Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2513 Best Solution

Before the cleaning work was completed, many archaeologists headed by Professor Delgado couldn't wait to start the research work.

They began to study the king of the gods in Mayan mythology, the golden temple of Kemu Kamenpus. Everyone was extremely excited and even mesmerized.

Hernando and the observer from UNESCO turned around and walked towards Ye Tian. Both of them had excited eyes, and they walked much more briskly.

Coming closer, Hernando took the lead in saying:

"Steven, I just received a call from the Presidential Palace. Under the instruction of the President, the Honduran Ministry of Culture, the National Museum, and other relevant departments quickly organized an archaeological team.

This archaeological team is heading towards the Copan Valley by car. When they arrive at Copan Ruinas, they will transfer to a helicopter and fly to this volcanic basin to assist the joint exploration team in exploring and cleaning up the treasures of the Golden City.

In addition, a large number of heavily armed Honduran military police have set off from various places and are gathering for Copan Ruinas, and then enter this tropical rainforest to protect the treasures of the Mayan Empire's golden city and avoid accidents.

As a partner, I think it is necessary to inform you of these situations. After the follow-up archaeological team and military police arrive here, I hope you can allow them to enter this volcanic basin and start working.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian shook his head immediately, and gave the answer firmly.

"The follow-up archaeological team? In my opinion, this is purely superfluous. It is impossible for me to allow them to enter this volcanic basin, let alone join the tripartite joint exploration team.

According to the exploration agreement we signed, the number of people participating in the joint exploration operation of the three parties to the agreement is fixed and cannot be changed at will. If you need to change it, you must obtain my permission.

This is Honduras. If you want to add people to the joint exploration team, you can add as many people as you want. Anyone can join in the name of archaeology.

So, what else is there for us here? Isn't our company's hard work in vain! It is an extremely stupid idea to let those guys fly here by helicopter! "

As soon as the words fell, Hernando's face changed immediately, becoming extremely ugly, blue and purple.

He was about to open his mouth to refute, but Ye Tian stopped him with his hand, and there was no one for him to refute.


Ye Tian continued to say:

"Hernando, not long after you made the phone call just now, the news that the Mayan Empire's Golden City was born has spread throughout the world and reached the ears of countless people!

As far as I know, the news of the birth of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire has caused a huge sensation, and it has also attracted countless greedy and coveted eyes, and many people have already launched actions.

Among them are countries, such as neighboring El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and other countries, as well as many treasure hunting companies, professional treasure hunters, mercenaries, gangsters and drug dealers, etc.

All these guys, like the tide, are swarming Honduras and Copán Valley, each with blood-red eyes, trying to get a piece of the treasure of the Golden City.

Fortunately, these greedy guys don't know the exact location of this volcanic basin. After arriving at Copan Ruinas, they still need to inquire carefully, or break into the rainforest to search blindly.

In view of this, I have asked my employees and security personnel to keep it strictly confidential, and not to disclose the coordinates of this volcanic basin to the outside world, so as not to attract those crazy guys who are stimulated by the treasure.

We have begun to control the use of satellite phones. Except for a few satellite phones, other modern communication devices have no signal here, and it is impossible to contact the outside world even if they want to.

Not only us, you and the Columbia University archaeological team must also control the use of satellite phones, keep as little contact with the outside world as possible, and don’t reveal the coordinates here when making calls.

Although this may not be completely confidential, it can also greatly extend the exposure time of this volcanic basin and buy us as much time as possible to clean up the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City.

As for the walkie-talkie in everyone's hands, the range of signal radiation is very limited, and it is only used for internal communication by the three-party joint exploration team, and the walkie-talkie communication station is in our hands.

With these secrecy measures, coupled with the perilous tropical rainforest around the basin, it is bound to be very difficult for those who come here for the treasure of the Golden City to find it.

If you let your follow-up archaeological team join and let them fly here by helicopter, this volcanic basin will be exposed immediately, and what will happen next is completely predictable!

