Everyone turned their heads and looked around, scanning every corner around them, especially the steep cliff not far ahead, and everyone even looked carefully from top to bottom.

However, everyone did not find the slightest shadow of the Golden City, nor did they see any traces left by humans, such as Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns, or some kind of architectural relics and statues.

Even the road built by the ancient Mayans under our feet is hidden below the ground, covered by mud and dense vegetation, and the real thing cannot be seen at all.

Cole and Gray Wolf, who followed Ye Tian to explore here before, were also at a loss as to where the legendary Golden City was.

Seeing that everyone's curiosity had been hoisted high, Ye Tian smiled and said loudly:

"Since I said that the Golden City may be close at hand, of course there is a basis for it. I am not talking nonsense. The secret is hidden on the cliff not far ahead, but what this secret is needs to be explored.

When I took Cole and the others to explore here, I found that the towering trees in front of the cliff are actually a small maze, and there are many deadly traps in this maze, which can be said to be very dangerous.

From this point of view, the towering trees in front of the cliff are likely to be planted here deliberately, and the people who planted these towering trees are probably the royal family of the King of Copan who mysteriously disappeared in history.

Of course, due to the long time, not many of the trees planted by the Copan royal family have survived until now. After more than a thousand years of change and reproduction, the situation we see now has formed.

Many of the traps originally set up by the Copan royal family have failed, and towering trees even grew in some traps, completely filling up the traps. Even so, some traps have remained until now.

Because the life in this rainforest is constantly changing and multiplying, the maze originally arranged by the Copan royal family has basically been destroyed, and it is useless. There is only an empty shelf left, and it is difficult to trap people anymore.

Having discovered this, I left Cole and Gray Wolf behind and ventured into the ancient maze by myself, where I found some ancient traps and dismantled them.

Those that cannot be dismantled, I also made a clear mark to prevent everyone from accidentally stepping into those traps; the end of this maze is the cliff in front, and on the cliff, I found clues about the Golden City"

Hearing his words, Cole and Gray Wolf suddenly realized, their eyes filled with admiration.

The rest of them were extremely excited, their eyes shining brightly.

As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, Professor Delgado couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, since this is the case, let's stop standing here and take everyone to the other side of the cliff to have a look. What are the clues about the Golden City you mentioned?"

Not only him, but other people also had the same idea. Everyone looked at Ye Tian with anticipation.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"I can take everyone there to see, but there shouldn't be too many people passing by at once. The road leading to the cliff is not wide, and it's very winding. There are many traps on both sides of the road. It's better to be careful."

"No problem, Steven, let's go and have a look first."

Hernando continued, and pointed at the few people who were here.

Ye Tian pondered for a while, then nodded and said:

"That's fine too, except me and Mattis, each of you has a representative, come with me to see the situation on the other side of the cliff, and the others will wait here first."

After the words were finished, Hernando and Professor Delgado nodded in unison without any disagreement.

In the blink of an eye, the candidates were announced, namely Hernando representing Honduras, Professor Delgado representing Columbia University, and the representative from UNESCO.

Next, Ye Tian told these guys to put on some necessary protective equipment, and then led them to the cliff ahead.

Under the leadership of Ye Tian, ​​Professor Delgado and Hernando followed behind him, with Matisse at the back, and five people lined up and walked forward step by step.

They first walked along the marked road, and they were about to reach the end. When there was no way to go, Ye Tian suddenly turned to the left and bypassed a towering tree.

Turning around, another marked road appeared in front of their eyes.

Compared with the previous road perpendicular to the cliff, this path is narrower and twists and turns, extending deep into the rainforest.

When walking past this towering tree, Ye Tian suddenly stretched out the jungle machete in his hand and pushed aside a bush next to the tree.

Following his movements, a mottled stone sculpture suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This is a statue of the Feathered Serpent God, with an exaggerated shape, about two meters high, very close to the big tree, and looks like it is leaning on the big tree.

Most of the vines and vegetation that were originally entangled and attached to the statue have been cleaned up, and some wood chips and moss hang on the statue, which does not look very good.

The person who cleaned up this statue was naturally Ye Tian.

Seeing this ancient granite statue, Professor Delgado and the others immediately stopped and admired it.

They even wanted to go to the statue and study it carefully, but Ye Tian stopped it in time.

"Professor Delgado, you'd better stand still and admire this ancient statue, don't try to walk over it, there is a bottomless pit in front of this statue.

When I first found this statue, I almost fell for it. In addition to this bottomless pothole, there were also two giant poisonous centipedes entrenched on this statue of Feathered Serpent, and I shot them to death!

The main purpose of our coming this time is the clue about the Golden City on the cliff in front, this ancient statue of Feathered Serpent, and other things, we can study it later.”

As he spoke, he poked open a bush in front of the statue with a machete.

The next moment, a dark hole appeared in front of everyone.

Just like what Ye Tian said, this pit is bottomless, it seems to lead straight to hell, it's frightening to look at.


Professor Delgado and the others gasped, everyone was terrified.

After waking up, these guys took a quick look at the Feathered Serpent Shinto statue that was used as a bait to lure people into the trap, and then followed Ye Tian to continue walking forward.

Not far ahead, there was no way to go, another towering tree blocked Ye Tian and the others.

Ye Tian paused here, then pointed to a sunken ground on the right, and said to the guys following:

"According to my guess, there should have been a mechanism trap there, but because of its age, that mechanism trap has long since failed, and later turned into a quagmire.

As time went on, that quagmire also changed, and eventually it was filled with dirt and dead leaves, and became a solid field, only a little lower than the rest of the surrounding ground."

Saying that, Ye Tian stepped out, bypassed the towering tree in front of him, and turned to another direction.

Change scenery step by step.

As soon as everyone turned around, they saw a path full of flowers, which was pleasing to the eye.

But at this moment, Ye Tian's expression became much more serious.

"Everyone follow me closely. There are many highly poisonous plants growing on both sides of this path. It is best not to touch those flowers and plants, so as not to be accidentally poisoned.

In addition to the poisonous weeds, there are many trapping vines here. When I explored here before, I cut off a lot of them. If they are not in order, they will appear again. Everyone must be careful! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Hernando, Professor Delgado and others who followed immediately pulled out the jungle machete they carried with them, and prepared to fight the man-hunting vine.

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