The sun rose again and sprinkled the sunshine all over Copan Reinas, and this small border town ushered in a new day.

At this time, Copan Ruinas is probably the most watched small city in the world, attracting countless curious and greedy eyes from all over the world.

The night that just passed, the entire Copan Reinas was brightly lit, stayed up all night, and was extremely lively.

Representatives from the Honduran government and parliament, archaeologists from the National Museum of Honduras and several universities, and a large number of heavily armed Honduran military police poured into this small border town like a tide.

In addition to them, there are countless professional treasure hunters, gangsters, mercenaries, drug dealers, thieves, unemployed vagrants who fantasize about getting rich overnight, etc., from all over the world, they have flocked here one after another as tourists.

Of course, there are many Mayans among them.

Even the Indians in North America, the Aztecs in northern Mexico, and the Incas in South America came here to join in the fun and try to make a fortune.

Copan Ruinas is just a small border town. Although it is a tourist spot, there are not many hotels in total.

Excluding the hotel booked by the tripartite joint exploration team and the hotel rooms occupied by those guys who arrived early, there were not many vacant rooms left.

Coupled with the Honduran officials and military personnel who occupy the interests of the landlords, it is impossible for those guys who came later to get the keys to any of the rooms.

As a matter of fact, the Honduran military police who surrounded Copan Reinas in a watertight manner also expressly prohibited these guys with ulterior motives from entering Copan Reinas.

Not only that, the top Honduran military even tried to arrest all these guys and deport them, but the situation was too complicated, so it was not implemented.

You must know that among these guys who rushed to Copan Ruinas as tourists, there are many people with official identities, even diplomats, and even special forces and secret agents from various countries.

Among them are the staff of embassies and consulates in Honduras from all over the world, as well as intelligence personnel, as well as special forces such as the Guatemalan special forces, intelligence personnel from El Salvador, and so on.

These guys are all fully armed, their eyes are reddened by the news of the birth of the Golden City, and everyone is strong, with powerful firepower,

Those are not easy to deal with!

Copan Ruinas is also a small city located on the border of the three countries. During this extremely sensitive period, if it is not handled properly, it will be settled, which will lead to greater troubles and even border conflicts.

Under such circumstances, what the Honduran government and military can do is to block Copan Ruinas and all news from the depths of the rainforest, and keep those guys with ulterior motives out.

Unable to enter Copan Ruinas, those guys who came to the Golden City of the Mayan Empire could only find a place to camp outside the city to spend the first night.

Fortunately, these guys are well prepared. They basically bring camping tents, sleeping bags, and other supplies and equipment needed for outdoor adventures. Camping outside the city will not trouble them at all.

Some of them were crazy and impatient, and they didn't even want to wait overnight. They broke into the tropical rainforest southwest of the ancient city of Copan during the night, trying to rob others of the legendary treasures of the Golden City.

However, how do these idiots know that what awaits them ahead is not the dazzling treasures of the Golden City, but deadly traps and countless poisonous insects and beasts living in this tropical rainforest.

The actual situation is exactly the same. Many people who broke into this tropical rainforest at night died in the dark without even seeing the morning sun. They died for nothing!

When a new day came, these guys camped on the grass outside the city packed up their tents one after another, packed their bags, and one by one were ambitiously preparing to enter the tropical rainforest to snatch the treasures of the legendary Golden City.

Official representatives of Honduras living in the city of Copan Ruinas, the newly formed archaeological team, and a large number of Honduran military police also took action, preparing to set off for the ancient city of Copan and then enter the tropical rainforest.

At this moment, from the road leading to Tegucigalpa, two convoys suddenly drove up, one in front and one in the back, attracting everyone's attention.

The convoy driving in front consisted of five SUVs, with a Honduran police car at the front and rear.

On the five SUVs in the middle of the convoy, the two flags of the United Nations and UNESCO were displayed on the front of each vehicle, and the word "UN" was printed in capital letters on the door, which was very eye-catching.

The convoy behind was even bigger, consisting of ten SUVs, two heavily armed armored vehicles, and four news broadcast vehicles.

There are a total of four Honduras police cars guarding the front, rear and surroundings of the convoy, and the military police on the police cars are fully armed and on high alert.

In addition, above this huge convoy, there are three medium-sized helicopters whistling over, following the convoy on the ground and moving forward synchronously.

The SUVs in this convoy all had the American flag on the front of the vehicle without exception, and the vehicle license plates were also special diplomatic license plates, apparently from the US embassy in Honduras.

On the other two armored vehicles, two flags were hung, one was the American flag and the other was the flag of the US Marine Corps.

The heavily armed soldiers on the two armored vehicles are obviously from the US Marine Corps and are likely to be military security personnel protecting the US embassy in Honduras.

The news broadcast vans at the back of the convoy are from National Geographic Channel and NBC TV station respectively. The satellite dishes on the roof, as well as the American flag and TV station logo on the car body are very conspicuous.

Three helicopters roared in the sky, two belonged to the National Geographic Channel and NBC TV station, with the logo of the TV station printed on the fuselage, and the other belonged to the Marine Corps, carrying a group of fully armed marines .

The arrival of these two teams caused a huge shock and left everyone stunned.

Looking at the two convoys, the national flags and signs on the vehicles, and the heavily armed U.S. Marines, the faces of everyone inside and outside Copan Ruinas changed and became very ugly.

"Fack! Steven is an extremely cunning bastard. This must be his handiwork. He not only moved out the diplomats from the US embassy in Honduras, but also invited the US news media to broadcast live.

This is not over yet, he even brought UNESCO to Copan Ruinas, making it clear that he wanted to use the power of the United States and the United Nations, and the influence of the international media, to protect his own interests! "

"It's so insidious! With the involvement of UNESCO and the US government, and with the National Geographic Channel and NBC TV broadcasting live, anyone who wants to loot the joint exploration team must think twice!"

Just when people were dumbfounded and talking, the two convoys drove into Copan Reinas and headed straight for the hotel that the tripartite joint exploration team had chartered.

And in the volcanic basin deep in the tropical rainforest, Ye Tian was enjoying his breakfast, standing on the edge of the platform, admiring the morning beauty of the tropical rainforest and listening to the melodious singing of the birds.

At this moment, Mathis and Jason came to his side and whispered to him:

"Steven, according to reports from the staff staying in Copan Reinas, just now, the convoy from UNESCO and the convoy from the US Embassy in Honduras have arrived in Copan Reinas at the same time.

In addition to these two convoys, two live teams from the National Geographic Channel and NBC TV station also followed the two convoys to Copan Ruinas, escorted by a group of guys from the Marine Corps.

In addition, all Raytheon's armed security personnel in Central and South America have arrived in Honduras, and some of them who are relatively close have rushed to Copan Ruinas one after another, and even entered this tropical rainforest.

These guys are all retired special forces experienced in many battles. They brought a large amount of weapons and ammunition, enough to fight a moderately intense war. Even if they overthrow the current government of Honduras, there is a certain possibility.

Around Copan Ruinas, in adjacent El Salvador and Guatemala, as well as on the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, various arrangements are being made in an orderly manner, and it is believed that the arrangements will be completed soon! "

Hearing Matisse's announcement, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said in a low voice:

"Look, guys, a series of wonderful shows will be staged soon!"

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