I'm sure that there must be countless pairs of eyes staring at this temporary archaeological team, trying to track them, so as to find our location, and then start a looting operation! "

Hearing this, Hernando was immediately stunned, dumbfounded.

He really didn't think so much, nor did he think that because of the phone call he made to the Presidential Palace earlier, the outside world had set off huge waves and attracted countless coveted eyes!

And the Honduran presidential palace, parliament, and army are like a sieve, with holes everywhere, and the speed of leaking secrets is so fast, what a bunch of waste!

After a moment of silence, after reorganizing his thoughts, Hernando said:

"Steven, if the situation is really like what you said, then we really have to be careful, especially since this place is very close to El Salvador and Guatemala, we must be very careful about these two countries.

The things you said are not for me to decide. I will convey your thoughts to Mr. President and let Mr. President make the decision. I hope you can understand this point.”

Ye Tian nodded slightly, smiled and said:

"Hernando, you can call the Presidential Palace and ask about the situation in the outside world to see if it is the same as what I said. I believe that Mr. President will make the most sensible decision.

When you make a call, you must not reveal the coordinates of this volcanic basin. After you finish the call, we will put away all the satellite phones to prevent someone from using the satellite phone to leak information.

I might as well tell you that the first time we arrived here, every call made from here was under the monitoring of Mattis and the others, including calls on the walkie-talkie.

Of course, in order to protect privacy, normal calls will not be monitored. Only sensitive words such as coordinates and directions will be monitored and recorded, or even cut off the signal! "

"Protection of privacy? Let's talk nonsense, you bastard Yankees, when will you care about other people's privacy? I'm afraid every call we make is under the monitoring of you bastards!"

Hernando rolled his eyes helplessly, complaining secretly.

At the same time, he also felt a wave of fear. Fortunately, he was still relatively alert and did not talk about how to deal with these Yankees on the satellite phone.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I would have been killed by Steven, a bastard, and thrown into the depths of the rainforest as fertilizer!

After saying a few more words, Hernando took out the satellite phone and walked aside to call the President of Honduras.

At this moment, he was much more cautious, how dare he mention the coordinates of this volcanic basin on the phone.

As soon as he walked away, the UNESCO observer stepped forward and said with a serious expression:

"Steven, what we just discovered, especially the golden temple of the king of the gods, Kemu Kamenpus, is an important heritage of the Mayan civilization and an important cultural heritage belonging to people all over the world.

From the perspective of protecting and researching the Mayan civilization, UNESCO hopes that these heavyweight antique cultural relics can stay here to show the splendid Mayan civilization to all the people who come here,..."

This one was about to continue talking, but was interrupted by Ye Tian's direct words.

"Leave these priceless top-level antique relics here? Don't be kidding, Mr. Sanchez, this is the depths of the uninhabited tropical rainforest. Who will protect these Mayan antique relics?

You can also see that the temple of Kemu Kamenpus, the king of the gods, is covered with a thick layer of gold. Putting these antique cultural relics that are enough to drive people here is tantamount to stealing.

Let's talk about the surrounding environment, whether it is Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala, which of these three countries can protect these golden and top-level antiques, and none of them can.

These three countries are extremely poor, turbulent, and the people are destitute, and if you know that there is a lot of gold here, and it is unattended, guess what, people will go crazy for it?

The reason why the ancient city of Copan can exist is because there is a piece of architectural ruins, people can't move it away, and there is not a lot of gold there, which will not drive people crazy. The situation here is completely different!

According to the tripartite joint exploration agreement, all the antiques and cultural relics from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire belong to our brave and fearless exploration company. I will transport these priceless treasures and display them in my private museum.

Only then can these top-level antique cultural relics from the Mayan Empire get the best protection and show the glory of the Mayan civilization to the world. In my opinion, this is the best solution.”

Sanchez was completely dumbfounded, and stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, not knowing what to say for a while.

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