Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2495 bridge to death

After putting on the gas mask and making sure that he was safe, Ye Tian stepped out, leading Mathis and Gray Wolf to the edge of the mountain stream ahead.

As for the others, for safety reasons, they all stayed behind, watching Ye Tian's actions nervously.

This time, Ye Tian and Gray Wolf were in charge of opening the way, while Mathis took a step back to ensure the safety behind them.

After a few steps forward, Ye Tian suddenly swung his knife out, directly chopped off a dark gray vine blocking the front with the jungle machete, and cut it in two with one knife.

At the same time, he also whispered:

"Everyone, be careful, this is a trapping vine. These guys will definitely launch a counterattack next. Let's take this opportunity to remove this trapping vine so as not to leave hidden dangers."

Before the words fell, the arresting vine launched a counterattack.

A man-catching vine as thick as an adult's wrist suddenly sprang out from the nearby bushes without a sound, like a python, clinging to the ground, it rolled towards Ye Tian's ankle like lightning.

Directly in front of him, above his head, and behind him, there were one or two thick or thin man-catching vines sweeping towards him, murderous, obviously coming for revenge.

Seeing these unconscious but extremely bloodthirsty catching vines, a sneer flashed across Ye Tian's face.

His stature suddenly shortened, and the jungle machete in his hand had been slashed out like a wind and thunder, towards the trapping vine sweeping from the bushes.

That is to say, in the blink of an eye, the rattan that was as thick as a wrist had already been split into three sections by him twice.

After being cut off, the vine probably felt pain, and immediately retracted, faster than when it suddenly appeared before, leaving only two cut vines, struggling a few times on the ground.

Without the slightest pause, Ye Tian swung his knife and chopped at the two vines attacking from the front, and a vine that rolled down from the branch of the big tree beside him.

As for the catching vines coming from the side and rear, Gray Wolf and Matisse should deal with them, so there shouldn't be any problem.

And those guys standing not far behind were completely stunned by the sudden attack, staring at the scene in front of them with dumbstruck eyes, sweating all over their bodies.

in an instant,

These guys only saw a flash of knives, those vines that raided from different directions had already been chopped into more than a dozen sections by Ye Tian and the others, and fell on the grass.

The catching vine that failed in the raid seemed to know that these uninvited guests were not easy to mess with, so it quickly took the injured vine back and never dared to show up again.

However, Ye Tian didn't intend to let this guy go.

He suddenly raised the G36C short assault rifle in his left hand, and shot at the root of a towering tree three or four meters away in front of him.

"bang bang bang"

The sound of gunfire suddenly shattered the tranquility of this tropical rainforest.

The trapping vine clinging to the root of the big tree suffered a devastating blow immediately. After two consecutive bursts, the trapping vine was interrupted by Qi Gen.

This is not over yet, after breaking the trapping vine, Ye Tian signaled Gray Wolf and Matisse to cut off all the vines of the trapping vine, so as to kill the weeds.

Gray Wolf and Matisse immediately nodded, and then moved into action, waving the jungle machetes in their hands, chopping up the man-hunting vine like melons and vegetables.

Following this series of actions, the man-catching vine, which had grown for nearly a hundred years, quickly lost its vitality and turned into sections of vines of different lengths, without any threat anymore.


Those guys who were watching this good scene behind them all let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a little bit.

The action of Ye Tian and the others to eradicate this man-catching vine seemed to have alarmed the other man-hunting vines scattered on both sides of the mountain stream, and those guys were also ready to move, waving the vines non-stop.

Fortunately, those guys were relatively far away and had their own spheres of influence, so they didn't swarm up and attack Ye Tian and the others.

After killing this trapping vine, Ye Tian and the others encountered no other danger until the edge of the mountain stream.

When he came to the edge of the mountain stream, Ye Tian poked his head and looked down the mountain stream.

What he saw was a chiseled canyon, although it was not very deep, only more than 30 meters high, but the height of a dozen-storey building, but it was extremely steep.

The steep cliffs on both sides of this mountain stream are covered with various vines and plants, as well as slippery moss. Among those vines, Ye Tian also saw the shadows of a few pythons.

