Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2530 constant surprises

The joint exploration team was still exploring in the depths of the rainforest, and surprises appeared one after another. Excited cheers continued to come from the depths of the rainforest, startling countless birds and other animals that inhabit this rainforest.

Following the previous series of discoveries, during the follow-up exploration process, we successively discovered several Mayan Empire architectural ruins hidden under flowers, trees and soil, or entangled by layers of vines.

Among them are pyramids, temples, altars, palaces, and residential buildings of different heights and specifications, and built in different periods.

Some of them are relatively intact, while others have already collapsed and turned into ruins, revealing endless desolation.

Inside and outside these Mayan Empire architectural sites, there are more or less Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns carved, as well as some stone murals describing sacrifices and wars, hunting and daily life.

There are many Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns engraved on important buildings such as pyramids, temples, and altars, and the content of the descriptions is more important and worthy of careful study.

On buildings such as residential buildings, there are relatively fewer engraved characters and patterns, but they also have certain research value. You can get a glimpse of the life of the Mayans who once lived in the Golden City.

Like the previously discovered architectural ruins of the Mayan Empire, the interior and exterior of these architectural ruins discovered later are also decorated with a lot of gold and precious stones, which look resplendent.

Especially buildings such as pyramids and temples are decorated with a lot of gold on the outside, which is extremely luxurious, showing people the Maya's respect for the gods.

It is these resplendent Mayan buildings that made the legend of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire true to its name.

It is also these massive amounts of gold that are enough to make people crazy, which have continued to attract countless greedy guys for thousands of years, and they have been looking for the legendary golden city in various parts of Central and South America.

In addition to a large amount of glittering gold, there are many exquisite sculptures, pottery, stone tablets and other valuable antique relics inside and outside these Mayan Empire architectural sites.

In addition, near those pyramids and temples, in the depths of the ground, the joint exploration team discovered several hidden treasures, which contained a large amount of gold, which caused the continuous sound of pulse metal detectors.

Of course, in the eyes of the ancient Mayans, these astonishing amounts of dazzling gold were only used to decorate buildings such as temples and pyramids, and to worship the gods. Apart from this, they had no other meaning.

But in the eyes of modern people,

There are too many things that those massive amounts of gold mean! Even if it is only a small part of it, it is enough to attract people crazy.

As before, in order to save time, after discovering these hidden treasures, the joint exploration team did not dig them immediately, but marked their locations, recorded them, and dug them later.

As for whether there are other items besides gold in those treasures, such as a large number of gems, pottery, and antique cultural relics, etc., it is temporarily unknown, and the answer will only be known when those treasures are dug out.

Everything was as Ye Tian expected. During the follow-up exploration, the joint exploration team discovered another Mayan prophecy pillar.

This is the Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the Kuiyaviloma of the Third Sun. Compared with the previously discovered Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the Second Sun, this Mayan Prophecy Pillar is more completely preserved.

It was only broken into two pieces, the upper half was on the grass in the rain forest, and the lower half was still standing on the round altar. The Mayan calendar on the top of the prophecy column was also intact.

Like the Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the Second Sun, this Mayan Prophecy Pillar is also engraved with hieroglyphs and patterns, as well as various murals, all of which are related legends and prophecies of the Third Sun.

The Mayan calendar located at the top of the prophecy column, right above the head of the sun god, is impressively engraved with the words Quayvillo, which corresponds to the legendary Muria civilization.

The year on the Mayan calendar also starts from the beginning of the third solar period, records the evolution of the third solar period, and records the time that has already passed.

Also in this complete Mayan calendar, the first and second solar periods that have already passed can be traced forward, and the future fourth and fifth solar periods can also be deduced backward, which is very complete.

Immediately after the discovery of the Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the Third Solar Period, there was an almost crazy cheer in the depths of the rainforest, resounding throughout the entire rainforest and even the entire volcanic basin.

Especially those experts and scholars who studied the Mayan civilization were ecstatic and danced on the spot.

Next, Ye Tian asked the members of the exploration team to clean up the Mayan prophecy column, and then carefully admired and studied it.

At this time, it was almost dusk, and the light conditions in the rainforest became worse and worse.

Although everyone was still full of energy and fighting spirit, and wanted to continue exploring and discover more treasures, for safety reasons, Ye Tian announced the end of today's exploration and led the team back to the campsite.

Regarding his decision, those experts and scholars deliberately opposed it, but after looking at the surrounding situation and thinking about the various dangers encountered along the way, they shut their mouths.

When the joint exploration team returned to the camp located on the mountainside on the east side of the basin, everyone felt exhausted like a tide, and they all cried out.

Next, everyone took off their protective clothing one after another, and as if they were liberated, they greedily breathed in the fresh air. Some guys even spread them directly on the platform, regardless of their image!

After a while, the sun set from the mountain peak on the west side of the basin, and the afterglow of the setting sun dyed the whole sky red, which was extremely beautiful.

Numerous homing birds flew from all directions, and flew back to this secret and rich tropical rainforest, and also brought the most beautiful singing to everyone.

The night gradually rises, gradually devouring this piece of tropical rainforest that hides countless gold and silver treasures and antique relics, and hides a lost civilization, just like countless dusks in the past!

On the platform on the mountainside on the east side of the basin, the bonfire was burning again, and the moving music and the smell of barbecue came from the platform, causing a commotion in the rainforest below.

The family of three female jaguars who had left here before found it again following the smell of barbecue.

They are still lying on the bottom of the platform at the Golden Temple of Kemu Kamenpus, looking up at the platform above with full expectation, waiting for the delicious roast beef, ready to feast on it.

After waiting for a short time, Ye Tian, ​​who returned to the camp and washed up, came down from the platform with a plate of roast beef overflowing with fragrance, and brought delicious food to the family of three.

As soon as he appeared, the two young jaguars jumped up excitedly, and then ran towards him along the steps, purring as they went.

When they came close, Ye Tian stroked the heads of the two little guys first, then picked up two pieces of beef and threw them to the two guys respectively.

Then he picked up a large piece of roast beef and threw it to the somewhat reserved female jaguar.

Next, he sat on the golden porch of Kemu Kamenpus, the king of the gods, watching the three jaguars eat and play with these three guys.

After a while, Mattis and Jason walked off the platform with a plate of roast beef each.

When they came close, they first handed the roast beef to Ye Tian, ​​asking him to feed the three jaguars, and then began to report the situation in a low voice.

"Steven, I informed the guys at the U.S. Embassy in Honduras and UNESCO of the joint exploration team's discovery today, and as you expected, those guys were shocked and exclaimed.

Especially the pictures of the two Mayan prophecy pillars directly stunned those guys, and even alarmed the person in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. What happened next was logical.

With that person's consistent style, he will definitely try his best to get these Mayan prophecy pillars back to the United States. With the supervision of UNESCO and the live broadcast to the world, we are the ones who will benefit in the end! "

Jason smiled and whispered, his tone quite excited.

Hearing this, Ye Tian and Mathis immediately laughed.


After the laughter fell, Matisse said again:

"Steven, those guys from Raytheon Company have entered this tropical rain forest in batches, and some of them have already launched operations to secretly intercept those guys who covet the treasure of the Golden City. Tonight will be very lively..."

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