Just like when he was exploring the golden temple of the god Itsumner before, Ye Tian threw the climbing rope from the top of the mountain again, pulling the exploration team and archaeologists who were in charge of clearing the top of the mountain up one by one.

Due to the large area at the top of the hill, which looks like a small square, the number of the exploration team cleaning up the top of the hill has also increased a few people accordingly to speed up the excavation and cleaning and save time.

It was still Jason who led the expedition team, along with three employees of the Intrepid Exploration Company, two archaeological team members from Columbia University, and two archaeological team members from Honduras.

Then there are two archaeologists responsible for on-site guidance, namely Professor Delgado and the director of the National Museum of Honduras. This is the result of their strong request.

Considering that there is enough space on the top of the mountain, there is no need to worry about being too crowded, and there is a safety rope for protection, Ye Tian agreed to their request and pulled the two archaeologists to the top of the mountain.

When the exploration team and the two archaeologists came to the top of the mountain and saw the situation here, they were all stunned, each of them dumbfounded, their eyes shining.

"Wow! I didn't expect the area on the top of the mountain to be so large. This is simply a small square!"

"There is no doubt that this is a great miracle. I am a bit puzzled. How did the Mayans, who did not know how to use metal tools and did not have modern means of transportation and lifting equipment, build such a magnificent pyramid?

The Mayan pyramids are made of a large number of boulders, and those boulders often weigh more than ten tons. How did the Mayans cut and transport those boulders? And pile them up to a height of forty or fifty meters? "

Hearing these exclamations, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly.

"Guys, what you see now is indeed a great miracle. Although this pyramid of the Golden City is not as tall as the famous Cholula Pyramid, nor is it as magnificent as the Kukulkan Pyramid in the Yucatan Peninsula.

However, this Golden City Lord Pyramid is even more important. It is likely to be the most important pyramid in the entire history of Mayan civilization, and even the entire history of Indian civilization. Its discovery will definitely cause a sensation in the whole world.

How the Mayan pyramids were built is an eternal mystery. No one knows why the Mayans spent huge manpower and material resources to build tall pyramids in the rainforest? This also no one knows.

Moreover, these Mayan pyramids are connected to form a huge astronomical observation network. Perhaps it is true that the Mayan civilization came from aliens, as in the legend.

With mystical abilities unknown and uncomprehended to us moderns,

Of course, there is also such a possibility that the secrets about how the Mayans built the pyramids and other secrets about the Mayan civilization are hidden on this most important main pyramid, and we need to explore it.”

As he said that, Ye Tian pointed to the small hill in the middle of the top of the mountain, and lightly stomped the ground.

Hearing his words, Professor Delgado, the curator of the National Museum of Honduras, and Jason and the others nodded in unison and became more excited.

"Steven, let's start working. To be honest, I can't wait. I can't wait to clean up all the flowers, trees, and vines here, and see how magnificent and amazing this Golden City Lord Pyramid is!"

Professor Delgado said excitedly, his excited eyes lit up.

The same goes for everyone else, all eager to try.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then smiled and said:

"Okay, let's start working now. Before pulling you up, I roughly checked the situation on the top of the mountain, and cleared a trail around the top of the mountain for everyone to walk and settle down.

In addition, I also cleaned up the highly poisonous flowers, plants, trapping vines, and some poisonous insects on the top of the mountain, and sprinkled medicine on the top of the mountain. Now it is safe here.

Even so, when you clean up the flowers, plants, trees and vines on the top of the mountain later, you still have to be careful, don't be careless, in some hidden corners, there are hidden dangers if they are not neatly preserved."

"Understood, Steven, we will be more careful, everyone's protective measures are in place, there shouldn't be any problems"

Jason continued, and the rest of the people nodded, everyone was full of confidence.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Next, let me tell you about the division of labor. The eight exploration team members, including Jason, are divided into four groups, two in groups. Each group is responsible for cleaning one side of the mountain top, and clearing away all the flowers, trees, and vines. .

After cleaning the periphery, let's continue to clean the small hill, which is the Golden Temple of the Sun God. Each group is responsible for cleaning one side. During the cleaning process, everyone must be careful not to damage anything.

Except for the flowers, trees and vines, everything on the top of the mountain is a priceless top antique cultural relic, which is of great historical research value. Any negligence may cause irreparable losses.

Professor Delgado and I are responsible for on-site guidance. If you encounter any problems during the cleaning process, it is best to raise them as soon as possible, and we will negotiate to resolve them. That's all there is to say, let's move! "

"Okay, Steven"

Jason and the others responded in unison, and immediately took action.

Next, the eight exploration team members led by Jason were divided into four groups, two by two, each occupying one side, and began to clean up the lush flowers, trees and vines on the top of the mountain.

Professor Delgado and the curator of the National Museum of Honduras also moved. They followed their respective exploration groups and participated in the cleaning work with great interest.

Ye Tian then followed his two exploration teams to guide these guys to clean up.

As the cleaning work began, the flowers, trees, and vines that originally grew on the top of the mountain suddenly ushered in the end.

They were chopped off by Qi Gen, or uprooted, and then thrown from the top of the mountain by Jason and the others.

In a blink of an eye, many of the lush flowers, trees and vines on the top of the mountain were cut down.

Hidden in the tropical rainforest and completely swallowed by the tropical rainforest, the pyramid of the golden city master was finally able to see the light of day again after more than a thousand years, revealing its true face little by little!

Jason and the others cut down another dense bush, and Ye Tian immediately stepped forward, ready to check the newly exposed ground.

At this moment, Professor Delgado, who was supervising the cleanup work on the north side of the mountain, suddenly said excitedly:

"Steven, you'd better come and have a look. On a piece of ground that has just been cleared, there seems to be an ancient map of the starry sky. One of the stars is very eye-catching. Judging from its position, it should be the Polaris.

More importantly, next to the star, there are several Mayan hieroglyphs engraved, and there is also a mural. The protagonist in the mural happens to be Samanek, the god of the North Star. In the painting, he points to the sky.

I believe this is definitely not a coincidence. It is hard to say that the top of the main pyramid of the Golden City is not only an astronomical observatory, but also a huge map of the starry sky is drawn on the ground, which is too amazing! "

Hearing what Professor Delgado said, Jason at the top of the tower and everyone at the foot of the mountain all exclaimed.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then walked to the north of the top of the tower.

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