At the bottom of the mountain stream, there is a rushing river.

The river, which originated from the mountain not far away and gathered all the way, was rushing like a horse, constantly beating a few boulders in the river, making rumbling sounds.

On both sides of the small river at the bottom of the mountain stream, there are also lush vegetation, among which are extremely poisonous arrow poison flowers, and octopus-like trapping vines, etc.

After taking a general look at the situation in the mountain stream, Ye Tian retreated, and then led Mathis and Gray Wolf along the edge of the mountain stream, continuing to explore to the left and right.

In the following time, the three of them worked together to eradicate two trapping vines that were about a century old and some other poisonous plants, and threw them all into the mountain stream.

In addition, they also encountered a boa constrictor with the mouth of a bowl.

But the python seemed to know that they were not easy to mess with, so it didn't take the initiative to attack, but quickly got into the bushes and slipped away.

About half an hour later, Ye Tian and the others just finished their investigation and returned to the starting point.

At this time, Jason and Professor Delgado were getting impatient, and they were all eager to see through.

Seeing the three of them returning safely, these guys immediately let out a sigh of relief, and then looked at them expectantly.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Delgado couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, is the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire located in the tropical rainforest opposite the mountain stream? If it is in the rainforest, how can we safely cross the mountain stream and find the Golden City?

If the Golden City is not in that rainforest, but the opposite tropical rainforest is full of poisonous gas, we don’t need to take this risk. If we insist on breaking into the opposite rainforest, can we go around here? "

Hearing Professor Delgado's question, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

Obviously, this is a question of great concern to everyone, and everyone wants to know the answer to this question.

Ye Tian looked at Professor Delgado, then glanced at the other people present, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Whether the legendary Golden City of the Mayan Empire is in the poisonous rainforest on the opposite side, I am not sure for the time being, it may or may not be there, but I am sure of one thing.

If we want to find the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, we must find a way to cross this mountain stream and enter the poisonous tropical rainforest on the opposite side, only then can we find the Golden City.

The way of detour is not feasible at all, the reason why I say this is because of some of my discoveries, after some exploration just now, I found that there was originally a stone bridge on this mountain stream."

"Ah! A stone bridge!"

There was a sound of exclamation at the scene, and everyone's eyes lit up, shining straight.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued to say:

"This is a natural stone bridge that connects the two sides of this mountain stream. It is the only passage on this mountain stream, but it was broken artificially, leaving only a little trace of its existence.

The stone bridge is located at the head of the mountain stream, on the edge of the mountain stream more than 30 meters in front of you on the right. On the remaining bridge head, I found several Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns.

After cleaning up the vines, moss, and soil on the bridgehead, I took pictures of the Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns, and I will show them to you later, which is also a surprise.

Among those Mayan hieroglyphs, I saw hieroglyphs and patterns about the Golden City, and I inferred that the stone bridge was the only way to the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

From the traces at the break of the stone bridge, I deduce that the stone bridge was broken in the middle of the ninth century AD. At that time, it was the time when the Mayan Empire collapsed and the Mayans disappeared mysteriously.

Combining these discoveries, I boldly speculated that the person who broke the natural stone bridge was the Mayans who came from the ancient city of Copan, or rather the royal family of the Copan Kingdom.

After losing the support of the public, the royal family of the Copan Kingdom passed the stone bridge and entered the poisonous tropical rainforest opposite the mountain stream, then smashed the stone bridge and completely disappeared from the world!

If the legendary Golden City is really hidden in the depths of the opposite rainforest, this can also explain why the royal family of the Copan Kingdom broke the stone bridge. They want to protect the Golden City!

Or should I put it this way, to be more precise! Not only did they want to protect the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, but they also wanted to protect the cemetery of the royal family of the King of Copan. They may all have died in the Golden City! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, everyone at the scene was immediately dumbfounded, everyone was stunned, and everyone's eyes were shining with excitement and even crazy colors.

When Ye Tian finished speaking, the scene immediately fell silent, only the sound of rapid and heavy breathing remained, and there was no other sound.

Especially Hernando and others, their eyes are already red!

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