Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2532 the secret in the hills

Cole and another Fearless Exploration Company employee took a pulse metal detector and began to use the coil to detect the ground in front of the water vine screen, but found nothing.

Obviously, there is no hidden gold under the grass in front of the water vine screen. As for whether there are ancient Mayan architectural ruins, it is still hard to say, and further exploration is needed.

Immediately afterwards, Cole and the others took a step forward, raised the detection coil of the pulse metal detector, and stretched it towards the hanging water vine screen, trying to detect whether there were metal objects behind the water vine screen.

To be precise, it is to detect whether there is a large amount of gold or gold products.

In their long history of civilization, the Mayans only discovered and used this precious metal, and it was used for sacrifices. If a metal signal is detected here, it can only be gold.


Before the detection coil of the pulse metal detector approached the water rattan screen, a series of moving chirps sounded from the scene, which sounded like heaven!

Obviously, behind this screen of water vines, behind those few towering trees and bushes, there is a lot of gold hidden, or a pyramid or temple decorated with a lot of gold.

Of course, it may also be an antique relic such as a golden statue, but it must be a treasure of amazing value.

Hearing this series of tweets, bright smiles appeared on everyone's faces immediately. Everyone was extremely excited, and everyone's eyes were full of expectation and curiosity.

What is hidden behind this water rattan screen? pyramid? Golden Temple? Or something else?

Just when everyone let their imaginations fly and imagined to their heart's content, the situation has changed suddenly.

Perhaps it was disturbed by Cole and the others, or perhaps by the beeping of the pulse metal detector, a black water vine that was hanging upside down on the water vine screen suddenly came to life.

Not only that, the black guy jumped out, condescending, and directly rushed towards Cole who was holding a pulse metal detector, like a black lightning.


There was a sound of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was shocked by this sudden change.

Bear the brunt of Cole,

Faced with this situation, he was somewhat panicked and took a step back.

Fortunately, he was a SEAL special soldier, and he was an elite among the elites. He reacted very quickly. While backing away, he swung the pulse metal detector coil in his hand and faced the black lightning.

It's a pity that his speed is still not as fast as that black lightning.

At this moment, another bolt of black lightning flew from behind him at a faster speed, and directly hit the black shadow that jumped down from the water vine screen.


Accompanied by the sound of breaking wind, these two black shadows coming from different directions collided fiercely.

The next moment, everyone saw a black triangle snake head suddenly flying into the air, and brought out a string of scarlet blood in the air, which seemed to have a fishy smell.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that an Indian tomahawk slashed fiercely on the water vine screen, directly breaking two vines, and deeply embedded in the water vine screen.

Where the water vine screen was split by the Indian tomahawk, a stream of clear fresh water flowed down the vines directly to the ground.

Ye Tian was naturally the one who threw the tomahawk and rescued Cole at the critical moment.

The one that jumped down from the water vine screen to attack Cole, but was killed by Ye Tian with the Indian tomahawk, was a blue-black three-color spearhead viper, which looked like a water vine vine at first glance.

Viper tricolor, also known as the ultimate pit viper, is a large pit viper distributed in Central and South America. It is highly poisonous and aggressive. It is the pit viper that hurts the most people in Central and South America, and it is also the most dangerous snake in these places. .

This tricolor lancehead viper obviously perched on this water vine screen, and it would only violently hurt people after being disturbed by the pulse metal detector in Cole's hand.

When everyone saw the head of the three-color spearhead viper that fell on the ground, and the body of the snake that was still wriggling and bleeding, they couldn't help but gasped, feeling terrified.

The same is true for Cole, but he didn't say much, just nodded slightly to Ye Tian to express his gratitude.

Ye Tian also nodded, then smiled and said:

"Since there are treasures behind this water vine screen, then you don't have to be polite, Cole, Gray Wolf, you can cut off this water vine screen directly, so as to avoid future troubles.

When cutting these water vines, you should be more careful, try to avoid getting the fresh water in the water vines, and be careful of the attack of the tricolor lancehead, safety is the top priority!

The fresh water stored in those water vines is very likely to contain highly poisonous, as for the highly poisonous three-color lancehead viper, there may be some hidden in the vines."

"Understood, Steven, leave this to us, we will be careful"

Cole nodded in response, then put down the pulse metal detector in his hand, turned to pull out the jungle machete, and led Gray Wolf and the others into action.

And the Columbia University botanist standing aside saw that Cole and the others were preparing to remove these newly discovered highly poisonous water vines, and immediately became impatient, so he wanted to stop it.

However, before he could speak, Ye Tian said first:

"Don't be nervous. In this tropical rainforest, I believe there are many such highly poisonous water vines, not just the ones in front of me. We will definitely encounter this kind of highly poisonous water vines in the future.

If you want to study and examine these highly poisonous water vines, you will have opportunities later on, but not right now. Since there are highly poisonous three-colored vipers, they must be cleaned up thoroughly.

More importantly, we are here to explore the treasures of the Golden City. Since there are treasures behind this water vine screen, we must remove these highly poisonous water vines to avoid hidden dangers! "

Hearing this, the Columbia University botanist could only smile wryly, with a face full of helplessness, and said nothing more, who let the initiative not be in his own hands!

He knew very well in his heart that it was useless to say anything now, no matter how rare the plants in front of him were, as long as they stood in front of the treasure, Steven would eradicate them without hesitation!

After the previous emergencies, Cole and Gray Wolf were a lot more careful.

It didn't take long for them to cut off all the highly poisonous water vines hanging from the heights, and released all the fresh water stored in those water vines.

Just as Ye Tian expected, the fresh water in those water vines was highly poisonous, and when it flowed onto the nearby grass, it poisoned many flowers and plants instantly.

In the process of cleaning the water vine screen, Cole and the others also conveniently killed a few highly poisonous three-colored spearheads, which were entrenched among the vines.

When everyone is prepared and holding a jungle machete, the threat of these three-colored vipers is not worth mentioning!

When the natural water vine screen was cleared away, what appeared in front of everyone was a dense bush and several towering trees.

Next, Cole and the others uprooted the bushes and sprinkled powerful snake medicine around them, clearing out a relatively safe passage.

Afterwards, everyone bypassed the towering trees, and a small hill full of flowers, plants and trees appeared in front of everyone.

The strong metal signal that Cole and the others had explored before obviously came from this small hill about four meters high.

Needless to say, there must be a treasure hidden inside this small hill.

As for whether this treasure is a pyramid or temple covered with a thick layer of gold, or an altar, or a gold sculpture, or something else, it is temporarily unknown!

Only when this treasure is dug out, the answer will naturally be revealed.

Before coming to this small hill, Cole picked up the pulse metal detector again and started to detect, while the other guys stood by to protect them, all on high alert.

As soon as Cole turned on the pulse metal detector, there was a rapid and melodious chirping sound, the signal was extremely strong, and it sounded extremely moving.

Looking at the crowd at the scene, they all had bright smiles on their faces.

What is hidden in this small hill? Could it be that there is a huge amount of gold, which is why such a strong signal is sent?

Without exception, everyone at the scene was guessing and discussing, and everyone was very excited!

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