse’s voice soon comes over the wireless invisible headset, explaining to him what Silva has said.

"Steven, those guys from Silva found that something was wrong in the rainforest at the east end of the ridge. The voices of many people disappeared inexplicably, and then never appeared again, and the gunfire became more and more sparse.

Silva guessed that someone might have sneaked into that rainforest to kill secretly, and he guessed that the person who killed secretly was you, only you have the guts to be so crazy.

He reminded all the scum in that rainforest and the guys hiding on the steep slope on the south side of the ridge to be more careful, pay attention to the surrounding situation, and contact the people who came with him to see if those guys are still alive.

I have to admit that Silva has a lot of combat experience, is smart enough, and has reasonable countermeasures. He deserves to be from the famous Guatemalan special forces. Next, you have to be more careful.

If those guys find you, they are likely to launch a siege. The pressure you face will be huge and dangerous. I suggest you withdraw as soon as possible, just in case, there is no need for you to fight those scum! "

"Don't worry, Matisse, I know how to deal with those scumbags. It doesn't matter if you encircle and suppress them. The environment of this rainforest is quite complicated, enough for me to move around. In fact, I really want to fight Silva and the others! "

Ye Tian sneered and said in a low voice, his words and eyes were full of confidence and murderous intent.

Then they talked about covering and cooperating with each other, as well as providing support, and Ye Tian and Mathis ended the call.

And those scumbags in this rainforest, and those guys hiding on the steep slope on the south side of the ridge, immediately took action after hearing Silva's shout.

Some guys who are close and gathered together can confirm through their eyes whether their companions are all there, and whether anyone has disappeared quietly.

Some of the scattered guys began to contact their subordinates and companions by shouting loudly or using walkie-talkies to determine everyone's situation and location.

"Leon, how is your situation now? Give us a response, so we can rest assured!"

"Those professional treasure hunters from Colombia, are you still alive? Are you still at the end of the line? If you can still breathe, I will give everyone a response!"

While shouting loudly, these guys also looked vigilantly at the surrounding rainforest to see if they could find anything. They held their guns tightly, ready to fire at any time.

There were some responses and voices that echoed each other in the rainforest, but they were very sparse. Some of the guys shouted and did not get any response.

Seeing this situation, these guys immediately understood that the situation in this tropical rainforest where everyone is located, especially the area behind us, is indeed something wrong, it should be said to be very strange.

"Fack! The two wounded guys we left behind didn't respond to our shouts. Could it be that someone came up from behind and killed those guys?"

"The situation on our side is the same. A few friends I knew followed behind the brigade before, but now there is no response. From this point of view, those guys are probably dead.

Could it be that Steven's evil devil really touched it? If this is the case, it would be great, I must catch that damn bastard and avenge my brothers."

With these shouts, the atmosphere in this rainforest and the steep slope on the south side of the ridge suddenly became more tense.

At this time, these guys have already determined that in the tropical rainforest where everyone is, there must be one or several gunmen hidden, killing silently, and have already killed many people.

This death-like guy who was killing in the dark was probably Steven, that devil, and only that ruthless bastard could do such a crazy thing.

Thinking of this, these frightened guys immediately raised their weapons, pointed at the surrounding rocks, towering trees, and lush flowers and trees, etc., ready to shoot at any time.

While being on high alert, these guys also found places to hide. Some of them didn't even dare to show their heads, lest they be killed by bullets flying from nowhere, that would be too bad luck!

As for the Honduran military and police on the other side of the ridge, these guys have temporarily put them away, and they have no time to take care of them!

At this time, Ye Tian did not stop killing.

He stood behind a big tree, using the jungle camouflage on his body and the tall tropical plants around him to perfectly hide his figure.

When the scum in front shouted loudly and echoed each other, he didn't interrupt, but just watched with cold eyes.

When those scumbags finished shouting and looking for a place to hide, he slowly stretched out the pistol with the suppressor twisted from behind the tree, pointing at the guy who was cursing himself loudly just now, vowing to avenge his companions.

This guy hid alone behind a big tree, about 20 meters away from Ye Tian, ​​separated by many trees and various tall tropical rainforest plants, which completely blocked his sight.

If you just observe with the naked eye, you can't see this guy at all from Ye Tian's position, let alone the shooting line.

But Ye Tian couldn't help but be able to see through. Under the perspective, these obstacles in the middle are almost non-existent.

In the blink of an eye, he found an optimal shooting line. The bullets fired from his pistol only need to pass through two banana leaves, and he can go all the way unimpeded and kill this idiot directly.

Because he was not sure where Ye Tian was, this idiot didn't know how to hide. It was safer to hide in that direction. The position he hid happened to expose his head to the gun.

"Idiot, go to hell and reunite with your friends!"

With that said, Ye Tian pulled the trigger and started killing again.


Accompanied by a few light gunshots, three pistol bullets flew out of the HK45 pistol at high speed, and went straight to the ignorant idiot 20 meters away.

In an instant, the three pistol bullets passed through two emerald green banana leaves, and then passed through various flowers, plants and trees, and flew to the target silently, and slammed into the bastard's forehead.

The next moment, there were three blood holes arranged in a zigzag shape on the idiot's forehead, and his body immediately fell to the tree trunk.

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