Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2526 Mayan Prophecy Pillar

With Ye Tian's movements, the distance between him and the fallen tree trunk has been drawn closer.

The frogs staying on the tree trunk suddenly became more vigilant, all staring at him closely, and might launch an attack at any time to kill this ignorant guy.

Because of its terrifying and highly poisonous nature, the frog has almost no natural enemies. Whether it is a human or an animal, once it comes into contact with the frog, even if it is just rubbed, it is basically impossible to escape death.

But this is not to say that the provincial frogs do not or will not take the initiative to attack. When they feel threatened, these guys will also jump up and attack, and directly kill the person or animal that threatens them.

At this moment, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective, and looked directly at those guys staying on the tree trunk.

The next moment, those little guys on the tree trunk who were staring at each other suddenly paused for a moment, then gave up their attacking posture and lay down on the vines and leaves.

Two of the guys who looked relatively small even yelled twice excitedly, and there seemed to be a sense of joy in their voices.

Of course, except for Ye Tian, ​​the rest of the people at the scene couldn't hear the subtle changes in the calls of these two provincial frogs.

At this time, Ye Tian had secretly breathed a sigh of relief, somewhat relaxed.

Afterwards, he took out another pair of gloves and put them on the stab-resistant gloves he already had, and then took out a metal box prepared in advance, preparing to contain these extremely poisonous frogs.

In fact, when passing through this area last night, he found these extremely poisonous guys, but he didn't try to subdue them and walked past them.

When he got back to the campsite, he prepared the metal box and made a strategy. After preparing to perform in public today, he would subdue these frogs, which made sense.

Jason, David and others standing behind, as well as the rest of the joint exploration team, all held their breaths, watching Ye Tian step by step approaching the tree trunk and those extremely poisonous frogs.

However, they could only see Ye Tian's back, but couldn't see the frontal situation, and naturally they couldn't see the communication between Ye Tian and those frogs.

When Ye Tian walked up to the tree trunk and stretched out his hand, everyone's heart immediately rose to their throats, and they didn't even dare to vent their breath. They all widened their eyes and stared at his every move.

Fortunately nothing happened,

Everyone didn't see those extremely poisonous frogs violently attacking people. They only saw Ye Tian's arms contracted back and forth a few times, and the movements were very slight and careful.

After a while, Ye Tian turned around and looked at the people not far behind.

At this time, there was a small metal box in his hand, and what was contained in it were obviously those extremely poisonous frogs.

"Okay, the danger is gone, you don't have to worry, I have put the frogs on the tree trunk into this box, and they will not threaten everyone's safety.

But, everyone, don't come here for the time being, wait for me to investigate here to see if there are any hidden frogs, and after I confirm that it is completely safe, everyone will come again."

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, giving everyone at the scene a reassurance.

After speaking, he began to explore the tree trunk lying on the ground, as well as the area under and near the trunk.


The rest of the joint exploration team standing behind breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot.

Immediately afterwards, everyone started discussing excitedly.

"It's unbelievable. How did Steven do it? Those extremely poisonous frogs are so docile in front of him. I can't believe my eyes."

"Those jaguars yesterday, today these extremely poisonous frogs, this guy Steven can always create a miracle, it seems that he is the real king of the jungle"

While everyone was exclaiming and discussing, many people also thought in their hearts, what will Steven do with these provincial frogs? Or how to use these extremely poisonous guys?

There is no doubt that in the future, people will die under the poison of these frogs, inexplicably, and extremely miserable!

Fortunately, I am not the enemy of Steven, so I don't have to worry about the poison of these provincial frogs being used on me.

As for those guys who were poisoned to death, they can only consider themselves unlucky, who made them provoke people who shouldn't be provoked!

"Okay, guys, you can come here, no other frogs are found here, but everyone should be more careful, try not to touch the flowers and trees here"

Ye Tian finished his investigation and said loudly to this side.

At the same time, he also took off the outermost glove on his hand, and threw it to the side of the open space, and he will deal with it later.

