Silva, who had stabilized his figure, was buzzing non-stop in his ears, and his head was a little dizzy. For a while, he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, south, and north.

At the same time, he felt his face was wet, and when he reached out to touch it, blood was immediately on his hands, accompanied by bursts of severe pain, which continued to come from his face.

On his left cheek, a big gash was cut by grenade shrapnel flying around, and blood flowed out.

Fortunately, the grenade shrapnel only hit the cheek, not the neck, otherwise, he would have been dead on the spot.

Silva looked at the blood on his hand, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and then he heard the mournful wailing of his subordinates, and turned his head to look over there.

The next moment, he saw that the subordinate who was hit by his grenade head-on, covered in blood, was lying on his back next to the big tree where he hid before, twitching and wailing non-stop.

Moreover, the wailing voice of that subordinate became smaller and smaller, and his dilapidated body gradually stiffened, and gradually lost his voice, leaving his life in this rainforest.

Seeing this scene, the fear in Silva's eyes suddenly became stronger.

Even though he is a special elite who has seen countless scenes of life and death and killed many people with his own hands, he only knows how precious life is when it is his turn to be on the verge of life and death!

There is great terror between life and death, honesty is no lie, and Silva is no exception!

"I'm sorry, Silva, another of your subordinates obviously got a little overwhelmed, and blew himself up with a grenade, and it's your turn. Do you do it yourself? Or should I do it? I don't mind helping this busy!

As far as I know, your special operations team has a total of five people here. One was killed by a landmine this morning. In addition to the two who just died, there should be a sniper. Did you also kill him? Call me over? "

Ye Tian's voice came again, the tone was full of disdain and ridicule.

The direction of his voice was not in the area shrouded in white mist caused by the smoke bomb, but changed to the other side of the rainforest, which seemed to be not far from Silva's left.

Hearing this ridicule, Silva immediately dodged to the side, turned to the other side of the big tree, and hid his figure to avoid sudden attacks.

At this time, he had exposed veins on his forehead and a grim expression,

His eyes were full of anger, hatred, and fear, and his hands were tightly gripping the M4A1 short assault rifle, almost sweating.

However, he didn't shoot blindly in the direction of the sound, because he knew very well in his heart that it would only waste bullets and not get any attack effect.

At the same time, he also knew that silence was useless. The devil hiding in the surrounding rainforest knew everything about his situation.

When he heard that Ye Tian mentioned the sniper who had never appeared in this rainforest nor participated in the battle that took place here, he immediately became even more desperate.

He understood in an instant that the sniper hiding on the steep slope on the south side of the ridge was also under the surveillance of the other party, and might have been locked by the other party's sniper.

As long as the sniper under him made a move, he might be killed by the opponent in an instant. He didn't even think about coming to support him, and he didn't even think about escaping from that steep slope.

Thinking of this, Silva is very sure about the result that he and the sniper under him will face. There is only one dead end, and there is absolutely no possibility of escape.

"Fake! Steven, we are not strong enough, so we can only admit defeat today, but I believe that someone will find you devil soon, avenge us, and send you bastard to hell!"

Silva gritted his teeth and cursed, but couldn't hide the despair and fear in his heart.

After the words fell, Ye Tian's voice came over immediately.

"Revenge for you? If I'm not wrong, you should be talking about the Guatemalan special forces. If those guys don't ask the right and wrong, but insist on revenge for you, I don't mind sending them all to hell.

You came here this time, presumably you are not here to escort, right? Given the chance, you bastards are looting the three-way joint exploration team and looting our hard-earned treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

It can be said that you are looking for your own death, and you can't blame others, and you can't blame me, so how can you talk about revenge? It's just that your strength is not enough. If you are strong, I should be the one who died!

If the commander of the Guatemalan Special Forces doesn't even understand this, then he is a waste. If they dare to retaliate, then I don't mind uprooting the entire Guatemalan Special Forces!

I know the information of each of you, including the information of your respective families, and the basic information of every member of the Guatemalan Special Forces.

With the wealth I have, I can offer the highest reward conditions to kill every member of the Guatemalan special forces. At that time, countless mercenaries and professional killers will flood into Guatemala.

Once the killing starts, everyone in the Guatemalan Special Forces will die, God can't save them, and it may also affect your family, and drag your family to hell, even if they are innocent.

In addition to being an official military force, the Guatemalan Special Forces is also a mercenary army. We may have opportunities to cooperate in the future. In the face of huge interests, how important are the lives of the few of you? "

When he said these words, Ye Tian kept changing his position, his voice was erratic, and he couldn't catch it at all.

Every word he said was like a sharp arrow that pierced Silva's heart, making this guy even more desperate.

The voice fell, and the rainforest became quiet again.

After a moment of silence, Silva gritted his teeth and said:

"Steven, you are such an evil devil. If you have the guts, you can come here and kill me. Even if I die, I will drag you to hell with me!"

As he said that, Silva stretched out his assault rifle from behind the big tree, and started shooting violently in the direction where Ye Tian's voice came from last.

"bang bang bang"

The sudden gunshots rang out, tearing up the tranquility in this rainforest again.

The moment the gunshot rang out, a black round object slightly smaller than an adult's fist suddenly flew out of the rainforest in another direction, dragging a puff of green smoke, and went straight to the big tree where Silva was hiding. Trees fly.

At the same time, Ye Tian's disdainful voice came over again.

"It's not rude to come and go, Silva, I will also give you a grenade to taste"

Before the words fell, the grenade that flew in the air had landed on the grass in front of Silva, and Gululu rolled over.

Seeing the grenade rolling towards him, Silva's soul suddenly froze. He kicked the grass under his feet suddenly, and the whole person rushed out immediately, and rushed towards the bushes not far away like lightning.

At this moment, he seems to have forgotten the devil hiding in the surrounding rainforest, staring at him, or he has no time to care about it!

Just as his body jumped out from behind the big tree, a few scalding rifle bullets, like prophets, had struck through the rainforest at high speed, carrying endless breath of death.

In the next moment, these few rifle bullets slammed into Silva's body, and the huge impact directly flew him out.


At the same time that Silva hit the ground hard, the grenade also exploded.

Countless grenade fragments shot out, ravaging the rainforest crazily, tearing Silva's body, tearing everything to pieces!

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