As for the metal box containing a few frogs, he had put them in a bag and put them in his backpack.

In a blink of an eye, the rest of the people had already walked over.

As soon as they came here, everyone started asking questions and checking the surrounding situation. Many people still had lingering fears and were somewhat worried.

Especially the botanist from Columbia University, who really wanted to know what Ye Tian would do with those dwarf frogs, and even wanted to take those dwarf frogs as his own and take them back for research.

Naturally, Ye Tian couldn't agree to this request.

He casually responded with a few words, and calmed everyone's emotions, telling everyone not to worry, this place is safe now, as long as you don't touch those flowers and plants.

In addition, everyone is wearing protective clothing. Even if the surrounding flowers, plants and trees are highly poisonous, as long as you are a little careful and do a thorough disinfection later, there should be no problem.

Following Ye Tian's words, everyone's emotions gradually calmed down, and they also turned their attention to the tree trunk in front of them, eyes full of curiosity.

"Cole, take a few guys to clean up all the vines, flowers and plants on this trunk. It is best to use jungle machetes and other tools when cleaning. Don't touch those flowers and plants with your hands. Be careful and don't hurt the people below. trunk"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and pointed to the tree trunk lying on the ground.

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us, and it will be cleaned up soon"

Cole nodded in agreement, and immediately took several company employees and security team members into action.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Delgado stepped forward and asked:

"Steven, is this the trunk of a big tree, or something else? Did you find anything? Tell everyone!"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the historian, then glanced at the others, and then said with a smile:

"According to my observation, this should not be the trunk of a big tree, but probably a marble or granite pillar, and it was carved out of a whole block of stone.

Regarding this point, we can see some clues from the vines and flowers and plants outside, especially those vines, some of which should be hundreds of years old, or even longer.

If this is a tree trunk, after such a long time, I am afraid that it has already broken and decayed, or it is full of branches, but this thing in front of me is not the case,..."

Following Ye Tian's explanation, everyone also saw some clues and nodded their heads.

At this moment, Cole suddenly interjected and interrupted everyone's discussion.

"Steven, you read that right. This is indeed a granite pillar, and it is full of Mayan hieroglyphs and strange patterns. Unfortunately, there is no gold on the outside of this stone pillar."

With that said, Cole stretched out his finger and pointed to an area that had just been cleared on the stone pillar.

As he said, this is indeed a granite pillar. Although there is a layer of moss, a lot of grass and sawdust, and a little soil on it, the texture of the stone pillar, as well as the hieroglyphs and patterns carved on it can be seen clearly.

Hearing Cole's words, Ye Tian immediately stopped talking, walked to the side of the stone pillar, and looked at the area that had just been cleared.

The same goes for the rest of the experts and scholars. They all followed and looked at the stone pillar curiously.

After just a glance, Professor Delgado and Douglas, as well as several other experts and scholars who have deep research on Mayan hieroglyphics and Mayan civilization, froze there, as if they had been immobilized.

At this time, they were all stunned, their eyes full of disbelief, even crazy.

But in the depths of Ye Tian's eyes, there was ecstatic excitement, a smile, and even a bit of greed.

It's just that these emotions were well concealed by him, and they didn't show on his face at all.

After a while, everyone just woke up.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Delgado muttered to himself in a trembling voice:

"My God! This should be a Mayan prophecy pillar. The content recorded on it seems to be related to the legend of the second sun of the Maya, Jiye Ketel. How can there be such an antique cultural relic in the world? It's incredible!

Mayan prophecies have always been illusory legends. There are only a few records in some Mayan pyramids and important temples, but they are just a few words. Who would have thought that there is actually a Mayan prophecy column here! "

Following Professor Delgado's words, the scene immediately exploded, and the exclamation sounded crazily.

"The Mayan Prophecy Pillar, did I hear correctly? If it is really a Mayan Prophecy Pillar, there is no doubt that the whole world will be shocked by it, and even an earthquake of magnitude 10 will occur!"

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